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Want Halo 2 clothing? Of course you do!

Halo 2 apparel

They've got some pretty awesome shirts there. I have already ordered the gun-metal Legendary shirt. :D

Its funny how I found out about this site. I was at work and just before I left I checked my mailbox. I had this flyer there from this company with all the info I'd need for my store to carry these shirts and set up an account with them. There sure is a lot of markup on clothing! Oh well. I know my store won't carry these so I guess I'll pay retail if that's what it takes to get one of those cool shirts.

But yeah, check it out if you wanna show up to the midnight madness thing Nov. 9th and upstage all the other nerds. :) Well, except for the guys in Nightmare Armor....

I ordered this one from Bungie last week:

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