Shinobi said:
:lol :lol :lol The bullshit at Tiananmen Square alone tells us that such hopes are pointless. Of course how did the world respond to that mess? They made China the fastest growing economy in history.
The question isn't if China (or any other nation in a similiar spot) will abuse their powers. The question is how much power will they have to abuse.
Come off it know, China has moved great strides from the Tiananmen Square incident.
Just look at the flexibility in which they handled the reclaiming of Hong Kong.
The whole point of me razing China in this thread has been completely lost.
The point I was trying to make is the action the US has taken in Iraq has set a dangerous precedent.
In 10-15+ years when China becomes the worlds hegemonic power could they justify invading America because there weapons of mass destruction are a threat and killing 100k+ people to boot?
It was purely a hypothetical for people to say thats pretty fucked up but instead the majority of replies have been.
China is going to abuse there power more then America
There Human rights record is fucked
I apologize for sounding like a broken record but 100K+ dead Iraqis is pretty dam shocking plus the total disregard for the Geneva Convention, that its self isnt a stellar human rights record.
Plus seeing Vietnam only a few years ago which still has scares from the Vietnam war and talking to a friend from the country. I was shocked at the total disregard for the innocent civilian life.
Dropping two Atomic Bombs on Japan in World War 2.
Appointing puppet dictators, after over throwing unwanted governments.
I dont understand how America can criticize Chinas Human rights record when they have gotten away with blue murder.
I know I am going to get flamed by most Americans for saying this but surely you HAVE to understand why there is such resentment towards your country within the international community.
Things are not going to change in Iraq over night, like I said earlier people have had there families killed by this occupation there will be generations of resentment.
The standard reply in this thread hasnt filled me with confidence either, I dont see how people can laugh at such topic or make jokes. Rather then eating a slice of humble pie people in this thread still defend there government and I dont.
I could post pages of aspects of Australian governments I am not proud of but governments need to reflect to past mistakes to make better judgments in the future.