Is there a reason Rohrabacher yes?![]()
This is weirding me out also.
Is there a reason Rohrabacher yes?![]()
Trump ruins Obama Cuba relations
Congress ruins Obama Iran relations
But hey Russia got sanctioned, which barely impacts USA but impacts EU
He won't veto it, as he'd be overridden.
Which means he'll come out for it and use it to establish his see-I-can-fuck-with-Russia-too bonafides. Doesn't really have another play.
Unless he levels up in idiocy of course and rages against it, I guess that's always possible.
He'll veto it because he's all about b.s non actions.
I think if this doesnt hurt Russia too badly Putin might let Donny let this slide. Cause it will be a shit storm if it gets vetoed, Putin might wanna save that veto for something else.
Is there a reason Rohrabacher yes?![]()
PARIS (Reuters) - France's foreign ministry on Wednesday said new U.S. sanctions against Iran, Russia and North Korea appeared at odds with international law due to their extra-territorial reach.
The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday for these sanctions, which could affect European firms.
The foreign ministry said in a statement that French and European laws would need to be adjusted in response and added that discussions would be necessary at European Union level because of the potential impact on European citizens and firms.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia warned on Wednesday that new U.S. sanctions against Moscow approved by the House of Representatives take already battered ties into uncharted waters and said it was close to taking retaliatory measures of its own.
Moscow had initially hoped that Trump would work to repair a relationship which has slumped to a post-Cold War low, but has watched with frustration as allegations that Moscow interfered with last year's U.S. presidential election and concerns over Trump associates' Russia ties have killed off hopes of detente.
Russia flatly denies the meddling accusations.
On Wednesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the Interfax news agency the latest U.S. sanctions move left no room to improve ties between Moscow and Washington in the near future and took the relationship into uncharted waters.
"This is already having an extremely negative impact on the process of normalizing our relations," Ryabkov told Interfax.
U.S.-Russia relations were entering "uncharted territory in a political and diplomatic sense," he added.
Russia has repeatedly warned the United States it will retaliate against what it sees as hostile moves and Ryabkov made clear Moscow was growing tired of showing restraint.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier this month that too many American spies operated in Russia under diplomatic cover and that it might expel some of them to retaliate over Washington's expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats last year.
That warning reflected rising frustration in Moscow over the Trump administration's refusal to hand back two Russian diplomatic compounds which were seized at the same time as the diplomats were sent home.
Many Russian politicians believe Trump's political opponents and Congress have successfully reduced the U.S. president's room for maneuver on Russia to almost nil.
Ryabkov told Interfax the new sanctions bill was the "brainchild" of U.S. Congressmen who hated Russia and wanted to box in Trump.
Konstantin Kosachyov, who heads the foreign relations committee in Russia's upper house of parliament, called on Moscow to devise a "painful" response to the U.S. move.
Wouldn't be surprised if he pocket vetoes it and then they try and spin it like he forgot before taking his month long vacation.
Maybe the EU should pull its head out of its ass then and start working on Energy independence. Instead Russia and Germany conspire to increase your reliance on Russia even more
Is there a reason Rohrabacher yes?![]()
Europe is working hard on that, but it's nearly impossible with its geography, dense population and barely any natural ressources.Maybe the EU should pull its head out of its ass then and start working on Energy independence. Instead Russia and Germany conspire to increase your reliance on Russia even more
First things first. The EU should start working on Independence from the US. Fed up with our governments supporting US politics. Then we can work on other problems.
Wouldn't be surprised if he pocket vetoes it and then they try and spin it like he forgot before taking his month long vacation.
Yeah, it's all too transparent. The US wants Europe to stop getting Russian gas and oil so they can sell their own to us. They are equally bad options.
When does he actually get the bill? What kind of time table is there to sign it?
Why would he do this? Optics wise it looks horrendous for him - it's as bipartisan a bill as you could get. A poster child for functioning government. How would he benefit from saying he didn't sign it? Who would be against this bill?
If he were to veto it, it's just another piece of evidence on the already overwhelming mountain that is alluding to the fact that he is more than likely a fucking traitor.
Can someone explain to me the benefit of blowing up the Iran deal and why even the Democrats so overwhelmingly support it?
Can someone explain to me the benefit of blowing up the Iran deal and why even the Democrats so overwhelmingly support it?
While Iran is mad about these new sanctions, nobody is blowing up the Iran nuclear deal. That isn't even something the US could do in a meaningful capacity. The US has been sanctioning Iran's ballistic missile program this entire time
Nothing to do with the nuclear deal? Huh. Do you think Iran will see it that way?This isn't about the nuclear deal but new sanctions based on ballistic weapons tests and material support of Assad.
Nothing to do with the nuclear deal? Huh. Do you think Iran will see it that way?
Well, good. Slapping on more sanctions seems like walking a tightrope, though.
I do believe I posted that "Iran is mad about these new sanctions", regardless. However that is not the same as "blowing up" the deal
It's being pushed for the economics reasons but it is also being used for political gains.Sanctions really all about stopping Nordstream and selling US liquefied natural gas to Europe. Really interesting to see how Germany responds.
Basically, when the free market doesn't go your way, you have to rig it.
Trump won't veto this. He just won't. Or I'll eat my hat.
U.S., Russia, same deal amirite? After all, one is a country whose military presence in Europe serves to preserve EU's territorial integrity, and the other sends little green men across the borders of European countries to slice off pieces of territory a la 1939.
Let's take a wild guess as to which country is responsible for Europe's security and which one is responsible for putting it under siege.
This is just to placate the neocons who want to blow up the Iran deal. A country is allowed to have ballistic missiles, it makes no sense to sanction a nation for that. US really wants to renege on the nuclear deal but give the appearance that it's Iran that's not compliant and thus reneging. This is the intent.
I do believe I posted that "Iran is mad about these new sanctions", regardless. However that is not the same as "blowing up" the deal. Like I said, the US has been sanctioning the Iranian ballistic missile program since literally the day the nuclear deal went into effect. Iran has been upset about it the entire time. This is the status quo
Russia invaded Ukraine so America is the worst. OK.The U.S doesn't give a shit about territorial integrity in Europe, only when it is for self-interest.
The U.S failed to honour the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances agreement that they signed in the 90s after Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, and Russia breached the agreement too.
There is a war waging in East Ukraine that has internally displaced millions and part of its sovereign territory has been annexed.
The U.S didn't give a shit yet was obligated to.
The U.S tapped the German chancellorship a few years ago.
The U.S is shit and Russia is shit when it comes to its role in Europe.