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WAPO: North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead


I don't think anyone on this board knows what they could have planned to overcome such and obstacle but to dismiss it offhand is foolish. Look somewhere along the line it seems people started to take what I was saying as NK would win in a battle with the US over SK. I'm not saying anything other than they may think they have a chance. My one and only point was that they could now take such an action and have nothing to lose and will not be wiped off the face of the earth because the US will not invade NK with a few thousand ICBM nukes aimed at American cities.

Do you understand what escalation is? A NK conventional attack would be met with a similar response from UN forces. And if Kim used nukes then the US would respond in kind.
Do you understand what escalation is? A NK conventional attack would be met with a similar response from UN forces. And if Kim used nukes then the US would respond in kind.

What? First of all, the only way NK uses nukes is if there are actions being taken to overthrow the regime. For this reason the US/UN would probably fight a defensive war in SK but would not invade NK or look to overthrow or threaten the regime in any way. I don't know how this is hard to understand.



So when has America taken steps to reduce its nuclear arsenal?

It gets reduced every year.



The United States has 6,970, U.S. records show. Those numbers were negotiated between the two nations in a treaty negotiated by President Obama and the Russians and ratified by the Senate in 2010.

At its peak in 1967, the United States had 31,255 nuclear warheads, according to the Arms Control Association.


Sure sounds like it's time for an emergency doomsday clock adjustment.

Fucking stupid cheeto is going to kill us all.
That statement is completely empty. He has no idea what he's talking about he just wants to look tough. This is so pathetic that he is in this position makes me sick to my stomach.
God damn it! You guys need to sort this guy out.

Technically, congress doesn't need to step in to declare war right?

Unfortunately Trump has compkete authority to launch a nuclear attack if he so chooses, regardless of whetherc the US is officially at war.

It's terrifying.


Yep. But I'd rather have 6 million with probably 10 million during wartime than the USs 1.2 million total which would be hamstrung fighting a purely defensive war. It would not be easy. I don't see us bringing back the draft either but who knows. You guys are making the exact arguments of why we should have won in Vietnam.

You honestly believe North Korea has the fuel and food resources to support 10 million troops?


What? First of all, the only way NK uses nukes is if there are actions being taken to overthrow the regime. For this reason the US/UN would probably fight a defensive war in SK but would not invade NK or look to overthrow or threaten the regime in any way. I don't know how this is hard to understand.

I don't know why you would assume that in the event of a new Korean War the UN forces would be willing to tolerate NK any longer? Not that a war would last all that long. UN Command would quickly push NK forces back across the DMZ and inflict heavy casualties on them in the process.

Not that any of this is going to happen. NK doesn't have the means or inclination to invade the South anyway.


Sucks at poetry
You know that whole drake equation thing to determine the potential amount of life and civilizations in the Universe? Like the number of habitable planets > The number of number of planets with life > The number of planets with life that develops civilization > The number of civilizations that don't blow themselves up. Maybe all civilizations eventually blow themselves up. Maybe we're just one of billions who have gotten to this point, who eventually just destroy their entire planet. Like intelligence can only reach a point where it's smart enough to develop weapons of mass destruction, but not smart enough to not use them.


Stop over reacting guys. Nothing crazy is going to happen.

Predicting the future is a fool's errand.

What we need to do is stop talking and start taking preemptive measures to combat catastrophy to happen. We failed to do that with Trump, and álas we're here.


Trump even throughout the campaign repeatedly talked about using Nuclear Weapons.

Any sane American should be more fearful of Trump than North Korea. Trump is pure tiny dick man who has to project to pretend he has a stallion cock. If that means nuking North Korea you can bet he is considering it.


Looking for meaning in GAF
He'd sure like to have his name next to the biggest nuclear strike the world has ever seen, wouldn't he?

I'm really hoping that those around him will do what they've been doing with all of his other boneheaded decisions, and just ignore it while telling him that they did it.

"Did you nuke NK like I asked you to?"
"Yes Mr. President. It had the biggest explosions. By the way, here's an electoral map and another folder full of newspaper clippings that praise you."


Again folks nothing is going to happen. We let NK have their nukes and leave them alone. Until they actually launch one there is nothing we can do. As for that Trump quote is basically saying you mess with us you will be destroyed.


NK goads Trump once again.

With a significant breakthrough they have been working decades to accomplish.

Again folks nothing is going to happen. We let NK have their nukes and leave them alone. Until they actually launch one there is nothing we can do. As for that Trump quote is basically saying you mess with us you will be destroyed.

Lol nope. North Korea will soon be a country with a solid nuclear deterrent, they will get the instant upgrade that brings and will throw around that weight as much as it can.

Letting this country get slowly torture it's people and get nukes over the last 50 years will be remembered as a great shame of our time.


There will be no war. It's not like Iraq, no one gave a fuck about Iraq. It was the middle of no where. The only risk was the oil supply being affected or some sort of fallout into Saudi but that was never a biggy. Halliburton can get the oil out of a radioactive wasteland. Harsh words but that is the economic reality of that conflict, it was an option the US could explore with relative impunity.

In this case....Japan and South Korea could be collateral damage, there is an outside risk of a threat to US territory and China absolutely doesn't want war on its door step. This conflict could collapse the world economy. There will never be a war unless China is the one that is taking NK.
Yikes. The worst time to have someone like him President.
I imagine any hot contingencies for North Korea are some serious end of days shit.

We'd have to use tactical nukes on their nuclear program facilities and artillery positions, right? And even then, even in magnitude, how much could we actually accomplish?
It truly disgusts me how any and all internet conversations on North Korea inevitably result in perverse fantasizing about nuclear war.

I will freak out when our friends in South Korea start freaking out. Funny how they're always the most level-headed ones during Kim dickwaving sessions when they are by far at the most risk.

Maybe we should follow their example.


I imagine any hot contingencies for North Korea are some serious end of days shit.

We'd have to use tactical nukes on their nuclear program facilities and artillery positions, right? And even then, even in magnitude, how much could we actually accomplish?

And we'd have to know where each of those locations are, which I'm sure we don't.


Predicting the future is a fool's errand.

What we need to do is stop talking and start taking preemptive measures to combat catastrophy to happen. We failed to do that with Trump, and álas we're here.

Nothing is going to be done about North Korea; it's far too late, they're a nuclear power now. They're gonna continue building their arsenal and there's not much we can do. Best we can do is hope Kim doesn't have any further ambitions and to get Trump committed to an asylum, away from any little red buttons.

Haha, man that guy. Oh no not fire & fury!! What a douche.


Some people have got to chill out; we're not going to wake up tomorrow to find that Trump has wiped the Korean peninsula off the face of the Earth. I think some estimations of his character are borderline descending into the irrational now, it's almost as ridiculous as the things his support base spout. The greatest threat his presidency poses to this problem is that he lacks the tact and diplomatic deftness that was shown by JFK in the CMC. And that was a genuine knife-edge moment where the two largest superpowers almost went to all-out nuclear war on one another.

This is a case where an isolated country is taking steps to guarantee its stability and perseverance against its enemies. They are not going to throw a stone just to get gunned down by a firing squad. I really think you'd have to push NK to absolute breaking point before they even moved on from scary rhetoric to genuine steps towards a first strike. They'd be making that strike with the knowledge that any pain they could visit on the US, or one of its allies, would be repaid a thousand times over, and could be done in a few hours even without the use of nuclear weapons.

No Armageddon today guys, chill out and breathe.
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