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WaPo: Trump expected to tap billionaire investor Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary

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Maybe these billionaires in charge can work out well. They have to be good at something to end up like that. If Trump just filled his ranks with old school politicians people could have just voted Hilary.

Trump related threads seem to be hopeless on GAF btw, if the first page is name calling and trolling in every single one of them... these 4 or 8 years wont be pretty here.

I agree with you. These billionaires are absolutely good at something in order to get Donald's attention to serve. And the Rust Belt that voted are going to get front row seats to what that something is.


Trump has been great business to restructuring bankers for years. Restructuring bankers are frequently the ones that go on to become distressed investors too (Ross likely is an example).

Frontline covers in a recent episode Trump at his worst financially in the 90s. The banks and other debt investors had the opportunity to take all properties over from him. They found the buildings would be worth less without Trump's name on it. The banks wrested direct control of the properties from him but kept him on board as a sort of mascot. This is generally considered the point in time when Trump switched from property investor to brand manager.

You have Wall Street, the restructuring groups, and sorts like WL Ross to thank for the modern form of Trump.
Maybe these billionaires in charge can work out well. They have to be good at something to end up like that. If Trump just filled his ranks with old school politicians people could have just voted Hilary.

Trump related threads seem to be hopeless on GAF btw, if the first page is name calling and trolling in every single one of them... these 4 or 8 years wont be pretty here.

Rich people are generally good at making money at the expense of others.



Why do people hate free trades? Even if we go against it, things will only get worse because other countries will just make a trade agreement excluding the US.

Considering how much technologies we export, it is crucial that all countries will sign an agreement respecting the same patent law.

Are we really going to destroy our international market and global position just so American can assemble Nike shoes in some rural factory?
Trade agreements are protecting the corporations and not the American people working for them, or used to at least.

There's no going back, trying to do so would be to have slave wages but what needs to be done is to take specific precautions about how outsourcing is being met with, both for the sake of the ones doing the outsourced work and for the home country.

Rich people are generally good at making money at the expense of others.

Money multiplies itself like bunnies. The fact that people can't even grasp such a simple concept that maintains the class system set in place is mind boggling.


Former Rothschild man, too.

This is has to be the biggest con in the history of America.

It truly is the biggest, and most blatant, con in history. It would be impressive if the situation wasn't so dire.

His supporters ate up the 5 year ban on former officials lobbying for the private sector, but Trump didn't say anything about private sector becoming officials...


America is so fucked. As is the world. Get ready for The Global Supreme Depression.

It's gonna make The Great Depression look like sweet tarts. As a bonus the earth's climate will also be ruined. And there won't be a recovery financially or environmentally.

We are just fucked.
Maybe these billionaires in charge can work out well. They have to be good at something to end up like that. If Trump just filled his ranks with old school politicians people could have just voted Hilary.

Trump related threads seem to be hopeless on GAF btw, if the first page is name calling and trolling in every single one of them... these 4 or 8 years wont be pretty here.
Oh no Trump got called mean names :(


Yep, we're probably fucked. The only possible good thing that can come out of it is (in my opinion) that the country can see what happens when the capitalists get their way and let the billionaires run amok. then the democratic socialists won't have such a hard time getting their chance to show what they can do. hopefully the damage isn't so great that we can't recover.


Yep, we're probably fucked. The only possible good thing that can come out of it is (in my opinion) that the country can see what happens when the capitalists get their way and let the billionaires run amok. then the democratic socialists won't have such a hard time getting their chance to show what they can do. hopefully the damage isn't so great that we can't recover.
I honestly don't think the people that voted for Trump can put 2 and 2 together. When everything goes to shit it will be Obama's legacy, not Trump's for them


I honestly don't think the people that voted for Trump can put 2 and 2 together. When everything goes to shit it will be Obama's legacy, not Trump's for them

sadly, you are probably right. i'm just trying to have some hope in this dark time. i live in arkansas,, so you can imagine what i deal with. i have taken on a new motto that i tell people and most just stare at me blankly:

if you are too stupid to know what fascism is, you are stupid enough to vote for it.

edit: and when i tell them i'm socialist (have been since high school, when i learned how it differed from capitalism, did i mention i grew up poor) they jump to communism and not ideal communism but the type that was in place under stalin. they always throw stalin in my face. i explain that that was actually a fascist dictatorship in disguise but they just poo poo it like i don't know what i'm talking about (i'm 42 and most i'm talking with are in their 60's or older). i just tell them to go look up stalin and trotsky and the differences between the two and how if trotsky had been able to seize power it would have been a different world (or at least i like to think so).


I can understand disagreeing with the guys views or not liking his character but what about being an activist investor would make him a bad choice in your opinion? Genuinely curious as I would say more about his stance on trade making him a bad choice personally.

They come in, buy up shares of a targetable company, and then pump up the numbers by slashing all the backbone out of the company to make the numbers look good for a quarter or two, then sell the husk onwards and pocket the profit while destroying age old companies that were running just fine until they showed up.

They also often combine this by pumping debt from their own company to another target company (because they have enough shares) to get the debt off their books while destroying someone else's.

Thinking quarter to quarter is one of our huge problems, imo.


They come in, buy up shares of a targetable company, and then pump up the numbers by slashing all the backbone out of the company to make the numbers look good for a quarter or two, then sell the husk onwards and pocket the profit while destroying age old companies that were running just fine until they showed up.

They also often combine this by pumping debt from their own company to another target company (because they have enough shares) to get the debt off their books while destroying someone else's.

Thinking quarter to quarter is one of our huge problems, imo.

"king of bankruptcy"




Unconfirmed Member
I'm so glad lobbyists and special interests will no longer be influencing Washington... since they'll be directly running it instead.

Who could have seen this coming?! /s

Get money's influence out of politics!*

*be directly ruled by the kleptocracy plutocracy.
It continues to be hilarious how this guy accused Hillary of every sort of corruption or pay to play under the sun, and here we have President Elect Donald Trump going out of his way to show America just how stupid we were in the first place to elect someone like him.


Yep, we're probably fucked. The only possible good thing that can come out of it is (in my opinion) that the country can see what happens when the capitalists get their way and let the billionaires run amok. then the democratic socialists won't have such a hard time getting their chance to show what they can do. hopefully the damage isn't so great that we can't recover.

Americans have been sold the same lie by the same capitalists for decades. It's perfectly summed up in this Bush 'Uniquely American' quote - somehow being overworked, underpaid and miserable is a positive.

Change will happen, but it'll take many years, even decades, and a lot more places being turned into Rust Belts thanks to the en masse arrival of robotics, AI and self-driving. Warnings don't work with these people - they refuse to believe the Old White Man doesn't give a shit about them. Once the notion of factories returning and humans driving trucks becomes laughable, there will be a tipping point. It won't be pretty getting there, and a lot of fundamental American values will be questioned, but it'll happen.


Why will they give problems?

They voted against political establishment no?

Your faux ignorance is insulting. That people here can respond only to point out the obvious is a testament to their patience. Your questions here are simpleton ones not asked in good faith. Unless you really are that naive, and if so, my condolences.


Trump is going to steal so much money from the swamp....if his net worth is $4b in 4 years it's going be $25b

Whatever the final number, he put $50 million of his 'own' money into this scheme...he will make sure gets paid. The presidency is a marketing opportunity to Trump...that's all.


Americans have been sold the same lie by the same capitalists for decades. It's perfectly summed up in this Bush 'Uniquely American' quote - somehow being overworked, underpaid and miserable is a positive.

Change will happen, but it'll take many years, even decades, and a lot more places being turned into Rust Belts thanks to the en masse arrival of robotics, AI and self-driving. Warnings don't work with these people - they refuse to believe the Old White Man doesn't give a shit about them. Once the notion of factories returning and humans driving trucks becomes laughable, there will be a tipping point. It won't be pretty getting there, and a lot of fundamental American values will be questioned, but it'll happen.

i agree, sadly at my age (42) i will probably be dead before i get to see the change.


And the worse part? The people who wanted to get jobs and better wages as well as get rid of the so called corrupt government, who in turn, voted for Trump, are about to get one hell of a raw deal.

Those people deserve what they get. You had to actively avoid seeing the issues and conflicts trump had before the election. If they believed a snake oil salesman, even after people pointed it out to them, they don't deserve sympathy. They made their bed, now it's time to sleep in it.


And the worse part? The people who wanted to get jobs and better wages as well as get rid of the so called corrupt government, who in turn, voted for Trump, are about to get one hell of a raw deal.

Nah those are the only people who deserve the suffering that's about to happen. It's too bad they had to drag everyone else with them.
Maybe these billionaires in charge can work out well. They have to be good at something to end up like that. If Trump just filled his ranks with old school politicians people could have just voted Hilary.

Trump related threads seem to be hopeless on GAF btw, if the first page is name calling and trolling in every single one of them... these 4 or 8 years wont be pretty here.

One of the billionaires is in favor of privatizing schools (which will increase the contamination of education by politically-driven agendas, and reduce quality of the service given while driving up costs, since there's never too much profit for those schools).

Another want to drop free trade deals and impose tariffs on imports, which will probably cause other countries to return the favor. Trade wars can get very ugly to a lot of companies.

It's not really encouraging.
Those people deserve what they get. You had to actively avoid seeing the issues and conflicts trump had before the election. If they believed a snake oil salesman, even after people pointed it out to them, they don't deserve sympathy. They made their bed, now it's time to sleep in it.

Oh I agree. They wanted this, now they get it. But....

Nah those are the only people who deserve the suffering that's about to happen. It's too bad they had to drag everyone else with them.

This is also true. Those ignorant schmucks are going to drag us under along with them. And by us, I mean the U.S. and the entire world.



History tells us hegemony is not forever. Perhaps this is our time to pass on the baton. If China or the EU can get their act together and take up the mantle then US hegemony will indeed be over.

EU hegemony will never happen, and China has no projection ability beyond the South China Sea. Like it or not the US will stay world hegemon for a while to come - as much as I'd love more EU influence on the world stage.
History tells us hegemony is not forever. Perhaps this is our time to pass on the baton. If China or the EU can get their act together and take up the mantle then US hegemony will indeed be over.
The EU can't even manage its own shit at the moment, let alone project power elsewhere and take on a leading role. The only thing I actually want from the EU at the moment is a ton of strict climate change rules, so companies are forced to take it into account when producing their goods.

Those people deserve what they get. You had to actively avoid seeing the issues and conflicts trump had before the election. If they believed a snake oil salesman, even after people pointed it out to them, they don't deserve sympathy. They made their bed, now it's time to sleep in it.
Pretty much. Two minutes of critical thinking would result in: this guy is an idiot and I shouldn't vote for him. I just feel bad for the rest of the world who now have to deal with the fallout.

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There are a sizeable number of people who honestly believe that all you need to do to fix your country / economy is to put a bunch of rich business people in charge.

After all, if they're rich business people they must be the best and brightest society has to offer, right? It's a Just World, so the people who Work Hard tend to Get Ahead.

Trump's America is going to see if those people are right. I'm going to go ahead and lay against that bet.
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