so me and my friend got in an argument
He thinks a Chaos Space Marine, currently, is on the level of a Primarch, because of the 10,000 years of experience gained while the loyalist Primarchs have been missing or in stasis
he claims that most CSM are probably even more experienced than Roboute, seeing as he has been out of commission for 9000 years
is he right, could a CSM match a primarch?
Beyond the whole lame-ness of "power level" conversations in general, I really do not think a legionaire veteran of the long war stands up to a primarch with any real scrutiny. Reading the HH books puts that into perspective as even incredibly powerful warriors and xenos are put down by the primarchs before they even see the strike that hits them.
Fulgrim v. Avatar of Khaine.
Sanginius v. Blood Thirster
Also, one must not forget that having spent XXXX amount of years in the eye does not mean XXXX amount of years in realspace, nor taht such years mean accumulated
practical experience. Similarly, not all legionaires of the traitor legions are from the heresy times: they have been recruiting, implanting geneseed, or taking stock from traitor CSM chapters as well. The Iron Warriors book puts that into perspective. Also, not all legionaires from that time have ascended to demon hood or have been granted gifts.