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Warhammer 40k pimpage - Gamespot designer diary


8bit said:
Can you kill hippies in it?

Some mod-maker should create a "Hippie" meat-shield unit.

That's one of my favorite little gags in the game, by the way -- the Chaos Cultists are classified as "Light Infantry/Meat Shield."



Chili Con Carnage!
wow £18.99, thats dirt cheap!

p.s Boxart sucks :-/



Thought about creating a new thread... but meh.

Could someone tell me how the singleplayer campaign works out (how many factions, how many hours it might take etc), and if there's going to be different difficulty settings (i.e. easy)? I'm lazy. :8

It's 17.99 pounds in Play.com too. I wonder why the price is so low before release... well, at least they have one more potential buyer. :)
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