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Wario Ware Twisted love thread


I need to state my love for this under-appreciated gem of a game. It is so goddamn intuitive.

It is one of the games where I was immediately able to interest those around me (non-gamers) to the point of playing, laughing, and passing-it-around.

In my opinion, this is the best Wario Ware game, and even though Wii had the same tilting ability, I don't feel Wario Ware Smooth Moves lives up to the simple, intuitive nature of Twisted's turning and tilting mechanic.

I would kill someone for this re-release on 3DS or WiiU.


When I was at AFO roughly half a year ago during my trip to America, I managed to spot the game in the dealer's room and instantly knew that I had to buy it.

It's a crime that the game was never localized in Europe. Easily the best Wario Ware game.
Seriously the best GBA game imo and possibly my favourite game of all time.

I can never, ever get tired of this game. It's incredible and filled with content.


My first and still favorite Warioware game. I lost the cartridge a long time ago though, I just wish they would re-release it on one of their many consoles with gyroscopes built in anyway.


Twisted! is under-appreciated? I always thought it was one of the GBA's most beloved games.

I put so many hours into this game, I lost track. Easily one of my favorite GBA games ever made. I seriously hope that it eventually comes to Wii U VC (Or 3DS, despite that being unlikely).


I speak for all Europeans:

The final boss is bullshit and a preview of further bullshit to come in Rhythm Heaven.

I love Rhythm heaven but the final boss is the only thing I don't like about this game.

Nintendo should rerelease this game in Europe on the Wii U. De gamepad is practically an oversized GBA anyway.
When I was at AFO roughly half a year ago during my trip to America, I managed to spot the game in the dealer's room and instantly knew that I had to buy it.

It's a crime that the game was never localized in Europe. Easily the best Wario Ware game.

As to my knowledge, it was banned in (I can only speak for the UK) Europe because the cartridge used mercury so it wasn't allowed to be sold here. It makes sense and I don't have a problem with, but with the GBA being region free, I still got to experience it. It was an OK Wario Ware but I really connected with Wario Ware on GameCube and DS.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Mewtroid was the shit.

They should have included Twisted as a 3DS ambassador game instead of it's prequel. It's better in every way.
I loved this game. It had so many great uses of the gyro, which was still a brand new concept at the time. I really enjoyed playing Super Mario Bros. levels with the gyro, mostly for the way that they turned the levels into a giant wheel. The game was just so full of content, I had a blast collecting all of the toys! It also had my favorite Pyoro game.

Thank god it came out in the US after Touched! That game was so stripped down and lousy by comparison (the touch screen just wasn't as versatile as the gyro). I would have been extremely disappointed, as I am sure many in Japan were.


Heh. I remember being pissed off years ago when I heard of the motion sensor, I thought that it was going to be a lame gimmick, and I couldn't believe the game was going to be built exclusively around it. Boy, how wrong I was.

As good and ground breaking as the first WarioWare is, Twisted manages to easily outclass it.


Twisted was such an amazing game oh my god. There isn't a day that passes where I don't pray for the game to get a Virtual Console release. Please, Nintendo. I need it.

Wario de Mambo is also the best final boss mini-game in the series. Just sayin'. I also love Dribble & Spitz's theme. I always made sure it played on the Taxi's radio whenever I played their section of the game.


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Easily one of my best imports ever. Best WarioWare, best GBA game, best reason to keep showing around the GBA (though it's kind of bulky with the Micro), really timeless.


Very odd, i have this game but i have no idea where i got it from or when. And that was when i lived in Europe


My forst imported game ever, from Japan. Man that custom fee was hard to swallow but game is glorious. Still have some gachapon to unlock.


One time I felt like a genius for playing the egg balancing mini game and just setting my gameboy on my nightstand for hours.

Best high score ever.


My forst imported game ever, from Japan. Man that custom fee was hard to swallow but game is glorious. Still have some gachapon to unlock.

It was my first import as well! So worth it. Man, I devoured that game.

Thank god it came out in the US after Touched! That game was so stripped down and lousy by comparison (the touch screen just wasn't as versatile as the gyro). I would have been extremely disappointed, as I am sure many in Japan were.

Yeah, Touched was really disappointing. It just lacked all the charm the first two games had. It felt so slow and boring by comparion, and just... generic. Thankfully, the Rhythm Heaven games were hitting a very similar soft spot for me, it´s the same team, right? Really shows, very similar humor.

Oh, and by the way, I can really recommend Wario Ware Do It Yourself for the DS. It´s very well done, with a much larger focus on making your own minigames, but very intuitive and in my head it´s the secret sequel to Mario Paint.
It's my absolute favorite GBA game, with Rhythm Tengoku a close second.

The only thing is that there was a bit of a difficulty curve because I wasn't used to twisting the system, and I became disappointed when I overcame that fear and the game became easier, lol.

(It's still a standard difficulty WarioWare game, though.)

One of my favorite things about it are the mini-Fronk minigames they appear randomly, and last 1/2 time.

One time I felt like a genius for playing the egg balancing mini game and just setting my gameboy on my nightstand for hours.

Best high score ever.

For whatever reason, it failed for me around 850 the first time I tried it, lol.


Never played that one since it wasn't released in Europe (because of the mercury inside the sensor? at least that's what I heard) but I'd love to try it someday.

Is it best to play it on an OG GBA or the GB Micro? I don't think the SP would be the best way to do it.
Still hasn't been topped in the WarioWare series, imo. I honestly have trouble thinking of a game that does tilt controls better. The way the rotation has "ticks" indicated to you via rumble is so smart and allows for much more precision. Wish there were more games that did that.

I think I've 100%ed the game twice now, and still find myself coming back to play it all the time. It really is top-notch.


Gives all the fucks
Loved this game as a kid. I remember my dad somehow lost my copy when he took it & my GBA from the car into the house when I was someplace else & then a few months later, we're in the garden about 20-30 feet away from the house & we don't know how, but it was there with the label barely visible & some dirt in the slot. I blew as much of the dirt out as I could, tested it out & it STILL WORKED PERFECTLY. It slightly tilted to the left for a few minutes, but it fixed itself.

I would gladly rebuy this if Nintendo put it on the Wii U VC considering the Gamepad has motion controls.


My favourite Wario Ware, and one of the best GBA games.
A shame that it was never released in Europe. It is one of the few games that I have imported (the others being Rhythm Tengoku and Drill Dozer).


Never played that one since it wasn't released in Europe (because of the mercury inside the sensor? at least that's what I heard) but I'd love to try it someday.

Is it best to play it on an OG GBA or the GB Micro? I don't think the SP would be the best way to do it.

I mainly played Twisted! on the SP, and I thought it was fine. However, between those two, I'd go with the OG GBA, if only because it's bigger to hold.


The most impressed I've been by a game taking a single concept and running with it. While the first WarioWare laid the groundwork, Twisted blew my mind with how much it pulled out of simply twisting your GBA around. I still think about the weird circular Super Mario Bros. that allowed to control the speed of the level's rotation as opposed to Mario.

Just genius work.


Maturity, bitches.
I liked it until I got the final unlockable.

I've never been trolled by a game so hard before or since.


y'all should be ashamed
Top 3 Nintendo games ever:

1. Yoshi's Island
2. Wario Ware Twisted
3. Zelda Ocarina of Time

I liked it until I got the final unlockable.

I've never been trolled by a game so hard before or since.

I was so disappointed by that. I was too invested to fully appreciate the gag. :p
I was just thinking about this when people in the GOTY results thread mentioned doing a Game of the Generation vote for the GC/PS2/Xbox era. It's one of my favorite games from that period and certainly an all-time top-five handheld game.
Only game I bought at gamestop as new when it was already opened. I generally like all the warioware games but this one's just on another level.
far and away the best game on the gba. it's so good, so well designed for pick up and play gameplay. stick that shit in a gameboy micro and leave it there.


Let's have a general WarioWare love thread. Nintendo's best series by far.

I just got D.I.Y. for $7 from Best Buy yesterday, one of the better deals I've ever gotten.
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