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Wario Ware Twisted love thread


I've always wondered why Nintendo don't put games like Mewtroid or Pyoro on iOS or Android. They're heaps better than the crap that gets popular on those platforms and they're addictive as hell!


Wario Ware Twisted is one of my favorite games of all time. No other Wario Ware game comes close. I'd really love a re-release on the 3DS.

Just tons of great minigames in it.
I liked it until I got the final unlockable.

I've never been trolled by a game so hard before or since.

Ah yes. That was totally disappointing and brilliant at the same time.

Funny thing is that if I were to do it all again, I still wouldn't tell myself about the utterly worthless and trollish unlockable that I'd spend hours unlocking.

Wario Ware Twisted is one of my favorite games of all time. No other Wario Ware game comes close. I'd really love a re-release on the 3DS.

Just tons of great minigames in it.

Brilliant idea time: They should do with WarioWare what they are doing with Rhythm Tengoku, have a 3DS release with the "best of" each WarioWare game. The 3DS actually has the Twisted hardware (built-in gyroscope but no rumble...) and Touched hardware, so it could work.

I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


The most fun I've ever had with a game. No lie.

Game is fucking incredible and only second to Mother 3 (my favorite game of all time) on GBA. I still go back to it today and I have as much fun as I did the very first playthrough. Timeless gem of a game.



For added difficulty, play the game on this:


don't drop your gamecube its a joke


Gives all the fucks
Brilliant idea time: They should do with WarioWare what they are doing with Rhythm Tengoku, have a 3DS release with the "best of" each WarioWare game. The 3DS actually has the Twisted hardware (built-in gyroscope but no rumble...) and Touched hardware, so it could work.

I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Oh my god, I'd love this. Probably couldn't fit Smooth Moves in, but all the handheld ones would work (well they'd probably leave out that DSiWare one which you took pictures). If they were careful on how they handled 3D (i.e turn them off for Twisted mini-games), then the 3DS is perfect for a collection.


Maturity, bitches.
I just got D.I.Y. for $7 from Best Buy yesterday, one of the better deals I've ever gotten.
On the list of games that should get a sequel so they can fixed the flaws in the original but will never happen.

Nintendo's content sharing has improved dramatically since D.I.Y. which was a bit of a hassle (and also impossible now with the death of NWFC). Also the limited space of the cartridge limiting the number of projects you could work on and of course save could be rectified with SD card support. Also the amount of inputs needs to increase from the just the basic tap input.


Wario Ware is one of my favorite videogame franchises ever no joke! I bought a GBA few years ago just to play Twisted since I got lucky to find a copy of the game in it's box almost like new and IT. WAS. TOTALLY. WORTH IT! Just last week I was playing the damn minigames it has since they are so addictive. Can't understand why there's no new Wario Ware on either Wii U or 3DS... Just freaking imagine the micro-game possibilities with all the hardware features from those two consoles. Game and Wario exists but... it's not Wario Ware. Come on Nintendo :(


I've spent hours playing Mewtroid, Twisted was brilliant and absolutely worth the price of import, simply a fantastic, surprising, ingenuitive game, GBA's greatest.



Love this game and the series for its unique "urban" and absurdist humorous tone (that's only partly matched by its equally great sister series Rhythm Heaven). It really is a unique series, especially within Nintendo's catalog. I especially love Wario's garishly redesigned look and outfit that still works somehow to make him look cool. It's just so Double Dragon-esque and 80's! God willing, the Wario amiibo will be the first one I'll pick up later this year.

Funnily enough I was playing Wario Land 4 for the first time recently and it struck me how similar the tone of that game is to the WarioWare games that followed. In a way it really bridges the classic Wario platformers to the WarioWare series in terms of music, humour, tone etc. I think both games were worked on by the same people, such as Hirofumi Matsuoka, who directed Land and was game designer on Ware, and Hiroji Kiyotake, the original designer of Wario (and Samus) who is one of those hidden faces behind Nintendo that rarely gets time in the sun unfortunately.

Let's hope we'll see new WarioWare AND Wario Land games in the future.


One of the best GBA games, the best Warioware game, an absolute gem. I treasure my copy.

My daughter (6) regularly asks to play it. She's been a fan for 4 years. Her favorite part: shredding a strawberry cake. She also loves wringing the water out of a towel until the towel snaps and half.

Every time she plays it blows my mind that there is a Nintendo published game that includes shredding a cake on a cheese grater.
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