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Warning: Bumblebees are now endangered

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The bumblebee, the good guys that help us to make food are now in the brink of extinction because of pesticides,habitat loss,climate change.

What’s going on?

Last year, seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bees were declared endangered. Now, the rusty patched bumblebee has also been added to this list.

The rusty patched bumblebee (Bombus Affinis), once a common sight in the US, has declined by a whopping 87 percent since the 1990s. It once thrived in 28 states and 2 Canadian provinces, but can now only be found in small pockets of their previous habitats. Wildlife officials think this is a result of exposure to pesticides, disease, habitat loss, and of course, climate change. Pesticides have decreased the number of crops available for bumblebees to pollinate, shrinking the area of their potential habitats. Climate change has had a similar effect, but has also changed weather patterns. This has caused some plants’ flowering times to be out of sync with the optimal time for bees to pollinate them.

Why should we care?

You may only know bees as those pesky insects that hurt you when they sting, but they do play an integral role in our lives. Bees are pollinators, and over 20,000 different species of bees contribute to the growth of fruit, flowers, vegetables, and even some trees that bear nuts. The disappearance of such pollinators will have serious implications on our food supply, as plants that require pollination comprise about 35% of the world’s food supply. In monetary terms, this is about $577 million a year. Tom Melius, the Fish and Wildlife Service’s Midwest regional director, has also said that “Without them (bumblebees), our forests, parks, meadows and shrub lands, and the abundant, vibrant life they support, cannot survive, and our crops require laborious, costly pollination by hand.”

Bumblebees in particular are great pollinators. They are not picky with the plants they pollinate, and are able to withstand lower temperatures and can still fly when light is poor. They are also users of buzz pollination, which means they can release pollen that is tucked inside special tubes. Tomatoes, cranberries, and potatoes (to name a few) are plants that can only be pollinated through this method. Buzz pollination is so named because of the “buzzing” sound heard while the bumblebees are doing their jobs. Interestingly, honeybees are unable to use this method of pollination, making the survival of bumblebee population even more important than you might first think.

More at link

This is unbeelievable

This is bad bad news, especially since we know Trumps administrations position on endangered animals. Fuck me

edit: would someone post damn it I don't want this to be the first one. Thank you


I don't have high hopes for bees in North America with the coming administration.

They'll wheel out an apiary on the Senate floor to disprove the claims that bee are a threatened species.

"Do these little guys look like they're in any danger...I don't think so!!"


Do I have a Simpsons .gif for this... let me see...

My friends swear it's honeybees that keep us alive and they have become beekeepers to save the planet.

Of course, honeybees are an invasive non-native species here and there's no evidence that beekeeping is helping their population; nor is their population at risk.

I do think we need to try to figure out what's going on with the bumblebees, FWIW.


I do think we need to try to figure out what's going on with the bumblebees, FWIW.
Pesticides are the obvious culprit. I would imagine that it would behoove everyone to come up with a pesticide that keeps harmful pests away but is harmless to the bumblebee population and keeps them happily pollinating. Not sure whether science can conjure up such a miracle, get it approved and have it be affordable for widespread use before bumblebees wind up extinct.


This current model of industrialised hybrid intensive-extensive agriculture needs to go die in a fire yesterday.


My friends swear it's honeybees that keep us alive and they have become beekeepers to save the planet.

Of course, honeybees are an invasive non-native species here and there's no evidence that beekeeping is helping their population; nor is their population at risk.

I do think we need to try to figure out what's going on with the bumblebees, FWIW.

Neonicotinoids seem to be the main problem, they make the bees stupid and unable to learn things like buzz pollination.

If you want to help and have a garden I believe it's rather easy to build some nesting spots for bumblebees, just bury an upturned flower pot with a hole in the top. At least that's what we do with the large earth bumblebee here, I don't know what kind of nesting the rust patch requires.
There were a ton of bumblebees that visit a park five minutes away from me. I've always tried to find the hive since I figured it would be in the area, but I never could.


Um. Bees are non native species in America. There are a ton of other pollinators in the environment. Bees dying only hurts commercial farming.


I had a few bumblebees that would go ham when I mowed the backyard. They scared the shit out of me at first but then I realized they would just ram into me. Neighbor must've found the hive because I never saw them again after he cleaned up his shed. RIP bumbbros.
I hate other bees but bumblebees are chill as fuck. Backyard rosebushes are full of em during the summer and they don't bother anyone. I personally have never seen bumbles be aggressive so I got no problem with em.


Bumblebees are the only bee-like things I approve and am not scared of.
The extinction of wasps - fuck em.
The extinction of bumblebees - :´(


Your thread title is misleading. It is only one subspecies that was marked endangered. And it is not the first subspecies to have ever been endangered. People who read that title are going to think all bumblebees are endangered.
Jerry Seinfeld provoked a mass killing of the bee population in retaliation for The Bee Movie. When will he answer for his crimes?


Until the administration decides its a liberal hoax because "I've seen plenty of bees" and defunds any organization that claims otherwise.
I swear I read a report the other week that said their numbers are rising contrary to popular belief.

Chances are it was bollox.

Rusty patched bumblebee are placed on the critically endangered species list, after being placed on the endangered species list in 2010.

They are one of over 250 species in the bombus bumblebee genus.

But you know, not like the article headline is purposefully misleading alarming clickbait or anything...

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Or it was different species of bees.

Yeah that fact was lost on me in all the reporting on bees over the years.

This guy here:


Is not endangered and probably what most people think of now days as a "bumble bee".

This one that the talk about in the article:


Probably isn't doing much for our food supply at the moment since it's so endangered.

I used to get confused by the conflicting reports of bee populations rebounding but I think what's happening is that endemic species of honey bees are dying out and commercial European honey bees are fine. Maybe.
Damn, declined 87% since the 90s? That's a shame, used to see them everywhere when I was playing outside as a kid.

Edit: Oh weird, didn't realize the most common species and the endangered one were both common in the area I was talking about.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
The entire Bee movie, but every time someone says "bee," a real bee fucking dies.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
We have a lot of carpenter bees where I am, which most people would think was a bumblebee if they saw it as they have the same fuzzy fur just in a different part of the body.
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