I'm afraid I don't.... can you please go into more detail.
Formed after the Council of Elrond, the Fellowship consisted of nine members: four Hobbits, two Men, one Elf, one Dwarf, and one Wizard. It was the only known organization ever formed in the history of Middle-earth to hold members of each of these races within it (and with the departure of the Elves and the Wizards from Middle-earth, there would never be another like it), who largely lived and acted independently of one another. This number was chosen to match the number of Ringwraiths, or Nazgul. Merry and Pippin were never intended to be a part of the Fellowship, with Elrond initially considering two Elf-lords from his own house. He wished to send the two younger hobbits back to the Shire as messengers to warn other Hobbits of the growing evil. However, the Halflings persevered: Merry was chosen and Gandalf convinced Elrond of the loyalty of Pippin. But what if the excess baggage of Merry and Pippin was cut loose, the glass ceiling shattered, and #representation added to the mix? Tauriel, the wood elf minx, adds a touch of sass to the team, with +5 ranged attack, almost guaranteed stealth crits, and beauty to rival Legolas. Arwen the halfbreed, on the other hand, offers up an almost unheard of 1D20+5 charisma boost to any related skill check, keeps the party in line through mediation and fairness, and is down to get dirty as evidenced by the fact that she hooked up with her third cousin (twice removed). So send the halfmen back to the Shire, bring the broads on board, and cast that ring into the fiery pits of Mt Doom! Sure, Galadriel was the powerhouse of the Elven Angel Trinity, but her mythical looks were nothing more than tall tales to put at ease the lonely loins of weary travelers, forever searching for that ever-elusive place where they would be accepted for what they are and not have to pretend to fit in, often leaving sticky straw in the stables for the innkeeper to clean in the morn. She may look appealing in the misty morning land of Lothlorien when the rising sun hits her face at just the right angle, but honestly, which of the three maidens would you rather get to know carnally? Leave Galadriel to the twisted fantasies of Middle-Earth weebs.
Cin are a en coe weeb, ceri- cin heni?