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Was offered a full scholarship for a code school

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So I met with a local code boot camp on a referral from a friend and they want to offer me a full scholarship. This is huge for me, first some background.

6 years ago my wife kicked me out and filed for divorce, I responded by moving across the country to PDX. Since I've arrived here I've lost my long standing job with Apple, been unemployed off and on for the last 3 years and struggled with severe depression.

Just over a year ago I tried to kill myself by taking every pillI could find and washing it down with whiskey and codeine. I was admitted to the hospital and spent 2 weeks in the mental health ward before entering intense outpatient treatment and once again losing my job.

Through out all of this I've had the most supportive and amazing girlfriend by my side, never backing away and supporting me completely.

So a few days ago I get a message from a friend of mine asking if I want to learn code, he has done design work for this boot camp. I think it over and schedule a meeting to feel the place out and discuss cost. Midway through the conversation with them it just clicks. This is the moment to gain a practical skill that I can actually apply to a new career. Then the bomb drop, a full scholarship. As in I would owe them nothing for this chance.

I've checked and yes, they have a high grad/placement rate. A lot of their grads work at a huge tech company in town with my best friend. So this is legit, I'm stopping the art school stuff and I'm going to spend the next few months learning how to do this.

For the fist time in a long time I feel determined and motivated to apply myself to this, because it's on a scholarship I know I'll need to exceed expectations and prove that I'm worth the investment. Wish me luck GAF!


So how does this place make money if they're handing out no strings attached scholarships? Read the fine print.

Or did your friend do you a solid?


Congrats man.

Getting a full scholarship for something is great from a financial standpoint but it's also a great ego/confidence booster (which is very important too if you have confidence issues like I do).

Have fun!
So how does this place make money if they're handing out no strings attached scholarships? Read the fine print.

Or did your friend do you a solid?

Companies will pay a code boot camp for successful hires, as far as I understand it's like a referral bonus. Also, my buddy did me a huge solid.


Got out of a code school with total compensation way more than what I was seeing before. Definitely an exciting future! Work hard and great things will come


Companies will pay a code boot camp for successful hires, as far as I understand it's like a referral bonus. Also, my buddy did me a huge solid.

I've heard of other places doing this, except a percentage of your wages for X amount of time are garnished by the school after a successful hiring. I would double check to make sure.


I too am curious as to what exactly a code school is and what you would do after? I'm assuming it software engineering. How long are these courses and what kind of companies accept this type of education?


They're often called Coding Bootcamps.

They focus specifically on coding, and are generally full time affairs where you're attempting to cram years worth of learning into weeks/months.

Do your research before committing to one though.
Congrats on the offer.

Also, this should be a good thread for those with life issues. That they only see suicide as the only option. But only if they hold on theyll see that they will have a better future.


I did a quick google of these camps and it seems a little weird but if you can get a start out of it best of luck. Is the term "coding" or "coder" a fairly new thing? I've never actually heard someone use that professionally. It seems to have a self taught or hacking connotation to it.
Yes, coding boot camps are an increasingly common trade school type of thing.
They cram a lot of knowledge into a very short amount of time. Some of them will ask for a percentage of wages earned, although that's usually small compared to potential earnings. most places I've looked at all cost up front to attend and are liscenced as a higher education facility.

I have researched this place and can confirm they do what they promise, teach code and get you a job.

I know it's strange to grasp for folks living in non-tech cities, but every one I know who works at tech companies is self taught or finished a code boot camp to get their start in the industry.
Congrats on the offer.

Also, this should be a good thread for those with life issues. That they only see suicide as the only option. But only if they hold on theyll see that they will have a better future.

Yes, I debated posting this in the mental health gaf thread, but I felt it might derail from people in crisis and needing help.


That's awesome, congrats! I tried coding in college and it just didn't click with me. Maybe one day I can get back into it.
I did a quick google of these camps and it seems a little weird but if you can get a start out of it best of luck. Is the term "coding" or "coder" a fairly new thing? I've never actually heard someone use that professionally. It seems to have a self taught or hacking connotation to it.

It's not new it's a catch all term for people who learn code without any real employment direction behind it.
Small update: Things are progressing well and I'm getting a very firm understanding of Python. Moving into JavaScript and Django in a couple weeks.

Sorry, I'm not going to disclose the name of the place. That would give out more personal info then I'd like. But if you're from PDX, it's the good one.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
You've had a rough go.

I hope this is this is the start of something great for you. Good luck.
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