Caught up on about the last 4 or 5 episodes of the simpsons this season, and you know what? they were really god damn funny!! I mean I am right there with everyone else. the simpsons have slowly been heading downhill for years now.. but last season was probably the first season where there were more than a couple of good episodes. Now this season, I would say I geuninely enjoyed more episodes than not. Especially the last few with the Catholic church, the rapture, the singing competition.. really funny stuff.
anyway, just wondering if anyone else enjoyed this last season of the simpsons as much as I did.. if you would have asked me a year or two ago, I would have told you the prospect of them going to 16 or 17 seasons was pretty scary, but at this point, I say bring on season 17 as long as they keep on the same writers!!
anyway, just wondering if anyone else enjoyed this last season of the simpsons as much as I did.. if you would have asked me a year or two ago, I would have told you the prospect of them going to 16 or 17 seasons was pretty scary, but at this point, I say bring on season 17 as long as they keep on the same writers!!