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Washington police deserve medals....ticket 223 left lane campers

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We need to roll out the red carpet for this group of highway patrol officers that are enforcing a law that seems to have been forgotten by all americans...

In fact, by enforcing this country wide, we could easily pay off the national debt.

Left lane is for passing. not driving, passing. It doesnt matter if youre going 100mph, if you're not passing people, GTFO.

It's the fast and passing lane, not the "I like the view of the oncoming headlights" lane.

SEATTLE – Washington state troopers in King County pulled over 223 drivers last month who camped out in the freeway passing lane, breaking a law that not many drivers know about. Of those, 199 were let off with warnings.

The Washington State Patrol is putting higher emphasis on keeping slower traffic in the right lane and out of the left general purpose lane, which is the designated passing lane.

Many of those who were pulled over didn't know it was against the law, the state patrol said. Troopers told them to stay out of the left lane if traveling below freeway speeds and not to travel continuously in the left lane for no reason. Violators could be fined $124.

The HOV lane does not count as the so-called "fast lane."



Source says only 24 were ticketed. Probably a better route to take giving out warnings since the law isn't that well-known.
We have officers here in Florida, god and Zeus bless I know not what we would do without them...

The important service they provide, well, I should say they make us aware of our state's important laws concerning emergency vehicles. Since there is a relatively recent law requiring a reduction of speed in the realm of 20 below posted limit, or a mandatory change to the left lane for any vehicle (or perhaps EMS vehicles only, but I believe any vehicle qualifies) with EMS or other signal lights (construction crews, law enforcement, etc).

Since we are an ignorant populace and could otherwise not discern such, we are fortunate to have officers of the fine Highway Patrol and other such institutions that will set up on the side of the road with no other vehicles around, turn on their emergency lights, and wait to see who doesn't reduce speed or change lanes in a mandatory fashion and proceed to lecture and fine, or otherwise seize wealth for arbitrary infractions. Keep in mind the intent of this law is for vehicles in actual emergency or working conditions, not to trap unknowing or otherwise uninformed citizenry and steal their money. I kid you not, my elderly father was pulled over by just such an "informative operation" and he kindly informed him that he was required by law to change lanes or reduce speed significantly for an emergency. When the officer was asked what the emergency was, to which he replied "I am".
This is completely disgusting. A cheap trick to bleed as much money from unknowing taxpayers just trying to get from point A to point B. They should be stopping real criminals and not writing chickenshit tickets, but hey, money's tight these days.

Highway speeds were set for cars in the '40s and don't apply to modern vehicles.
This is good. I hate the assholes who block the left lane of the freeway going 50 mph, forcing people to weave around them by moving to the right to pass and then back to the left. The freeway doesn't belong to you, it's something that we all share, so get the fuck out of the left lane if you're going to drive really slowly.
Art Vandeley said:
This is completely disgusting. A cheap trick to bleed as much money from unknowing taxpayers just trying to get from point A to point B. They should be stopping real criminals and not writing chickenshit tickets, but hey, money's tight these days.

Highway speeds were set for cars in the '40s and don't apply to modern vehicles.

Um, did you actually read what you're complaining about? This isn't giving out speeding tickets. This is warning those dickholes that sit in the left lane on the highway going the same speed (or slower!) than the people in the right lane. Thus, blocking everyone behind them from passing. You know how there are clumps of traffic on highways? It's because of these left lane campers.
Wormdundee said:
Um, did you actually read what you're complaining about? This isn't giving out speeding tickets. This is warning those dickholes that sit in the left lane on the highway going the same speed (or slower!) than the people in the right lane. Thus, blocking everyone behind them from passing. You know how there are clumps of traffic on highways? It's because of these left lane campers.

Actually, unless I'm mistaken this article doesn't mention anything about the officers ACTUALLY stopping individuals who were slowing traffic. It just mentions that the officers pulled over and fined people for BEING in the left lane, or camping it. It is entirely plausible (nay, likely) that a good portion of these people were in fact pulled over for simply being in the left lane for a period of time as observed by the officer, whether or not any traffic was actually on the road in close proximity to these vehicles.

It is doubtful that any proof of traffic slowing or congesting is necessary, rather just being in the lane for a period of time is likely enough to mark you for confiscation and further enlarge the lens of probable cause for LEOs.

I'm not suggesting that it will be solely enforced in an arbitrary fashion, but it most definitely will be for a portion of those to be detained for it.

I should note that I'm not familiar with this law or state and am only speculating.

Chris R

My state doesn't have a law like that... Lucky me. I can travel in the left lane all I want as long as I don't drive slower than the speed limit :D
Ha. Wasn't too long ago that I got scolded for thinking it was illegal (or at least wrong) to cruise in the fast lane.

Good job, Washington. Fuck those douches.
DownLikeBCPowder said:
It is entirely plausible (nay, likely) that a good portion of these people were in fact pulled over for simply being in the left lane for a period of time as observed by the officer, whether or not any traffic was actually on the road in close proximity to these vehicles.

Correct. Thats called breaking the law. Illegal means illegal. These officers were doing their job, and making highways safer by reducing road rage.

Left lane = passing lane not drive at whatever speed you want lane.

If youre not passing, GTFO.

Also, if your elderly father can't follow simple laws designed to save lives (dozens of officers are killed every year when working on highway shoulders) then he should give up his license immediately. It's really not that hard to understand that flashing lights = slow the hell down.
jamesinclair said:
Correct. Thats called breaking the law. Illegal means illegal. These officers were doing their job, and making highways safer by reducing road rage.

Left lane = passing lane not drive at whatever speed you want lane.

If youre not passing, GTFO.

Good to know the desire and admiration of predatory law enforcement is still alive and kickin in the citizenry.

Also, if your elderly father can't follow simple laws designed to save lives (dozens of officers are killed every year when working on highway shoulders) then he should give up his license immediately. It's really not that hard to understand that flashing lights = slow the hell down.

If you care to read, my point is that the law enforcement are creating conditions in which people are subject to penalty, though not under conditions in which those penalties were intended to be imposed and would otherwise not be a condition for detainment. Obviously either you disagree completely (which is fine.. ) or this point is beyond you so I digress.

For your reference, elderly is relative and he is but in his 50s, just to dispel your seeming mental imagery of a feeble man with dementia.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Art Vandeley said:
This is completely disgusting. A cheap trick to bleed as much money from unknowing taxpayers just trying to get from point A to point B. They should be stopping real criminals and not writing chickenshit tickets, but hey, money's tight these days.

Highway speeds were set for cars in the '40s and don't apply to modern vehicles.
It's not a cheap trick, the left lane should be for passing regardless of what eveybody else is driving at. Nowadays you have all the lanes clogged with people driving at whatever speed they feel like and then they fucking weave through the lanes to actually pass other cars. It's stupid, dangerous, and RUDE.

Driving in europe woke me up to this, they have thousands of miles of two-lane highways and this system actually works perfectly with there being no lane-weavers even though the highways have a good amount of congestion. Actually, if you're in the left-most lane and there's a person behind you that has their left blinker on, that means they're signaling to you to go to the slow lane because they want to pass you. And you are legally obligated to do that or you could get a ticket.

It's something you might not believe would work unless you actually tried it yourself though. As far as speed limits go, those were established for fuel efficiency reasons I believe but yeah it makes sense to allow people to drive as low as 45 in the slow lane and maybe up to 80 in the fast lane (assuming safe weather conditions) if they wanted to.


Corporate Apologist
And this is the time where you are supposed to write your state legislatures telling them their 25 year old law is dumb.

Art Vandeley said:
Highway speeds were set for cars in the '40s and don't apply to modern vehicles.
Highway speeds are set for humans, not machines. The reason you don't get speeds much higher then 80 MPH is that above it, you start running into issues of reaction time and eyesight.


there is joy in sucking dick
Even when I'm going fast I go to the right lane when the road up ahead is totally clear. People who chill in the left lane are assholes and usually passive aggressive about people who aren't just going out for a joy ride.


I'm not buying that people don't know. That is self explanatory. The passing lane is the lane for passing. Its how my parents taught me also. Left lane was for passing, then back to the other lanes. And yes you can get a ticket for speeding in the passing lane. A speed limit is a speed limit, but most interstates carry a speed limit and a speed minimum (its like 40 here) so the passing lane is used to get around a vehicle going slower than the speed limit in theory.


APD please take note and please start ticketing the dumb shits who have a line of 20 cars piled up behind them on the Seward Highway.... and just shoot the tourist who stop in the middle of the highway to look at whales or sheep in the face.

Dead Man

I don't normally approve of sudden law enforcement drives, but this one is fine by me. People who have no lane discipline shit it up for everyone else.


Al-ibn Kermit said:
It's not a cheap trick, the left lane should be for passing regardless of what eveybody else is driving at. Nowadays you have all the lanes clogged with people driving at whatever speed they feel like and then they fucking weave through the lanes to actually pass other cars. It's stupid, dangerous, and RUDE.

Then stay to the damn right.

The thing that always blows my mind is how every damn airport shuttle in the world uses the far left lane to go about 45.


Pickles the Firecat said:
I don't presume to know the traffic situations in other cities, but in mine:

So good luck with that and keep it up north.
Are you crazy? LA traffic would be so much less awful if people weren't always fucking up the left lane. The worst is when the car in the left lane is in a dead heat with the car one lane over, both holding up traffic. A pocket of traffic forms as the cars behind them brake a little, and the cars behind them brake a little more, and so on until two miles back it becomes a dead stop.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE YOU ASSHOLES. I don't care if you think you're going as fast as any decent person should need to go. You are not the arbiter. And don't speed up a little to try and placate me. Just MOVE.


DownLikeBCPowder said:
We have officers here in Florida, god and Zeus bless I know not what we would do without them...

The important service they provide, well, I should say they make us aware of our state's important laws concerning emergency vehicles. Since there is a relatively recent law requiring a reduction of speed in the realm of 20 below posted limit, or a mandatory change to the left lane for any vehicle (or perhaps EMS vehicles only, but I believe any vehicle qualifies) with EMS or other signal lights (construction crews, law enforcement, etc).

Since we are an ignorant populace and could otherwise not discern such, we are fortunate to have officers of the fine Highway Patrol and other such institutions that will set up on the side of the road with no other vehicles around, turn on their emergency lights, and wait to see who doesn't reduce speed or change lanes in a mandatory fashion and proceed to lecture and fine, or otherwise seize wealth for arbitrary infractions. Keep in mind the intent of this law is for vehicles in actual emergency or working conditions, not to trap unknowing or otherwise uninformed citizenry and steal their money. I kid you not, my elderly father was pulled over by just such an "informative operation" and he kindly informed him that he was required by law to change lanes or reduce speed significantly for an emergency. When the officer was asked what the emergency was, to which he replied "I am".

In Canada (or at least BC), if you hear sirens, you GTF to the side of the road and let the emergency vehicles pass.
Zekes! said:
In Canada (or at least BC), if you hear sirens, you GTF to the side of the road and let the emergency vehicles pass.

What you're talking about is an EMS vehicle traveling on a roadway that you are currently possessing. Specifically, my reference is to stationary or parked EMS vehicles on the side of the road. In particular my example references singular enforcement vehicles which create an "emergency" (not an actual condition which the law was intended, in other words creating a condition which would otherwise not exist.. IE NOT an emergency in the least, which contorts the value of the "law" from a guiding tool into a weapon to be leveraged against you rather than to actually benefit EMS vehicles) in which the desired result is to harass people for not "deferring" to this artificial emergency.

Just to make things clearer, I am not speaking of an EMS vehicle attempting to clear an area or roadway, nor am I suggesting that you should fly past EMS vehicles (or any parked vehicle close to a roadway) with reckless abandon. I don't know about you, but if I see an abnormal condition I don't continue normal driving behavior. I slow down or attempt to give room to someone on a sideline, whether it be an EMS given special deference by the state or a civilian pulled over for who knows what private reason.

To further clarify, because this point seems to be lost somewhere, I am not against reasonable driving. I think reasonable people make reasonable decisions most of the time. I also believe that we do not require excessive laws or legislation (and subsequently, predatory fining, entrapment, "situation creation" and so on) to encourage people to make reasonable decisions.

If we had and encouraged a more benevolent enforcement rather than predatory enforcement culture which is encouraged and silently condoned by the population, you wouldn't have these situations in which law enforcement create artificial conditions (or break laws themselves in many cases) in which to trap citizenry. This is not an isolated incident or scenario.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
What I can't stand the most is having someone going 5 mph below the speed limit in the far right lane then after having 3 people pass them, they move over to the left a lane or two. WHY? YOU WERE ALREADY GOING SLOWER THAN LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.


Another reason Washington is a badass state. I swear there's NOTHING more aggravating on the road than these fucking assholes driving slow in the left lane while there's a giant train of cars behind them. Fuck them.
Yeah, we don't have this problem in the NYC area. For one, everyone goes over the speed limit. And two, there are too many cars to restrict an entire lane to being "pass only."
I live in the UK and whilst I don't drive on motorways, I do drive on a lot of duel carriageways (two lanes, for those who may not know). If there's a car overtaking a slower car in front of me then I'm okay if they're not doing 70mph (the legal limit). It's a bit annoying, but they're getting past a car that's going slower and if they get back in the left lane afterwards then I just stay in the overtaking line and carry on my merry way.

What annoys me, though, is when some cunt, usually driving an Audi or BMW, is behind me in the overtaking lane and starts flashing his lights at me when I'm overtaking and doing the legal speed limit of 70mph. If I was hogging the lane for no reason, fine, I'd understand that, but just because you want to risk speeding and getting points on your license doesn't mean I do. I'm legally within my right to use that lane at 70mph to overtake cars and when they flash or honk their horn at me I have an overwhelming desire to slam on my brakes and let them smash into the back of me. Not a good idea, so I don't, but goddamn it pisses me off.

The real kicker? I've never, ever seen one of these people pulled over. I've been driving for two years now and encountered countless dickheads on the roads who get aggressive and then fly by at 80/90mph once I go back into the left lane, but not get pulled over. I wish there were more police on the road so they would get caught and I wouldn't have to deal with them. I get annoyed by people going below the speed limits, but to be aggressive towards me because I'm obeying the law is just fucking stupid.
A ticket because you drove too long in the left lane? That's pretty fucking stupid. I always drive in the left lane because on the right, people are slow as fuck. They made a fucking lane and you can't drive on it? Fuck you.

Dead Man

Max Armstrong said:
A ticket because you drove too long in the left lane? That's pretty fucking stupid. I always drive in the left lane because on the right, people are slow as fuck. They made a fucking lane and you can't drive on it? Fuck you.
No you idiot, it just means you can't stay in the left lane. Or has someone broken you hands so you can't use your indicators and change lanes?


Max Armstrong said:
A ticket because you drove too long in the left lane? That's pretty fucking stupid. I always drive in the left lane because on the right, people are slow as fuck. They made a fucking lane and you can't drive on it? Fuck you.

If you are overtaking the cars in the right lane you are fine. If the driver is just camping out in the left lane because they fear the exhaustion of pressing the turn signal lever and cranking the wheel 5 degrees to the right they deserve a ticket.

Dude Abides

DownLikeBCPowder said:
Just to make things clearer, I am not speaking of an EMS vehicle attempting to clear an area or roadway, nor am I suggesting that you should fly past EMS vehicles (or any parked vehicle close to a roadway) with reckless abandon. I don't know about you, but if I see an abnormal condition I don't continue normal driving behavior. I slow down or attempt to give room to someone on a sideline, whether it be an EMS given special deference by the state or a civilian pulled over for who knows what private reason.

Goddamned rubbernecker, creating traffic jams for the rest of us.
Dead Man said:
No you idiot, it just means you can't stay in the left lane. Or has someone broken you hands so you can't use your indicators and change lanes?
But WHY would I be obligated to change lane? I just don't get it. If the lane is free, why can't I just drive on it? I'm not blocking anyone behind, and if I see a car in the back distance going faster than me, I just let him pass and go back on the left after.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Max Armstrong said:
But WHY would I be obligated to change lane? I just don't get it. If the lane is free, why can't I just drive on it? I'm not blocking anyone behind, and if I see a car in the back distance going faster than me, I just let him pass and go back on the left after.

Because you're not the only one with that mentality and it usually leads to congestion or people passing on your right. You're under the assumption that you will ALWAYS notice someone creeping up on you and that everyone else will always do the same.

Personally, if I'm doing long-distance expressway driving, I'll stick to the right and do a lot of passing, even if I'm going fast for the right lane. American Interstates are already boring as hell to drive on. Going in a straight line in the same lane for a dozen miles before finding a slight bend is so fucking dull that driving properly and using proper lane techniques keeps me far more alert and less prone to nodding off or spacing out.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Max Armstrong said:
A ticket because you drove too long in the left lane? That's pretty fucking stupid. I always drive in the left lane because on the right, people are slow as fuck. They made a fucking lane and you can't drive on it? Fuck you.
There are always these fools...

Please make driver education stricter! Then we wouldn't have nonsense like this guy.
Maybe it's a country thing or I don't know. I live in Quebec and never seen this before today, for me, it's always been:

Left = Fast drivers
Right = Slow drivers


Pickles the Firecat said:
I don't presume to know the traffic situations in other cities, but in mine:

So good luck with that and keep it up north.

I know that drive very well my friend. It takes me 1 to 2 hours to go 30 miles (from home to work) on that freeway. Without traffic it takes me 30 mins.

The worst part is that their is traffic even on the weekends now (going from the SFV to Santa Monica). When I reach the end of the traffic there is no accident to be found. Nothing!
For people here who admit to driving in the left lane, I have a couple of questions for you. Do you not notice the angry people behind you who have to pass you on the right? Are you oblivious to it all? Are you completely clueless? Are you also the kind of person who stops and stands when you get to the top of an escalator?


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
For people here who admit to driving in the left lane, I have a couple of questions for you. Do you not notice the angry people behind you who have to pass you on the right? Are you oblivious to it all? Are you completely clueless? Are you also the kind of person who stops and stands when you get to the top of an escalator?

This x1000.

I also think they are clueless and oblivious, and I fucking LOVE this law. I am not sure if it is in New York, but I hope it is.

My morning commute would be so much better if people stuck to this. This should definitely be on the driving test, even though most people forgot what questions they answered -- if it's engraved in young driver's minds from the start they'll know about it for ever.
This should be done in every state. I will even flash my high beams and these fuckers just won't speed up. Worst is when they go the same speed as the car on the right; then you're really stuck!
i hate left lane campers with a passion, so yeah, screw 'em

although i gotta say it's pretty funny to do left lane camping when you're already driving slightly above the limit
fuck you assholes, you don't need to be going any faster


he's Virgin Tight™
People generally drive like idiots. I stay in the middle and right lanes usually while using the left to pass, but on extreme traffic jams I forget that rule. It's impossible to have 3 lanes full and the left one empty. Of course they are gonna fill up.

It's ok with me if you are on the left lane and driving fast, but if you are just slowing it and people have to go around you.. FUCK YOU. Freeways should have a minimum speed of 55 at least goddammit
Ok, I should have guessed it would have backfired on me. I guess it's different from driving in New York or Washington highways than it is for small highways in Quebec where there's barely any drivers on the road anyway. Usually the closest car is like at 1 km away from you, not 3 meters.
Relix said:
People generally drive like idiots. I stay in the middle and right lanes usually while using the left to pass, but on extreme traffic jams I forget that rule. It's impossible to have 3 lanes full and the left one empty. Of course they are gonna fill up.

It's ok with me if you are on the left lane and driving fast, but if you are just slowing it and people have to go around you.. FUCK YOU. Freeways should have a minimum speed of 55 at least goddammit
Freeways here have a max of 55 :/

Some parts have 65 limit but it's radar enforced WTF!


Hmm its 2011 not the 80s. The population is alot larger and alot more traffic. I get the left lane ideals but if your seriously saying some two lane hwy way should only be using one lane your delusional.


May contain jokes =>
When I'm driving on an interstate or similar road, I try to stick to the middle lane if possible. If there's only 2, I usually end up in the left lane most of the time. There's just too many assholes going 50 or 55 on a 65 road. I'll get back over to the right if somebody is coming up behind me though.

I understand this law and how camping in the left lane can cause problems. However, while everyone in this thread is shitting on those people, they're forgetting or ignoring that the idiots driving too slow cause just as large, if not larger a problem. If the right lane wasn't clogged with old ladies and other idiots it'd be a lot easier to follow this law.
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