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Washington police deserve medals....ticket 223 left lane campers

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Living in San Diego, I can see this working out really well. Then again people tend to also drive in the pull off line on the side, so this won't bother them much anyway.


tmarques said:
Yes, because no one has ever been the victim of someone else's speeding. I understand most drivers have this idiotic belief that they are better drivers than everyone else, but speed limits exist for a reason. You want campers to get out of the left lane, which is fair enough, but so is their wanting you not to endanger everybody else by speeding.
Going over the speed limit =/= driving 90+ MPH.
CrocMother said:
If I'm on a multilane highway and I'm cruising at a speed that is faster than everyone in the right lanes, I'm staying in the left lane so I don't have to keep switching back and forth. If someone comes up from behind me that is going faster, I move out of their way.

What is wrong with this?

Because you most likely will wait until the other person is right behind you, slowing them down.

Even a slight tap on the brakes send ripple effects through highway traffic. Im sure youve experience a 15mile traffic jam that suddenly opens up, and there was absolutely nothing there. One person brakes, so the people behind him and so on and so forth.

And also, this might come as a shock, but youre not perfect. You probably dont look at your review mirror every 7 seconds, because youre on cruise control, the road is straight, and your favorite song is on. The guy who just came up behind you? Maybe hes been there for 30 seconds, pissed off at your incompetence.


Maxis Redwood
There's no reason to get out of the left lane when you're already driving well over the speed limit and you're not in the way of anyone trying to pass you. It's flat out retarded to have a whole lane of a highway that almost nobody is in when you live in a city. The only time this mentality is ok is when there's someone driving stupidly slow in the left lane. If other traffic wants to go faster, move the hell to the right. If nobody is looking to pass you, use the left lane all you want.

pj said:
I cruise in the left lane because I generally drive 5mph faster than everyone else. It would be ridiculous to swing in and out of the left lane every ten seconds to pass someone who's going too slow. If someone is driving faster than me in the left lane, I pull into the right and let them by.

This, exactly this.


tmarques said:
I do. Always have. Doesn't change the fact that it's hypocritical to want others to be fined for breaking certain laws when you want to get away with breaking other laws. We don't get to choose which laws to follow.

75%(pulled that number out of my ass) of the people in Texas drive 5 over the speed limit. See how many people break the law? Yeah cops ain't gonna catch them all, its usually when people drive 10+ over the speed limit. Instead of giving tickets to people who speed, they need to crack down on idiots who don't bother signaling when changing lanes.
The left lane is the "I hate trucks" lane.

Trucks don't go in the left lane, and if you're on a major expressway, that's where I'd rather be. :/


Konka said:
If you take the time to actually research the speed limit, highway engineers have always recommended limits above what government imposes to collect speeding ticket revenue.
Speed limits are my favorite reference point at just how fucked up American laws are.

I mean it's cool that the majority of the driving population breaks the law every day and all, but it just seems odd to me to have a rule that drivers are expected to not follow. You're actually more dangerous to others if you strictly follow the speed limit and refuse to speed, as speeding is the norm. How does this make sense?


Turn signals are impossible for most of the population I've discovered. They see no reason to signal, so they don't. They can change lanes/turn without using a signal unimpeded, so everyone else be damned.


Setec Astronomer
IQ tests should include this question:

"You are driving down the middle lane of a road that has three lanes on your side. There are no other cars anywhere except a car in front of you in that same lane. This car is going slower than you and you soon find yourself driving right behind this car. What do you do in response to this?"


Maxis Redwood
Acerac said:
They see no reason to signal, so they don't. They can change lanes/turn without using a signal unimpeded, so everyone else be damned.

No reason to use a signal if it isn't going to benefit anyone.


Acerac said:
Speed limits are my favorite reference point at just how fucked up American laws are.

I mean it's cool that the majority of the driving population breaks the law every day and all, but it just seems odd to me to have a rule that drivers are expected to not follow. You're actually more dangerous to others if you strictly follow the speed limit and refuse to speed, as speeding is the norm. How does this make sense?


Turn signals are impossible for most of the population I've discovered. They see no reason to signal, so they don't. They can change lanes/turn without using a signal unimpeded, so everyone else be damned.

Yeah I ALWAYS use my turn signal. I hate when people don't, it's so god dammed easy.
I just look for a spot in front of a car where I can go as fast as I want without them coming up on me, but so they're still there to block cops who come up from behind us.


I hate left-lane campers as much as the next guy, but fuck traffic cops and 95% of the laws associated with their job. Their only purpose is to raise money to pay real cops.
I was taught that if you're in the passing lane and someone ahead of you isn't passing and is going slower than you want, you flash your high lights at them to indicate you want them to move out of the way, since you aren't supposed to pass them on the right.

I won't drive unsafely just because of a slow left lane driver. I'll keep a standard distance behind and won't try to pass them on the right unless that lane is clear. But I will flash my lights at them. But I notice it hardly ever works. I don't know if they don't know what I'm doing or just don't care or think I'm being an asshole.
jamesinclair said:
Because you most likely will wait until the other person is right behind you, slowing them down.

Even a slight tap on the brakes send ripple effects through highway traffic. Im sure youve experience a 15mile traffic jam that suddenly opens up, and there was absolutely nothing there. One person brakes, so the people behind him and so on and so forth.

And also, this might come as a shock, but youre not perfect. You probably dont look at your review mirror every 7 seconds, because youre on cruise control, the road is straight, and your favorite song is on. The guy who just came up behind you? Maybe hes been there for 30 seconds, pissed off at your incompetence.

A 15mile traffic jam that suddenly opened up probably happened because there was an accident, causing a long traffic jam, then the accident got cleaned up but the traffic jam still takes a while to clear up. No 15 mile traffic jam happens because one person tailgated another for 5 seconds before the first moved aside, Jesus.

And by the way, I do look my rear view mirror (not review mirror) every 5-10 seconds. You don't need to wait until the driver is right behind you because you can tell whether he's going faster than you or not (you see him getting closer every time you check). I mean if you have a car tailgating you for 30 seconds before you even notice, you suck at driving and need to get off the road altogether.


Refusing to move from the passing lane when there is someone behind you and you aren't passing anyone yourself should be a capital offense.
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