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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design


http://devdocs.io should satisfy all web-developer documentation needs (and it uses MDN of course ;))

But please, before you learn ANY framework, learn vanilla first (JS/CSS/HTML), everything will be way easier later... and you will not be lost if you have to use a new framework.


Awesome, thanks for the advice. I've been learning Bootstrap and jQuery lately, so it sounds like I'm on the right track.
WordPress + GravityForms could handle all that.

Write a hook into the functions.php class for gform_after_submission that talks with your 3rd party to send it all the information from your questionnaire.

Hey, so the guy who was talking me through this was banned. Anyone familiar with GravityForms in here?

I'd like to be able to have multiple forms be put in a shopping cart, then have them do the different questionnaires associated with those forms either in order or whenever they want. Then that info gets spit out to WebMerge or a similar service and emailed to them.

Am I nuts to undertake this kind of project? It is a game development-specific alternative to LegalZoom, where devs can get contracts in lieu of paying someone like me 10x as much to have them drafted.

There's a guy using this method with ubuildcontracts.com, but his end result is odd. It basically creates a Wordpress post that only the user can access (they are the "author" of that post for the purposes of the site and the post is private). They can then copy and paste it or get a word document, which I don't want to do because then they'd just change the document instead of ordering another from my site.

Any ideas, Gaf?

Nelo Ice

So all the layout and positioning issues I was having with CSS are being made a bit more clear since I decided to take CSS layout techniques course from treehouse. Have only gottten 1 achievement so far but I'm starting to understand what to do since before I had no clue how to position anything.

Think I'm going to finish that course then try to finish my first web page from scratch and then start the javascript course. So far I think I'm moving along fairly well after a month of learning. Starting that web page from scratch was definitely the most intimidating thing I've attempted so far.
Hey, so the guy who was talking me through this was banned. Anyone familiar with GravityForms in here?

I'd like to be able to have multiple forms be put in a shopping cart, then have them do the different questionnaires associated with those forms either in order or whenever they want. Then that info gets spit out to WebMerge or a similar service and emailed to them.

Am I nuts to undertake this kind of project? It is a game development-specific alternative to LegalZoom, where devs can get contracts in lieu of paying someone like me 10x as much to have them drafted.

There's a guy using this method with ubuildcontracts.com, but his end result is odd. It basically creates a Wordpress post that only the user can access (they are the "author" of that post for the purposes of the site and the post is private). They can then copy and paste it or get a word document, which I don't want to do because then they'd just change the document instead of ordering another from my site.

Any ideas, Gaf?

This would not be a terribly difficult task to accomplish with Gravity Forms.

I've done a similar process before where a user goes through a form and, at the end, a PDF is generated server side, assigned a random string as the key and then the key is then associated to that form entry for future reference. At any time, the user can go to http://examplee.com/pdf/randomstring to download the PDF.

If you want to discuss this more, feel free to send me a PM. I have a lot of experience with Gravity Forms and can help walk you through the process more.
This would not be a terribly difficult task to accomplish with Gravity Forms.

I've done a similar process before where a user goes through a form and, at the end, a PDF is generated server side, assigned a random string as the key and then the key is then associated to that form entry for future reference. At any time, the user can go to http://examplee.com/pdf/randomstring to download the PDF.

If you want to discuss this more, feel free to send me a PM. I have a lot of experience with Gravity Forms and can help walk you through the process more.

Will do. Getting on a plane in the AM, but I'll contact you when I arrive in Tokyo or Bangkok.
Remember the Articulate Storyline rant I made few pages back? I have been doing that for a week now. I am seriously considering cancelling my career and start doing hard drugs like heroin or something. Even that would be more rewarding than using that program.


Urgh, my sympathies!

I recently started development of an app in a team, using React and Flux, and oh boy!

I'm truly exited, for the first time in years! It's so different, and once you get the hang of flux , so cool. I'm not into facebook in any way, but the guys over there developing this, did some pretty impressive stuff.
If you go further and look into Yahoo's Fluxible, you get a fully isomorphic solution, where the same react/flux app is also rendered on the server for the first request. Crazy times.
Urgh, my sympathies!

I recently started development of an app in a team, using React and Flux, and oh boy!

I'm truly exited, for the first time in years! It's so different, and once you get the hang of flux , so cool. I'm not into facebook in any way, but the guys over there developing this, did some pretty impressive stuff.
If you go further and look into Yahoo's Fluxible, you get a fully isomorphic solution, where the same react/flux app is also rendered on the server for the first request. Crazy times.

For the past few months I have been using Ember but lately I have been thinking about trying React instead. That said, Ember 2.0 will absorb many of the great concepts React has, so there's that too. Ember already moved to HTMLbars by default and finally we can get rid of Handlebars-helpers like {{bind-attr src=foo.bar}} and just use src={{foo.bar}} which will improve the Ember experience immensely.


Ember is cool, and it's a much more complete solution than react (at the moment at least...)

But sometimes the complete solution with it's constraints isn't the right choice. Ember is awesome for REST APIs (actually I don't know if there is something else coming close to it), but we don't build a REST API for this new project for example, and using Ember would be a huge pain.

Anyways, React is really fun, I recommend to play with it :)

Nelo Ice

Saw some of this discussed on the last page but how do you guys start a project from scratch?

After going through some of the CSS layout techniques course on Treehouse, I've decided to restart my web page. I got about halfway done with the first attempt but the css was an unorganized trainwreck.

Instead I'm following what you guys posted earlier to make my css readable. And now I'm focusing on making it mobile first so it'll be easier to make it responsive. I'm using normalize.css to reset the sheet unless I should try learning a framework or flexbox.

My thinking is I want to do my first project the hard way. Hoping keeping my code organized and learning everything properly now will force me into good habits. And if I can figure it out now, I'll save myself a headache later when I really start developing. Since before I was just making a desktop design and kinda throwing things at a wall css wise hoping things would show up where I wanted them to lol.

I'm looking through source codes of sites and seeing how they came together again. But this time around it's starting to make a little more sense as to how they did everything besides the javascript which I haven't learned yet.

So atm I'm tryin to recreate a simpler version of this site with my current skillset. Made a few modifications in my wire frame just so I could make some things different.

Right now I have the logo up then moving my way down the page. So atm I'm working on making a nav bar and menu. Treehouse has a video on making a dropdown menu with just css and html so figure I'll try my hand at that after I get my nav bar to actually look like a nav bar.


Guys, GUYS. Can one of you tell me how they're doing the magic background on the second "slide" (Capitol Concerns). I know it's canvas and webGL but I have noooo idea how to replicate it :/
jQuery or AngularJS?


Angular uses by itself a subset of jQuery they call jQlite. See: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.element for reference.

If you feel like you'd want jQuery features outside of that subset while using Angular, you can include the whole library. Of course you can implement any of the said features yourself if you want to optimize, but jQuery is relatively lightweight anyway (compared to the feature set it offers).


Angular has jQuery Lite builtin, so both.

I'd say in most cases though you don't need to include the full jQuery. You really shouldn't need the additional functionality, and besides, they're looking to remove it in version 2.

I'd say the only time you really want it is if you have a 3rd party package you really want to use that's written in jQuery. In which case I think creating directives as mediators is the best option.

BUT to answer the original question, I'd say AngularJS, It's the bees knees!
So all the layout and positioning issues I was having with CSS are being made a bit more clear since I decided to take CSS layout techniques course from treehouse. Have only gottten 1 achievement so far but I'm starting to understand what to do since before I had no clue how to position anything.

Think I'm going to finish that course then try to finish my first web page from scratch and then start the javascript course. So far I think I'm moving along fairly well after a month of learning. Starting that web page from scratch was definitely the most intimidating thing I've attempted so far.

what positioning questions do you have?

Nelo Ice

what positioning questions do you have?

Well for one I'm still having issues with margins and spacing. Like I know what they do but for some reason I still can't wrap my head around how to calculate what exact px, %, em etc to use. Even though my friend explained it to me to put everything in a container like a div then from there that's how you calculate the sizing.

Like I posted earlier, I'm trying to recreate a simpler version of these sites but with some minor mods of my own. http://www.parkjourney.com/ http://www.westcoaster.net/

Atm I'm having trouble figuring out how to align the logo to the center like those sites but off to the left. All I've managed is having the logo right in the center. And I looked up how to make a menu but have yet to figure out how to not make it fill up the span of the page and rather just have it centered like those sites. Like I managed to do that in my first attempt but no clue how it happened though I'd guess it's due to me using a different reset stylesheet rather than normalize.

Besides those issues, now I'm trying to figure out how to align the social media logos properly then after I'll move onto the columns where all the articles would go. Then lastly the footer. Also I'm trying to make this responsive from the ground up.

Anyway after trying this on my own, I'm wondering is it just me or is the learning curve just that steep?. Saw someone post this on the Treehouse forums and I feel like I'm phase 3 atm. http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/t...ers-career-as-illustrated-by-memes--net-30840

Curious if it's me just having trouble since I've read about all those success stories of people getting full time jobs after 6 months-1 year of learning. With some of those people starting out with zero programming knowledge.

Also anyone see the news about this? Looked at that and was like yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for since I've currently hit a wall on my own.


I don't understand the question?

these are two totally different tools.

Good! Been working with MEAN stack recently and was caught off guard by this http://adrianmejia.com/blog/2014/09...odejs-expressjs-and-mongodb/#brief-background (note- it's not a full on jquery vs angular article, but it planted the seed in my brain to wonder about it).

I'm not familiar enough with Angular to say that Angular can't replace jQuery's functionality. Certainly it can replace a lot of data binding requirements that would have previously been taken care of with jQuery in my code. Just not sure if that's only the tip of the angular vs jQuery iceberg..

For example, thinking in Angular without jQuery...
How would this be done without jQuery (without just simply writing raw js): onclick event handler --> function() { // hide all .foo elements }
With jQuery you'd just use $('.foo').hide() or something similar. I can see this being considered data binding.. I'm binding the style display:none or whatever to element with class = '.foo'.
Would angular have something like <h1 class="foo-{{foo.visibility}}"> etc.. ? An ng-click somewhere will change foo.visibility from 'visible' to 'hidden' thus setting the rendered class to .foo-hidden on click.

So.. what do we lose without jQuery? Is jQuery simply a library of polyfills when using Angular?
does anyone know where I can get information on how to run the following process.

In a page. there is a link, clicking a link opens up another page window in the center of the browser which has a close button. sort of like a popup but actually a page.

For example if I have a product and if they click enlarge image it should get a new page within a page which can be closed which has the bigger image or in other examples, clicking the link gets you a page window with an explanation of the text (taken from another page)
does anyone know where I can get information on how to run the following process.

In a page. there is a link, clicking a link opens up another page window in the center of the browser which has a close button. sort of like a popup but actually a page.

For example if I have a product and if they click enlarge image it should get a new page within a page which can be closed which has the bigger image or in other examples, clicking the link gets you a page window with an explanation of the text (taken from another page)

You can do this with modal popups. Basic gist is that you have a popup that's absolutely positioned, usually with a fixed backdrop that fills the whole screen. You can see something like the most popular lightbox Magnific Popup for an example http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/ or Bootstraps Modal Popup http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals

In the past this has been done with just opening new urls with window.open but those days are luckily behind us.


Good! Been working with MEAN stack recently and was caught off guard by this http://adrianmejia.com/blog/2014/09...odejs-expressjs-and-mongodb/#brief-background (note- it's not a full on jquery vs angular article, but it planted the seed in my brain to wonder about it).

I'm not familiar enough with Angular to say that Angular can't replace jQuery's functionality. Certainly it can replace a lot of data binding requirements that would have previously been taken care of with jQuery in my code. Just not sure if that's only the tip of the angular vs jQuery iceberg..

For example, thinking in Angular without jQuery...
How would this be done without jQuery (without just simply writing raw js): onclick event handler --> function() { // hide all .foo elements }
With jQuery you'd just use $('.foo').hide() or something similar. I can see this being considered data binding.. I'm binding the style display:none or whatever to element with class = '.foo'.
Would angular have something like <h1 class="foo-{{foo.visibility}}"> etc.. ? An ng-click somewhere will change foo.visibility from 'visible' to 'hidden' thus setting the rendered class to .foo-hidden on click.

So.. what do we lose without jQuery? Is jQuery simply a library of polyfills when using Angular?

jQuery was developed in a time, when every browser had it's own way achieving the same thing. For example event listeners, or XMLHttpRequests (aka AJAX).
jQuery provided a really easy way to deal with these x-browser problems. They added a ton of helpful features, too. And that plugin system alone was good enough to take developers hearts by storm.

jQuery never intended to be anything else than a great tool belt, though.

In 2015, almost everything you can do with jQuery, can be done natively with javascript in modern browsers (>=IE9). Domqueries, ajax, events, animations... and there are tons of micro frameworks you can use without including jQuery. I still use jQuery from time to time, as it's very well tested and supported.

Angular on the other hand is a fully fledged javascript/html app framework with data binding and all that crazy stuff. If you have to implement some ui related actions inside Angular for example, it's your decision if you need jQuery for that. :)
You can do this with modal popups. Basic gist is that you have a popup that's absolutely positioned, usually with a fixed backdrop that fills the whole screen. You can see something like the most popular lightbox Magnific Popup for an example http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/ or Bootstraps Modal Popup http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals

In the past this has been done with just opening new urls with window.open but those days are luckily behind us.

Thanks this is exactly what I needed


Get Inside Her!
In 2015, almost everything you can do with jQuery, can be done natively with javascript in modern browsers (>=IE9). Domqueries, ajax, events, animations... and there are tons of micro frameworks you can use without including jQuery. I still use jQuery from time to time, as it's very well tested and supported.

...I just looked up and learned about document.querySelector. Only having access to jQlite in Angular has stymied my selecting for a while now, I had no idea I could just throw a querySelector'd element into the jQlite element tag and voila. MAN!!!
hey guys, are there any basic recommendations you might have for removing render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content when Google makes a note of it in PageSpeed?

Their guide page is a bit cryptic and I find some scripts don't take too kindly to being deferred. How do you guys manage it?

edit: also, friends don't let friends build their websites on Expression Engine. Holy fuckin shit what a disaster of a CMS.


Quoting this post from the general programming thread:
Just told an honor society I could build a website for them even though I only really know basic CSS/HTML and JS (did an intro to web dev class a while back). What else would I need to know to properly build a website in 2015? They pretty much just want it to have info and pictures, so I could technically do it with what I know but I want to know what the best practices would be. What should I use?

Also, would I need to know any server side stuff for this? I'm guessing no since it's just a basic website but I've never actually launched a site before.

Daffy Duck

I'm having to change a site we've done previously(the guy who did it has left) and it's done in object oriented php (which I have very little experience with), now the page I'm doing has a tabbed area with day 1-8 on it, and those tabs have to display submissions for those days, what's the best most efficient way of writing my sql select query in OO PHP?

Would I use a sql select query for each day then use that in the div for that day?


Neo Member
Can someone help me decide what kind of CMS I should learn? A little background info: I'm currently working as a front-end developer (HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Angular, Sass, Jade, Grunt ... you name it) and I also do a few design tasks (Sketch/Photoshop/Fireworks). I'm good at it and keep improving, thanks to the opportunity the agency is giving me. I also have some basic PHP knowledge ... as in I can somewhat read it and write a little.

I tried Wordpress a little bit and I liked it so far. Plus we might switch to it in the future at work. So should I dig more into PHP and start learning Wordpress? Is there something better with good support and a user friendly interface? Or should I ditch PHP and learn NodeJS (which is more useful for me as frontend guy) and try something like Ghost/KeystoneJS? Being lightweight and fast is important to me.

I just want to be able to use a blog and be able to change content on the site for some private projects (for now at least), so the search is not really work-related.
Can someone help me decide what kind of CMS I should learn? A little background info: I'm currently working as a front-end developer (HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Angular, Sass, Jade, Grunt ... you name it) and I also do a few design tasks (Sketch/Photoshop/Fireworks). I'm good at it and keep improving, thanks to the opportunity the agency is giving me. I also have some basic PHP knowledge ... as in I can somewhat read it and write a little.

I tried Wordpress a little bit and I liked it so far. Plus we might switch to it in the future at work. So should I dig more into PHP and start learning Wordpress? Is there something better with good support and a user friendly interface? Or should I ditch PHP and learn NodeJS (which is more useful for me as frontend guy) and try something like Ghost/KeystoneJS? Being lightweight and fast is important to me.

I just want to be able to use a blog and be able to change content on the site for some private projects (for now at least), so the search is not really work-related.
Well, i still think that WordPress is rather lackluster as a CMS, it is rather easy to make a website with it, just not the most complex website.

I can only speak for the german market, but we have a lot of Typo3, Drupal and Joomla in use here. Might check out one of those, but in the end, it is never wrong to go with the one that has the most demand.


Neo Member
I can only speak for the german market, but we have a lot of Typo3, Drupal and Joomla in use here. Might check out one of those, but in the end, it is never wrong to go with the one that has the most demand.

We currently use Typo3 at work and seeing the interface alone makes me want to run away. :p But as I mentioned, my search isn't work-related. But how is Typo3 Neos? It actually looks decent.
Can someone help me decide what kind of CMS I should learn? A little background info: I'm currently working as a front-end developer (HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Angular, Sass, Jade, Grunt ... you name it) and I also do a few design tasks (Sketch/Photoshop/Fireworks). I'm good at it and keep improving, thanks to the opportunity the agency is giving me. I also have some basic PHP knowledge ... as in I can somewhat read it and write a little.

I tried Wordpress a little bit and I liked it so far. Plus we might switch to it in the future at work. So should I dig more into PHP and start learning Wordpress? Is there something better with good support and a user friendly interface? Or should I ditch PHP and learn NodeJS (which is more useful for me as frontend guy) and try something like Ghost/KeystoneJS? Being lightweight and fast is important to me.

I just want to be able to use a blog and be able to change content on the site for some private projects (for now at least), so the search is not really work-related.

From your last paragraph (and the need for speed), full fledged CMS might be an overkill for that, even if you fiddle around with WP and Typo3 at work. Maybe look into some static site generators like Jekyll (that requires Ruby, but you can get a basic site up in 10 minutes without previous Ruby knowledge). See https://www.staticgen.com/ for more options.
We currently use Typo3 at work and seeing the interface alone makes me want to run away. :p But as I mentioned, my search isn't work-related. But how is Typo3 Neos? It actually looks decent.
Well, yeah, the Wordpress interface is indeed very simple, compared to other CMS's.
The biggest turnoff in Typo3 (at least for me) is that darned TypoScript ... other CMS-systems just rely on PHP scripts, and i have a hard time reasoning myself into learning a new language just for one system.
I haven't really looked into Neos, but it does look like a Typo3 Wordpress, so you might have it easier getting into the flow.

Personally i work with Joomla, it allows developing all kinds of extensions, and if you have PHP-knowledge, there is not much of a learning curve in the beginning. But i am also mainly a developer, means the less CSS, HTML and design stuff i have to take care of, the better. ^^
Been looking at image viewers. Found one I liked called photoswipe but there are performance issues with older phones where it simply freezes the whole app.

Anyone who knows about one that has good performance, so even older phone like say Ihpone 4 can use it? Slow is fine as long as it actually runs.

Actually what my boss really wants is one that scrolls images vertically. *shudder* :\

As my own tip for this thread to look into in web-development is googles polymer. Lots of stuff happening there and an big update is dropping soon. It's not mature by an longshot. Bugs, bugs everywhere.

But we are building cool stuff with it. loving it more and more. I can say we have dropped Jquery and bootstrap completely now, feels good not needing them anymore.


jQuery was developed in a time, when every browser had it's own way achieving the same thing. For example event listeners, or XMLHttpRequests (aka AJAX).
jQuery provided a really easy way to deal with these x-browser problems. They added a ton of helpful features, too. And that plugin system alone was good enough to take developers hearts by storm.

jQuery never intended to be anything else than a great tool belt, though.

In 2015, almost everything you can do with jQuery, can be done natively with javascript in modern browsers (>=IE9). Domqueries, ajax, events, animations... and there are tons of micro frameworks you can use without including jQuery. I still use jQuery from time to time, as it's very well tested and supported.

Angular on the other hand is a fully fledged javascript/html app framework with data binding and all that crazy stuff. If you have to implement some ui related actions inside Angular for example, it's your decision if you need jQuery for that. :)

I use jQuery all the time in all of my web dev projects and have for years, I'm a jQuery addict. Angular is a paradigm shift for me in web development. The things I would have done before with jQuery have been given an alternative (better alternative? case-by-case- maybe some better, some worse). I'm getting my feet wet in it and I don't know yet if I like it or not, or if it's possible to "think in Angular" to build jQuery-free without feeling limited.

"It's your decision if you need jQuery for that" -- the heart of my original question, jQuery or Angular? There is a lot of overlap in capabilities, and it is a paradigm shift in development style. The question doesn't need to be "If you're going to build a really complex site with lots of data binding, dom manipulation, heavy UI, etc, which would you use.." -- unless your site is completely static, it's capable of being built with the aid of Angular or jQuery. Or both- but I think that's a slippery slope of which library to use to perform which type of actions -- to use $('.foo').hide() or class=".foo-{{foo.visibility}}" -- that's what I'm asking.


Neo Member
From your last paragraph (and the need for speed), full fledged CMS might be an overkill for that, even if you fiddle around with WP and Typo3 at work. Maybe look into some static site generators like Jekyll (that requires Ruby, but you can get a basic site up in 10 minutes without previous Ruby knowledge). See https://www.staticgen.com/ for more options.

Thanks, I totally forgot about Jekyll and it's something I'd like to use for my private private projects. With my other private projects I meant smaller sites for friends and acquaintances who want to be able to change text and images. So a static site generator is probably not the way to go (my bad, I was in a rush earlier when I wrote my post).


I use jQuery all the time in all of my web dev projects and have for years, I'm a jQuery addict. Angular is a paradigm shift for me in web development. The things I would have done before with jQuery have been given an alternative (better alternative? case-by-case- maybe some better, some worse). I'm getting my feet wet in it and I don't know yet if I like it or not, or if it's possible to "think in Angular" to build jQuery-free without feeling limited.

"It's your decision if you need jQuery for that" -- the heart of my original question, jQuery or Angular? There is a lot of overlap in capabilities, and it is a paradigm shift in development style. The question doesn't need to be "If you're going to build a really complex site with lots of data binding, dom manipulation, heavy UI, etc, which would you use.." -- unless your site is completely static, it's capable of being built with the aid of Angular or jQuery. Or both- but I think that's a slippery slope of which library to use to perform which type of actions -- to use $('.foo').hide() or class=".foo-{{foo.visibility}}" -- that's what I'm asking.

Well, I don't like Angular. I hate those crazy ugly html templates with all the javascript polluting the views. Urgh. I also hated the documentation the last time I tried it and lost interest very fast. Colleagues telling me horror stories about performance issues in huge Angular projects didn't help ;)

Than there is that complete turnaround with Angular 2.0, and to be honest, even if I had to use Angular, I don't know if I would care for 1.x anymore.

That said, I think jQuery is still the better way to do thinks for many many projects. If I have to build a "normal" website (CMS, Blog...), not an app, I don't know why I would mess around with something like Angular (or react, or Backbone....). Render it in the server, enhance it with some Javascript, done.

Anyway, have a look at React. I love it so far :)


Got a new job and I have to learn Symfony's templating system, i'm so excited. I've been working in Cold-goddamn-fusion for the past 3 years...


Got a new job and I have to learn Symfony's templating system, i'm so excited. I've been working in Cold-goddamn-fusion for the past 3 years...

Twig is absolutely amazing and gives both developers and frontenders a lot of flexibility. I recently starting to work in Symfony and it's been awesome.

Symfony's learning curve is quit steep though, but once you make that *click* is pretty great.


I have a possibly un-endearing question :(. I need work and I'm between a rock and a hard place &#8212; the rock being McDonald's and the hard place being cheap web work. I'm comfortable enough with CMS's to take on simple jobs like setting up WordPress sites, doing CSS or content tweaks, etc. I've done this for family, friends, and a couple small businesses... but they don't need me at the moment. Are there any recommended websites for this kind of (inexperienced) freelance work?

Right now I'm eyeing freelancer.com
Promise I'm a good person!


Holy moly, glad I found this thread too! I just started diving into html & css recently. I've taken a template and was just copying it for the sake of getting a feeling of it.

You'd think it'd be easy but nooo.... somewhere along the lines I messed up the code and the past hour and a half has been me trying to find what I did wrong! I don't hate it, it's actually kind of fun, but at this point I feel retarded....

What would you guys do? Cut snippets out and start over? I've been looking at the html and making sure every <div> tag is properly closed, ect... I've also been going through the css to see if it's fixable there, but lol nope.

Anyways, what about everyone else? How were you when you were a beginner?

Cheers for the thread.
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