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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design


This weekend I finally started one of my dreams to get a website started. I know C++, C#, Java, HTML/CSS, Javascript and SQL Server, mostly basic knowledge of each. I used to know Perl but that was like 10 years ago.

I purchased my webhost and domain, and started learning PHP and MySQL that my host supports.

Question for the Web devs: is PHP still a perfectly viable use for a website? I hear some people use Ruby or even.. Python?

My main goal for this website is a place where people can create an account and the site will possibly scrape video game information to form a library (not exactly sure how scraping works or if I store that information myself, etc). Users can rate games and whatnot. I haven't fully hashed out the details.

I also want to host video games I create, whenever I can get to that. I'm just passionate about video games so I want something fun to use and if other people can have fun with it, then that makes me happy.

So far I've created a few tiny games in Unity so I'm still trying to do that, as well. Maybe I'll try HTML 5 but i dont know much about HTML 5 yet.

This weekend I finally started one of my dreams to get a website started. I know C++, C#, Java, HTML/CSS, Javascript and SQL Server, mostly basic knowledge of each. I used to know Perl but that was like 10 years ago.

I purchased my webhost and domain, and started learning PHP and MySQL that my host supports.

Question for the Web devs: is PHP still a perfectly viable use for a website? I hear some people use Ruby or even.. Python?

My main goal for this website is a place where people can create an account and the site will possibly scrape video game information to form a library (not exactly sure how scraping works or if I store that information myself, etc). Users can rate games and whatnot. I haven't fully hashed out the details.

I also want to host video games I create, whenever I can get to that. I'm just passionate about video games so I want something fun to use and if other people can have fun with it, then that makes me happy.

So far I've created a few tiny games in Unity so I'm still trying to do that, as well. Maybe I'll try HTML 5 but i dont know much about HTML 5 yet.
Sure thing with PHP, iirc still the most used backend script.

If you want to learn the hot stuff, you could look into the Javascript-frameworks for both, backend (NODE) and frontend (i.e Angular).
But be warned, those frameworks are popping up in a bi-weekly-timeframe, or the community splitting resulting in a big number or branches and stuff ... (exaggeration)

There are also frameworks for game development with HTML5 and Javascript, you could look into that, too.
Just stay away from Flash! (This is an order!)

Well then, have fun, much to choose from to play around with, combine and so on.

If you run into the web-developers version of "I don't have anything to play" first world problem, let us know! ;]


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I have a bunch of resources I'm reading through and I have the basic idea. It's just so bizarre, particularly JSX. Just dumping HTML tags in the middle of a function (then dumping {javascirpt} in the middle of that) is blowing my mind.


I have a bunch of resources I'm reading through and I have the basic idea. It's just so bizarre, particularly JSX. Just dumping HTML tags in the middle of a function (then dumping {javascirpt} in the middle of that) is blowing my mind.

Yeah, I know, its confusing at first. Especially the Flux architecture can cause some headaches in the beginning. Once you get used to it, and stick to it, things work wonderfully. Sometimes things get more complicated with flux/flex because you have to follow the conventions all the time (otherwise it makes no sense and the code gets messy), but that does not happen that often to me.

You may want to use a flux framework later on, as I think the facebook flux repo is a little barebones.
Sure thing with PHP, iirc still the most used backend script.

If you want to learn the hot stuff, you could look into the Javascript-frameworks for both, backend (NODE) and frontend (i.e Angular).
But be warned, those frameworks are popping up in a bi-weekly-timeframe, or the community splitting resulting in a big number or branches and stuff ... (exaggeration)

There are also frameworks for game development with HTML5 and Javascript, you could look into that, too.
Just stay away from Flash! (This is an order!)

Well then, have fun, much to choose from to play around with, combine and so on.

If you run into the web-developers version of "I don't have anything to play" first world problem, let us know! ;]

Thank you! I briefly looked into angular and node just now. I don't think I'm hip enough for that atm haha. Doing your own work without a deadline/paperwork/permission issues etc. is so fun. It's all I want to work on!

On another note, I'm having fun with jQuery. I haven't really used it much until this weekend and wow, very powerful stuff so far. Especially jQuery UI!
Quick question from a first time "web developer":

My friend's gf is wanting me to build a simple website for her photography business. She had already signed up on wordpress.com and registered her domain through them but a whois actually shows the registrar as wildwestdomains or something like that. I just realized yesterday that wordpress.com is the actual host for her site. For some reason I was under the impression anyone that wanted to use wordpress had to pay for it and then wordpress.com would find a host for you to use. It wasn't until I was comparing the features on her wordpress account to my downloaded version of wordpress I'm running on my localhost that it hit me, "Hey, wordpress is free, I should see where her site is hosted." It was a duh moment for sure.

Anyways, I just want to know as a newbie am I better off living in the safe and secure confines of wordpress.com (the no plugins and custom themes limitation are troublesome)? Or will her site be safe if I find a good host and build it the wordpress.org way?

One last thing: if I decide to use a different host how do I switch her domain to the new host?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So, in my continued self-education, I came across an interesting question that seems like it would be simple, but is clearly harder than it looks.

How do you make a blog style site? What are sites like, say The Jimquizition using to manage all of those pages? I assume it's not just a server with /page/one and /page/two etc, with a mass rename everytime a new page is being created.

So, uh, like what does that?


So, in my continued self-education, I came across an interesting question that seems like it would be simple, but is clearly harder than it looks.

How do you make a blog style site? What are sites like, say The Jimquizition using to manage all of those pages? I assume it's not just a server with /page/one and /page/two etc, with a mass rename everytime a new page is being created.

So, uh, like what does that?
There is a content management system (short: CMS) in place which handles this stuff. The content for blogposts is stored in a database.

Basically it looks at an url like /blog/my-awesome-blogpost and knows that it has to look up a blog post, identified by the slug 'my-awesome-blogpost'. And prints the corresponding content on the screen.

One of the most used CMS's around is Wordpress, which originally is a system to just do blogs. Nowadays you can built almost anything with it. My webdevelopment business uses it as it's primary CMS.
So, in my continued self-education, I came across an interesting question that seems like it would be simple, but is clearly harder than it looks.

How do you make a blog style site? What are sites like, say The Jimquizition using to manage all of those pages? I assume it's not just a server with /page/one and /page/two etc, with a mass rename everytime a new page is being created.

So, uh, like what does that?
Dunno, i assume most people would just use one of the existing blog-providers, WordPress for example. The Jimquisition is a WordPress-web, just for your info. ;)

As for making you own (barebone) system, you have a database table for the posts, for categories, for menus and their entries.
Then you have to make your frontend-scripts to retrieve all posts from the DB, add your markup, render them, or retrieve them by category, etc.

Of course, there is some serious workload ... it's easier to install WordPress on your webspace, add a template or make your own, or adapt a template for your needs.

Or did i get that question wrong?

Ahhhh, ok, you were wondering about the urls? Most/all CMS systems have a integrated routing-routine, that is responsible for making urls like 'index.php?categoryId=42&postId=127' to the ones you see like /category/page/etc. ...
Those "readable" URLs are called "sprechende URLs" in german ... basically "talking URLs" translated.

Easier to read and understand for humans, but also one of the most important things to do for SEO (search engine optimization).


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Nope, that answers what I was asking, thanks. So, it is pretty standard to rely on a pre-made CMS (I use one of those daily for my job, don't ask me why I didn't put 2 and 2 together)?
So, in my continued self-education, I came across an interesting question that seems like it would be simple, but is clearly harder than it looks.

How do you make a blog style site? What are sites like, say The Jimquizition using to manage all of those pages? I assume it's not just a server with /page/one and /page/two etc, with a mass rename everytime a new page is being created.

So, uh, like what does that?

Well, Jimquizition runs on Wordpress, which is usually the first answer: running on top of an Content Management System aka CMS. Lately static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress have risen in popularity, which is kind of half way between CMS and doing everything yourself. Reason for this is obvious: fullblown CMS's offer so much crud that average (or even power user) will never need. Check out https://www.staticgen.com/ for more information.

Then the third and the worst option is doing it all by yourself like you said.
Dear template devs, using the navigator-object from JS to check the user agent of a browser in order to check for a mobile device is wrong. Like ... totally wrong. Did you know, dear template devs, that MS for instance like to fool and f*ck around with user agents on IE? Yeah, right!

*vent* (This rant is directed to people who make CMS templates for a living, and not anyone in here!)

Wasting hours of time to make such a dumb user agent match work for devices like the Surface tablets ... joy ... To dump and reprogram or not ... but i'm not really feeling the urge to change half of the templates methods just for that.

Like ... why not using Modernizr? Could be so much easier ...

Anyone knows this situation?


Well, yes, its always about features and only in cases with no way out, the user agent should be used.

It's always a huge pita to fix problems caused by others.
Dear template devs, using the navigator-object from JS to check the user agent of a browser in order to check for a mobile device is wrong. Like ... totally wrong. Did you know, dear template devs, that MS for instance like to fool and f*ck around with user agents on IE? Yeah, right!

*vent* (This rant is directed to people who make CMS templates for a living, and not anyone in here!)

Wasting hours of time to make such a dumb user agent match work for devices like the Surface tablets ... joy ... To dump and reprogram or not ... but i'm not really feeling the urge to change half of the templates methods just for that.

Like ... why not using Modernizr? Could be so much easier ...

Anyone knows this situation?

User agent sniffing is bad, period. It's actually the reason why MS (and others) screw with UA's.

Feature detection/progressive enhancement/graceful degradation is where it's at. If you still need to sniff agents for whatever reason, then user agent sniffing is okay cut that feature out.


To be fair handling something like Surface is not for novices because feature-detection doesn't work either. You ask if touch events are available (which were an Apple non-standard feature to begin with that IE later adopted) but you can't switch inputs because they might still be using the mouse. PointerEvents were invented to fix that issue but Apple refuses to support them. Fun.
To be fair handling something like Surface is not for novices because feature-detection doesn't work either. You ask if touch events are available (which were an Apple non-standard feature to begin with that IE later adopted) but you can't switch inputs because they might still be using the mouse. PointerEvents were invented to fix that issue but Apple refuses to support them. Fun.
That's what bugs me most, and it bugs me in many things, the lack of unified standards.

It's crazy that some decision makers think that it's totally fine to drop n-different solutions or workarounds for a simple problem.

In the end, i added some Modernizr code to the already existing template stuff ... test so far did work ...

Another one of my favorite "whut?"-moments is about keyframe-animations and IE (10)! Those animations do work in IE 10, you wouldn't believe how happy i was, not having to do some annoying IE workarounds/polyfills/crap.
But ... they don't work ... if they are not located at the very top of the CSS file.

To quote Tommy Lee Jones: "I cannot sanction such buffoonery."
That's what bugs me most, and it bugs me in many things, the lack of unified standards.

It's crazy that some decision makers think that it's totally fine to drop n-different solutions or workarounds for a simple problem.

In the end, i added some Modernizr code to the already existing template stuff ... test so far did work ...

Another one of my favorite "whut?"-moments is about keyframe-animations and IE (9)! Those animations do work in IE 9, you wouldn't believe how happy i was, not having to do some annoying IE workarounds/polyfills/crap.
But ... they don't work ... if they are not located at the very top of the CSS file.

To quote Tommy Lee Jones: "I cannot sanction such buffoonery."

@keyframe animations shouldn't work on IE9. Are you sure there isn't a javascript fallback already in place?


To be fair handling something like Surface is not for novices because feature-detection doesn't work either. You ask if touch events are available (which were an Apple non-standard feature to begin with that IE later adopted) but you can't switch inputs because they might still be using the mouse. PointerEvents were invented to fix that issue but Apple refuses to support them. Fun.

JS Touch events as present in Webkit/Chrome are not part of IE. They use Pointer Events to satisfy the existence of both touch and or mouse keyboard inputs on Windows Devices.
The whole touch thing is a huge pain if you ask me. For now no one wants to pay for the ms way of things and so the "old" webkit touch event implementation is what I use most of the time. So I don't care for Windows tablets at all, but try to make things work even without these events. Most of the time its hover effects, slide gestures etc. IE users see buttons then.


That's what bugs me most, and it bugs me in many things, the lack of unified standards.

It's crazy that some decision makers think that it's totally fine to drop n-different solutions or workarounds for a simple problem.

In the end, i added some Modernizr code to the already existing template stuff ... test so far did work ...

Another one of my favorite "whut?"-moments is about keyframe-animations and IE (10)! Those animations do work in IE 10, you wouldn't believe how happy i was, not having to do some annoying IE workarounds/polyfills/crap.
But ... they don't work ... if they are not located at the very top of the CSS file.

To quote Tommy Lee Jones: "I cannot sanction such buffoonery."

There's a lot that go into this. Sometimes they aren't adopted or created a specific way because of performance of existing code. Sometimes it's political. Global standards will never happen and many things developers use aren't standards anyway, it takes a long time to hit W3C recommendation status.

JS Touch events as present in Webkit/Chrome are not part of IE. They use Pointer Events to satisfy the existence of both touch and or mouse keyboard inputs on Windows Devices.
The whole touch thing is a huge pain if you ask me. For now no one wants to pay for the ms way of things and so the "old" webkit touch event implementation is what I use most of the time. So I don't care for Windows tablets at all, but try to make things work even without these events. Most of the time its hover effects, slide gestures etc. IE users see buttons then.

Edge supports touch events and touch events reached W3C recommendation in parallel with PointerEvents. MS even submitted code to webkit to enabled PointerEvents, Apple are just dicks about it.

It'll be interesting to see how this Ipad Pro with stylus shakes out because they may start needing it.

Nelo Ice

So I'm on the basic algorithm scripting challenges on freecodecamp and it's really difficult. I got some help and hints from friends and still couldn't complete a solution on my own. Was working on "Return the largest number in an array" bonfire. I got about 3 lines of code correct from the eventual solution I found through google if that counts for anything.

Besides that I ended up blanking out or having little or no code written on the previous bonfires and just ended up googling. Thus far I've basically reverse learned and broke down the code myself and learned what was happening from each solution I've found.

All I know is imposter syndrome hits hard when I completely blank out on bonfires or I can't figure out what to type out for my own solution. It feelsbadman.jpg when have to resort to google for a solution that I can't even begin to come up with myself :(.

My friend, googling is allowed. That's pretty much what I do most of the day. Don't beat yourself up. Once you see how things are done, it'll get easier.

Nelo Ice

My friend, googling is allowed. That's pretty much what I do most of the day. Don't beat yourself up. Once you see how things are done, it'll get easier.

Thanks that does help. I also feel bit better too after talking with friend and she mentioned this is the first real progamming type stuff I've had to do so of course it''s difficult.

Now I'm just feeling fortunate I found people willing to help me from all the hackathons, meetups, and conferences I've attended. I can't imagine how I was going to attempt to figure this all out on my own like I was doing at the beginning of the year lol.
But hey, you learned the most valuable lesson as a web developer: if you don't know something, google it. Next step is to become critical on the answers you find and to decide yourself if they are optimal or worth using at all :)

Nelo Ice

But hey, you learned the most valuable lesson as a web developer: if you don't know something, google it. Next step is to become critical on the answers you find and to decide yourself if they are optimal or worth using at all :)

I've been using google like a mad man. I'll take it as a good thing that I can easily find what I'm looking for.

Of course for that last challenge I was purposely changing my search terms to look for similar problems so I could build out the solution myself rather than finding the solution outright again.

I'm just hoping once I can figure out how to write functions on my own, I'll be able typing out code from scratch for an actual project. Once that happens I can be of actual use for my next hackathon. That and I also just learned how to use git and github thanks to a local nodeschool workshop. So now I can actually contribute without looking like as stupid when someone tells me to use the command line haha.
There's a lot that go into this. Sometimes they aren't adopted or created a specific way because of performance of existing code. Sometimes it's political. Global standards will never happen and many things developers use aren't standards anyway, it takes a long time to hit W3C recommendation status.

Edge supports touch events and touch events reached W3C recommendation in parallel with PointerEvents. MS even submitted code to webkit to enabled PointerEvents, Apple are just dicks about it.

It'll be interesting to see how this Ipad Pro with stylus shakes out because they may start needing it.
Yeah, but whatever the reasons are, it's still depressing and annoying. ^^
Also, 100% agreement on that W3C comment ... they really need to get those timeframes shortened.
Best example, the <picture>-tag ... that tag could solve all this crap with images, responsive and the dpi-resolutions.

On the topic of learning ... Google, or rather the amount of available information on the internet is really the best thing for developers, be it web or other software.
My senior at my first job used to send "Let me google that for you"-links when the juniors/trainees had questions. Although he did help if someone had still questions afterwards.
I've been using google like a mad man. I'll take it as a good thing that I can easily find what I'm looking for.

Of course for that last challenge I was purposely changing my search terms to look for similar problems so I could build out the solution myself rather than finding the solution outright again.

I'm just hoping once I can figure out how to write functions on my own, I'll be able typing out code from scratch for an actual project. Once that happens I can be of actual use for my next hackathon. That and I also just learned how to use git and github thanks to a local nodeschool workshop. So now I can actually contribute without looking like as stupid when someone tells me to use the command line haha.

Don't worry, you are definitely going to right directions: you aren't just blindly copypasting stuff from the internet, which means that you should be constantly learning stuff.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Okay, coming back to the CMS question. How does one use WordPress without relying on their templates and generated stuff? Or is there a more lean CMS that I should be looking in to? I am doing this for my own education and edification, so I don't really want a WordPress site, but if there is a way to use it as a CMS, I'm not opposed to that. I want to be able to use and test all my own crappily written HTML/CSS and JQuery though.

EDIT: For instance, Arvixe allows me to install WordPress, Open Blog and Serendipity directly. Looking at WordPress, it's asking to install a theme (or it defaults to the generic one). I don't want that to happen.
Well, why dont't you just make your own theme then?


And then, if there are some specific things you want the site to have/to do, look into plugins:



I think WordPress is already a pretty slim CMS, i only worked with Joomla and Contao, both are definitely more complex.
If you want to learn a new script language, just for a CMS, then Typo3 is your choice! I believe they now have a slimmer branch, Neos, but i'm not up to date with that.

Using WP over REST API ... sure why not. But not everyone is able to build a fully functional CMS backend ...
And if the way a CMS works, basically the very core, doesn't suit you, just check out another system instead of butchering the core of one.

It's not like there aren't any alternatives.


Using WP-REST doesn't mean you don't care for or don't like how Wordpress works, it means you don't have to care for the way its templating model works, which is sometimes a joy. Basically your back-end user would use the Wordpress admin like they usually do, so you don't have to care about that, while you on the other end would design and code the front-end taking into consideration only the way the .json output is built (which is rather clean). You get to have the best of both worlds: Wordpress's familiar CMS and your cutting edge front-end tech.

Basically the only thing you'll use from your Wordpress base is the URL from where you're $http'ing the json data. The whole front-end can live in a different repo and not care one bit about the loop or any wordpress aspects of life. That's also a plus as far as separation of concerns is, well, concerned.

And if you'd rather stay comfy, you can still create a wordpress theme using all of the wordpress helpers, but that works with angular. I did that as a pet project for my holidays blog this summer, and it's surprisingly easy.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Okay, so if I'm understanding this correctly, I can used WP to manage the blog engine without having to rely on WP generated templates or code, right? I'm trying to get good at building widgets and landing pages (and I want to build my own blog because reasons). I don't want to just get good with WordPress.

If I'm going to get real good with a CMS, it would be Polopoly.
Using WP-REST doesn't mean you don't care for or don't like how Wordpress works, it means you don't have to care for the way its templating model works, which is sometimes a joy. Basically your back-end user would use the Wordpress admin like they usually do, so you don't have to care about that, while you on the other end would design and code the front-end taking into consideration only the way the .json output is built (which is rather clean). You get to have the best of both worlds: Wordpress's familiar CMS and your cutting edge front-end tech.

Basically the only thing you'll use from your Wordpress base is the URL from where you're $http'ing the json data. The whole front-end can live in a different repo and not care one bit about the loop or any wordpress aspects of life. That's also a plus as far as separation of concerns is, well, concerned.

And if you'd rather stay comfy, you can still create a wordpress theme using all of the wordpress helpers, but that works with angular. I did that as a pet project for my holidays blog this summer, and it's surprisingly easy.
Yeah sure, many ways lead to the goal. ^^
I just tend to use the most convenient one, if WordPress' rather 'stupid' template/theme structure wouldn't suit me, i'd rather check for an CMS with a similar administration and a better way of templating.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Okay I'm installing WP.

Pray for me, y'all.

EDIT: Goddamn it. It's exactly what I thought it was....lol. I don't want your shitty generated site, dammit! I want to make my own shitty site, thankyouverymuch.
Any good tutorials for writing your own Web scraper using php? I really want to get a list of all video games by scraping some website, first.

So far I've learned the basic

1. <?php
2. $url = 'http://www.oooff.com';
3. $output = file_get_contents($url);
4. echo $output;
5. ?>

Haha so now is it mainly looping through the output via regex?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Spent all day learning gulp. Also set up the live-reload thing people mentioned a page back. It's magical!
Spent all day learning gulp. Also set up the live-reload thing people mentioned a page back. It's magical!


The day I learned about task runners made rest of my days developing crap like 75% more feasible.
Man, i really need to get into this too ... or rather get up to date. I have been slacking for some time now in this regard.
But the place i work at is technically stuck since some years ago ... guess it's time for something new.


I'd like to jump on the Gulp bandwagon (love how its output is super clean and readable), but I really can't manage to convert my Grunt configuration to the Gulp pipeline.
At some point something goes wrong and I never really can figure why or how to fix it. :(
See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/2138943

As a general answer to your question, this SO answer is quite robust: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3577662/2138943

Haha thanks. I just want a list of videos games and some info about it like genre and system. I didn't think it'd be that difficult! Time to study that last link. I guess I have no choice but to learn Dom.

Back in school years ago, I scraped imdb which wasn't laid out how it was today, via Perl and that was cake. Why is it so hard now?!


I don't know. Grunt works fine, too. If you have a setup that works why change it?

Mostly because sometimes I bore myself to death in the office.

But also because I got a feeling that Gulp is what all the cool kids are using, and I already feel left behind in many other technologies.
ie. I use LESS while everybody ditched it for SASS years ago (I kept using Bootstrap mostly because it's LESS based, but in the next version they're gonna switch over to SASS too :'( ), and now there's also PostCSS around; I use Angular while now everybody is hyped with React.

Sometimes I'd just like to use the most cutting edge thing around, like when I was younger and I went with HTML5 and CSS3 way before it was a reasonable thing to do...

Nelo Ice

So good news is I managed to write out my first correct function with little assistance on codewars.
Was asked to do this
"Create a function isDivisible(n,x,y) that checks if a number n is divisible by two numbers x AND y"

And managed to come up with this.
function isDivisible(n, x, y) {
  if( n%x==0 && n%y==0) {
  return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Bad news is every other function I've attempted to figure out on FCC or codewars has befuddled me.
function isDivisible(n, x, y) {
  if( n%x==0 && n%y==0) {
  return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Small tip: you can just directly return n%x==0 && n%y==0 as it evaluates to true or false anyway:

function isDivisible(n, x, y) {
  return n % x == 0 && n % y == 0;

Nelo Ice

Small tip: you can just directly return n%x==0 && n%y==0 as it evaluates to true or false anyway:

function isDivisible(n, x, y) {
  return n % x == 0 && n % y == 0;

Thanks for the tip. Didn't realize I could do that haha. Issue I'm also running into is overthinking and typing out a million lines of code when in reality the solution is usually fairly simple.
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