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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design

Nelo Ice

I probably will consider this, are they usually free and what exactly do you do there? Also get some websites with a portfolio because when it's time to apply like 99% will ask for a portfolio along with your resume.

For the most part they're free. From what I understand you just work on projects with others which you can add to your portfolio. It's nice having a site and all but working on open source projects is immensely valuable and of course working with others. I think the main reason to attend though is just to be in the environment and be surrounded with other aspiring and pro developers.

Like someone told me last night. You never know the next big startup could involve you. I don't remember exactly what the guy said but the gist is startup founders want to work with people they've worked on projects with. So for all you know the person you worked with at a hackathon may pay off now or in the future when they have a startup and want you because you've worked together. But yeah basically network and the best way to do that is work with people.

And in general if you wanna get anything you gotta hustle and put in work. For months I thought I had to do it all on my own. I now realize how dead wrong I was.


That nice looking vue code has convinced me to learn some js.

I want to create a table grid (20*5) of numbers from 1-100. So I need a new row for every 5 cells.

Is there some magical clean way to do this with vue? My solution is a bit ugly.

        <tr v-repeat="20">
            <td v-repeat="5">{{ (((($parent.$index + 1) * 5) - 4) + $index) }}</td>

Edit. Okay I ended up just building the collection in the backend and returning it chunked up.

        <tr v-repeat="chunks in numbers">
            <td v-repeat="number in chunks">{{ number.value }}</td>
I hear SVGs are supposed to be easier to maintain in place of standalone graphics like icons. But I'll need to FTP to my site to upload and maintain it anyways. Same with icon fonts. Am I doing this wrong? I'd prefer to go the icon font route but it seems tedious.
Icons for UI elements are usually monochrome and you might need them in different sizes and different colours depending on the day of the week. Creating individual PNGs for each one is a pain in the ass when you could just slap on a different class and be done.

SVGs can have multiple colours and can be animated etc, but I haven't really used them so I don't know how much work they are.


I hear SVGs are supposed to be easier to maintain in place of standalone graphics like icons. But I'll need to FTP to my site to upload and maintain it anyways. Same with icon fonts. Am I doing this wrong? I'd prefer to go the icon font route but it seems tedious.

Well, you can throw a SVG at a modern browser and he will render it sharp and clear. For bitmap graphics you have to provide different sizes for different resolutions, mostly to support retina screens.

That said, I love icon-fonts. I use icomoon to generate them and it's nice to have icons that can transitions color, scale well and behave more like text than images.
Icon fonts are not for everything, though. They normally come in one color (that can be changed with css of course) and are somewhat square-ish. Scaling icons with crazy aspect ratios can get a little annoying with icon fonts.

SVGs can be used in two ways: embed it with an image tag/a background-image in css, or use the svg's markup directly in your html. If you use the markup you can do cool things with it and manipulate the svg. (I used http://snapsvg.io in the past, but I'm not really into SVGs)

btw, for logos etc it can be better to used a hand crafted png, as you don't know how good a browser scales the SVG. Sometimes lines will alias etc.
Yeah, I'm going with icomoon. But the problem remains that I I have to update anything on it, I have to regenerate and reupload a new font. That's probably as easy as it will get though.


HEY guys and gals! I stumble to this thread by accident but glad that I did.anyway I am currently studying to change careers to Front-end development. I am learning html/css and javascript .javascript is kinda hard, iam using team tree house and code academy to learn my stuff also I am creating my own site on the side from what I am learning. my question is how long should I give myself to start applying for junior web development roles and what are the most essential skills I should really honed, im thinking 6 months?


Yeah, I'm going with icomoon. But the problem remains that I I have to update anything on it, I have to regenerate and reupload a new font. That's probably as easy as it will get though.

That is true, of course. Easiest spriting I know is compass. But I use libsass now, so compass is not an option anymore.
There are other ways with grunt & co to do the font/sprite magic locally with magic, I never tried it though. Most of the time I get a set of icons in the beginning, throw them into icomoon and I'm good to go. And it takes like 1 minute to update the font pack, so I can live with that for now.

Ah, those good old days of handcrafted icon/image sprites. Especially great with merge conflicts in subversion :D

Nelo Ice

HEY guys and gals! I stumble to this thread by accident but glad that I did.anyway I am currently studying to change careers to Front-end development. I am learning html/css and javascript .javascript is kinda hard, iam using team tree house and code academy to learn my stuff also I am creating my own site on the side from what I am learning. my question is how long should I give myself to start applying for junior web development roles and what are the most essential skills I should really honed, im thinking 6 months?

Hey what how did you get started on your site? I'm kinda lost on writing code from scratch but have been using Treehouse and CodeAcademy as well to learn the same languages you are. Though I'm using CodeAcademy since it's apart of the freecodecamp curriculum.

Also this article I just came across may be of use.
HEY guys and gals! I stumble to this thread by accident but glad that I did.anyway I am currently studying to change careers to Front-end development. I am learning html/css and javascript .javascript is kinda hard, iam using team tree house and code academy to learn my stuff also I am creating my own site on the side from what I am learning. my question is how long should I give myself to start applying for junior web development roles and what are the most essential skills I should really honed, im thinking 6 months?

It can depend on how fast you learn. Try and add one library for javascript like jquery to be more valuable and learn responsive design as well. Make sure you have a portfolio with websites made since most will be looking for that alongside your resume. How far are you in the website you're currently creating? Can i see it?

Nelo Ice

So learning arrays in JavaScript is making my brain hurt lol. Currently doing codeacademys JS course and I was breezing through the first part of For Loops course. Understood what my code was doing and why I was doing it.

Then I'm going through the next part where I search text for my name and everything falls apart haha.

I got my code working after looking through the forum and copying the code that confused me, but I refuse to advance till I learn exactly what I did and what's bring printed out through hits.push.
So learning arrays in JavaScript is making my brain hurt lol. Currently doing codeacademys JS course and I was breezing through the first part of For Loops course. Understood what my code was doing and why I was doing it.

Then I'm going through the next part where I search text for my name and everything falls apart haha.

I got my code working after looking through the forum and copying the code that confused me, but I refuse to advance till I learn exactly what I did and what's bring printed out through hits.push.

I know it's just a tutorial to teach you for loops, but if you actually need to check if your name is in a bit of text that is the wrong ass way :p

if (text.indexOf(myName) === -1) {
  console.log("Your name wasn't found!");


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I have studied qTip2 and I hath made it my beyotch. Bow before me, stylized tooltips that don't bleed over edge of a responsive image map. BOW I SAY.


Hey what how did you get started on your site? I'm kinda lost on writing code from scratch but have been using Treehouse and CodeAcademy as well to learn the same languages you are. Though I'm using CodeAcademy since it's apart of the freecodecamp curriculum.

Also this article I just came across may be of use.

Hey Nelo! Well everything Iam learning from those sites I have used on Notepad ++ to build my portfolio. It's almost like a mini quiz for myself to make sure I have grasped the lesson.


It can depend on how fast you learn. Try and add one library for javascript like jquery to be more valuable and learn responsive design as well. Make sure you have a portfolio with websites made since most will be looking for that alongside your resume. How far are you in the website you're currently creating? Can i see it?

Uh...sure. It's not that great looking tho, it's more of a template now. But how can I show you, since it's not uploaded to the web server yet, do I just show you my code?


I'm trying to do a small card game to learn some javascript.

I need to replace some string values. I have a suit but I need to return a unicode.

Is there some other way than switch/lookup-table/loop+str.replace? In php you can do this with str_replace and two arrays.

var suit = "Hearts";
var suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"];
var unicodes = ["\u2660", "\u2665", "\u2666", "\u2663"];


Well, I don't know a equivalent to the php functionality, but you have findIndex, so it's a one liner

var suit = "Hearts";
var suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"];
var unicodes = ["\u2660", "\u2665", "\u2666", "\u2663"];

var code = unicodes[suits.findIndex(s => s === suit)];

console.log(code); // logs &#9829;

This does not cover any errors though, so code may be undefined

May I ask why you use two arrays and not a single object?
I'm trying to do a small card game to learn some javascript.

I need to replace some string values. I have a suit but I need to return a unicode.

Is there some other way than switch/lookup-table/loop+str.replace? In php you can do this with str_replace and two arrays.

var suit = "Hearts";
var suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"];
var unicodes = ["\u2660", "\u2665", "\u2666", "\u2663"];

It's easier to go like
var suit = "Hearts";
var unicodes = {
    "Spades": "\u2660",
    "Hearts": "\u2665",
    "Diamonds": "\u2666",
    "Clubs": "\u2663"

console.log(unicodes[suit] || "\uD83D\uDCA9");


Edit. Okay like how runningjoke just showed. That is awesome. Thank you guys.

It's easier to go like
var suit = "Hearts";
var unicodes = {
    "Spades": "\u2660",
    "Hearts": "\u2665",
    "Diamonds": "\u2666",
    "Clubs": "\u2663"

console.log(unicodes[suit] || "\uD83D\uDCA9");

Nelo Ice

I know it's just a tutorial to teach you for loops, but if you actually need to check if your name is in a bit of text that is the wrong ass way :p

if (text.indexOf(myName) === -1) {
  console.log("Your name wasn't found!");

Thanks also I think I just figured out wtf was happening lol. Read through the forums again and I'm hoping I have an idea of the code now. Still having issues on how they're working together but I think I have a slight grasp of what each line is doing itself.

Did a copy and paste of comments but making longer ones here to better explain.

// Checking length of variable text
for (var i =0; i<text.length; i++) {
    //Checking for instances of A in var text 
    if (text[i] === myName[0]) {
        // Checking for instances of myName and shows JS what length is by name. Though still still wrapping my head around j = i here. 
      for (var j = i; j < i +myName.length; j++) 

        // checks if my name is in text but the correct way is the method you posted? Anyway it prints 4 cuz my name is 4 characters. 

Also just tried your code so basically instead of what's show on Code Academy. And read this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf.
Basically it's searching exactly for my name in the text rather than looking first for the 0 in the array which would be the first letter of my name. Still trying to figure out the use of -1 and I hope I'm on the right track lol.
Thanks also I think I just figured out wtf was happening lol. Read through the forums again and I'm hoping I have an idea of the code now. Still having issues on how they're working together but I think I have a slight grasp of what each line is doing itself.

Did a copy and paste of comments but making longer ones here to better explain.


Also just tried your code so basically instead of what's show on Code Academy. And read this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf.
Basically it's searching exactly for my name in the text rather than looking first for the 0 in the array which would be the first letter of my name. Still trying to figure out the use of -1 and I hope I'm on the right track lol.

Yeah the codecademy example just looks for the first character of your name and then puts that plus the next few characters on an array. So if your name is bob and the text you're looking in is 'foo bar' the array would contain 'bar'.

Index -1 just means it's not in the array/string. In php this is like strpos === false.

Nelo Ice

Yeah the codecademy example just looks for the first character of your name and then puts that plus the next few characters on an array. So if your name is bob and the text you're looking in is 'foo bar' the array would contain 'bar'.

Index -1 just means it's not in the array/string. In php this is like strpos === false.

Thanks for the response. Makes sense. Guessing I'm on the right track for the either things?.
commented some parts,
//for every character in text
for (var i =0; i<text.length; i++) {

//if the current character is the same as the first character of my name
if (text[i] === myName[0]) {

//start a second loop at the position of the current character,
for (var j = i;

//loop as many times as my name is long
j < i +myName.length;

//push something onto an array

//the character at index j

tbh the second loop part is too complicated for it's own good. Can also be written like

for (var j = 0; j < myName.length; j++)  {

Nelo Ice

Ahh thanks. That's alot clearer than the stuff I was reading on the Q&A forums on code academy. Had to read through different posts to get a grasp on wtf was happening. Noticed alot of people were pulling their hair out and seems people just outright quit once they reach this point of the course lol.

Loops and arrays are making me go insane. Though in general JS is a massive PITA to learn. Def gonna need someone to show me the ropes so here's to hoping I can learn alot from all the meetups and Hackathons I'm attending this month.

Besides that I already knew I would need help starting up a project since my mind goes blank the moment I try to type up code from scratch without example or similar code to look off of. Also besides JavaScript, CSS also makes me want to pull my hair out ><.
Really randomly? Hmm ... maybe a scope problem? Are there any other JS files before/after? Do the script files always have the same order in which they are loaded?
Maybe an externally loaded file that happens to have the same variable name?

Sounds like a *fun* problem so solve .... even possibly with an easy solution that is even more easy to overlook. Ah yeah ... those are the best ones.

You pollute the global namespace or is everything encapsulated? You could run a linter to remove all obvious pitfalls in your code first (which is a good idea to do anyway).

That said, not much we can say. Something overwrites this variable so you probably did something wrong ;)

I considered both of these, but found out it was a connection problem. There was an external Google JS script that was sometimes loaded after another JS script that depended on it. Accessing undefined var cut off the rest of the script.

The thing that I don't understand is that our live server is AWS, which was what sometimes failed to load the Google JS on time. It never happened when I tried replicating it on a local machine, which still loaded the external JS. I find it hard to believe that our office internet is more reliable than Amazon's.

It was not fun. :(
Anybody know a great place to learn ASP .NET? The new web developer position I started uses ASP and VB for most of their applications and site structure, so I'm trying to understand a little bit better what I'm looking at. They have this massive book in one of the offices... But it's so large I'm not sure I'd be able to retain the information that well.


Hey I have another question regarding my Chang of career choice. I really want to stay within the rang of a front-end, but it seems nose jobs want you to know the server side/backend more. So should I start learning PHP and node.js, or stick with getting better with hTML/CSS/JS ?


Hey I have another question regarding my Chang of career choice. I really want to stay within the rang of a front-end, but it seems nose jobs want you to know the server side/backend more. So should I start learning PHP and node.js, or stick with getting better with hTML/CSS/JS ?

I'd say that even if you want to strongly lean towards front-end, a working knowledge of how servers and back-end work is extremely helpful, and what technology you may choose depends on what you're going to work on.

ie. if you find yourself designing WordPress themes, even if you're going to code upon a boilerplate theme, PHP is a must.

If instead you're going to do RESTful stuff with JavaScript, it would be useful to know how to properly send requests to the server, and how the back-end is going to provide you with the response content.

Depending on where you work and who you work with, front-end could also mean you'll basically be both the front-end developer and the software analyst.
Ie. my current job started as a basic Angular front-end, but too soon I discovered the back-end guys never worked on a REST application (and also have a very limited knowledge of SQL), so even if they are using a JBoss server with Hibernate (two words I never heard before 2 months ago...) and an Oracle DB, I had to dirt my hands in a whole lot of back-end code - in Java even! - to help them overcome everything they didn't and still don't know, and to keep the project actually working.

But to be clear, my current situation is really borderline nonsense, and I hope you're only gonna work with people knowing their way around the project and not randomly picked people with a non relevant skillset, but still, knowing a bit of everything will help you regardless.

Anyway, PHP is very helpful to write HTML faster and to learn how to interact with SQL databases; Node, even if you're not going to use it as a server, it's packet manager (npm) is essential to use a lot of helpful stuff like Grunt/Gulp, Bower, Yeoman, etc.

I'd recommend to start reading about npm etc., because sooner or later you're gonna start finding related stuff in every tutorial, and it'd be better to start using it earlier instead of doing a huge amount of boring handwork.


It can depend on how fast you learn. Try and add one library for javascript like jquery to be more valuable and learn responsive design as well. Make sure you have a portfolio with websites made since most will be looking for that alongside your resume. How far are you in the website you're currently creating? Can i see it?
ok just made an account. didnt know how to input multiple pages on there. This is just a site I am currently improving as I learn more and more and is mostly just a template. tell me what I need to work on and thanks. :)https://jsfiddle.net/djay135/zdn07b67/
edit: oh and its missing my pictures
I'd say that even if you want to strongly lean towards front-end, a working knowledge of how servers and back-end work is extremely helpful, and what technology you may choose depends on what you're going to work on.

ie. if you find yourself designing WordPress themes, even if you're going to code upon a boilerplate theme, PHP is a must.

If instead you're going to do RESTful stuff with JavaScript, it would be useful to know how to properly send requests to the server, and how the back-end is going to provide you with the response content.

Depending on where you work and who you work with, front-end could also mean you'll basically be both the front-end developer and the software analyst.
Ie. my current job started as a basic Angular front-end, but too soon I discovered the back-end guys never worked on a REST application (and also have a very limited knowledge of SQL), so even if they are using a JBoss server with Hibernate (two words I never heard before 2 months ago...) and an Oracle DB, I had to dirt my hands in a whole lot of back-end code - in Java even! - to help them overcome everything they didn't and still don't know, and to keep the project actually working.

But to be clear, my current situation is really borderline nonsense, and I hope you're only gonna work with people knowing their way around the project and not randomly picked people with a non relevant skillset, but still, knowing a bit of everything will help you regardless.

Anyway, PHP is very helpful to write HTML faster and to learn how to interact with SQL databases; Node, even if you're not going to use it as a server, it's packet manager (npm) is essential to use a lot of helpful stuff like Grunt/Gulp, Bower, Yeoman, etc.

I'd recommend to start reading about npm etc., because sooner or later you're gonna start finding related stuff in every tutorial, and it'd be better to start using it earlier instead of doing a huge amount of boring handwork.

Great Advice, thanks for sharing!
I know no coding of any sort and I am confused. With the death of flash based websites, I am wondering how to do animation. HTML5 sounds confusing.

I've been looking for a way of taking my after effects animation, and being able to use them as interactive elements for some sort of wordpress/squarespace or other cms with minimal coding.
I see a lot of great themes, a lot of things on hithub with some simple animated button code, but I am looking to take my detailed animations and use them as a foundation for a site.

Does anyone know if there is a non-flash, non-coding form of getting animated interactive elements (thinking vector based) easily on a site?


Adobe has Edge Animate for animations and other tools for building websites.
I have no idea if they are any good, though.

For the Frontend/Backend/Hybrid discussion.

I think the frontend evolves WAY too fast at the moment, and even for someone like me, who is specialized on frontend, it's hard to keep track of things. Beside that, I think it's a matter of taste. Some people don't want to do one thing, others like me want to one thing only.
You will always get in touch with both sides though, and a basic understanding of PHP or similar languages (eg backend template engines) is nice to have and will be achieved while working.
In my case I got in touch with so many different server side setups (PHP, Java, Grails, Scala, Ruby .... all the frameworks and whatnot), it would be absolutely impossible to do all of these. I do PHP ok, node is fine, too, but everything else, no thanks :) My brain hurts enough already with all the things we do, no need for more of that :D
Trying to do animations that Flash did for websites is a no no for me, whatever platform you use.

For games I would say Unity has replaced Flash, and I'm saying that as someone who used to loooove doing Flash.

If you want to do actual animations then Flash is still great. There are free alternatives but not as good as Flash.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Edge animate is fine for simple animations. Like, a bouncing logo or something. I've even made a slideshow out of it (I would not recommend doing this).

Does anybody got a good clue as to why a .svg icon would be showing up in Chrome, but not FF or IE?


Edge animate is fine for simple animations. Like, a bouncing logo or something. I've even made a slideshow out of it (I would not recommend doing this).

Does anybody got a good clue as to why a .svg icon would be showing up in Chrome, but not FF or IE?

Are you serving the right content headers? Not all browsers interpret all of their usable content types.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
This thread died without Petrip. :(

HTML editors are all over the place, aren't they? There doesn't seem to be one that does everything I need.

+ Color picker and quick edit
- Only has LivePreview, which works when it wants to. Can't preview code snippets, only full HTML document.
- No "view in browser" option.

SublimeText 2
+ Super sexy
+/- Has a "view in browser" for snippets and pages, but only works in default browsers.
- Package installation is as obtuse as humanly possible. Packages are fragmented between SB2 and SB3.
- No color picker that works like Brackets'

+ Has color picker, works a bit different than Brackets, but it works
+ Can instantly preview any snippet or page in any browser!
- Ugly as sin, looks like it was developed in 1996. Which it sort of was.
- Customization options blow
- Unsupported for the most part, no community fixes

Why is there not one that has the instant preview of CoffeeCup, with the color picker and installation management of Brackets? Why Web Jesus, why???


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I use PHPStom with Google Chrome/any other browser, has a nice colour picker.

Hallelujah! It looks like this may be it. It has a metric ton of crap that I don't need, but it at least does what I want it to.

+ Runs any snippet in any browser with a single button press!!!!
+ Color picker is nice, it even saves the last 10 colors you used
+ Code folding and completion works well

Now, I just need to drudge through all the settings and remove all of the "helpful" hints.

Daffy Duck

Yeah, it has a metric tonne of stuff I don't use, but it's one of the best I have used.

You can also click your mousewheel on a variable/function/CSS property and it will take you to wherever in the project that function/variable/property is defined.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah, it has a metric tonne of stuff I don't use, but it's one of the best I have used.

You can also click your mousewheel on a variable/function/CSS property and it will take you to wherever in the project that function/variable/property is defined.

Alas, it does not seem to work so far. I'm sure I fucked up a setting somewhere along the line.
I'm looking for a wordpress theme, in the style of something like this travel blog; http://jack.ventures/inner-mongolia-2014/

< It has a vertical side bar, with ultra far ride navigation.
< It uses fullscreen, single page scrolling, and he uses short mp4 clips for fast loading?
< viewers can easily change resolution of his pictures/clips

Have anyone seen anything in this style or are able to help me in the right direction? Been searching up and down on google for "best video wordpress theme", "best wordpress theme scrolling parallax" and so on, and I get a ton of stuff, but nothing similar to this.

What I am really looking for is side bar navigation vertically, - I want to avoid hamburger menu, and simply a single page design with fast-inloading upon scrolling (don't know how to explain it).


Alas, it does not seem to work so far. I'm sure I fucked up a setting somewhere along the line.

I use CMD-Click (on Mac)

You can also do "right click -> go to -> declaration"

Web/PHPStorm is by far the best working HTML/CSS/JS Editor I know. Not the fastest, and it's not as beautiful as Atom for example, but I can't work without it.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Oh fucks, it even auto changes Hex to rgb. I figured out what I was doing stupid. I was clicking the CSS property, hoping it would jump to what it was defining and not vice versa.

Fittingly, my test code looks like

.derp {
color: rgb(75, 105, 186);

<p class="derp">Herp.</p>

EDIT: It looks like WebStorm is just a more stripped down version of PHPStorm? Accurate?


Well, PHPStorm is Webstorm with PHP support and I think without the Node.js stuff per default. You can add node support though afterwards.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Imma be real and just say that I have no idea what Node.js is or why I would ever need it. I'll never use PHP either, so it looks right up my alley.

Man, this thing is sweet. It's like CoffeeCup, but with features! Instant preview of snippets is super important, because I don't make whole sites, I make widgets, snippets and individual project pages that live in a mother site. Being able to inspect a standalone widget with a single press, without having to save it, and with any browser is basically voodoo magic.
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