The most baffling message of this movie is “not to apologise (for who you are)”. Wednesday’s roomie literally proclaims how she adores that Wednesday is proud of who she is and doesn’t take shit from everyone. It's not a bad message but there is a nuance...
There is a major difference between not apologising for yourself and not apologising for horrible things you do. And Wednesday is not just a cooky, spooky, sarcastic girl who is into bugs and autopsies. No - Wednesday is a full-blown psychopath without consideration for others’ feelings, manipulative and self-centered. Moreover, by being who she is - every boy at school is in love, every girl is jealous - she is almost perfect. Why would she need to apologise for "who she is"?
If you want a character arc for Wednesday to mellow-out a bit (which is what happens at the end of the story) - she should definitely learn to fucking apologise for all the horrible ACTIONS that she keeps doing and getting away with it. In fact that is the whole character arc set up considering how wrong Wednesday is all the time. I blame it on Hollywood writers refusing female characters to appear weak or failing in any aspect (apart from the perfunctory things like fencing bout that leads nowhere).
Instead, what we get is that Wednesday alienates all her friends and still succeeds despite:
- All her conclusions being wrong - she accused all the wrong people, leading them to be jailed or dead while the final solution was provided by Deus ex machina waking up at a right time to literally give her the answer. She earns no credit for her investigation and only made things much worse.
- She manipulates her roomie and other friends into doing everything for her without any reciprocation and when they turn her back on her - she doesn’t care and gets other people to help her out of nowhere.
- Let me just say that the new-Hollywood trope of “I led you to a situation where we could all easily die but we got away and therefore it’s ok” is absolutely vile trash. It’s insidious and exactly the same as manipulating people to sex without consent “but you did enjoy it at the end, right?” Why is the former so glorified and discarded by one phrase?
- She makes friends for no reason - her arch-rival is available to help when everyone else abandons her without any rationale why the two would ever bond. In fact, Wednesday is the school best-buddy while being a horrid person the whole time which is bizarre.
This whole show should have someone yelling "SHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!" after final credits because that's how it feels.
With all that going on the message is still - never apologise because Wednesday for sure never does! Her roomie literally leaves her to live with another girl, then comes back multiple times “to pick up remaining things” and then comes back and tells Wednesday that “they just work” so she’ll stay with her. WHAT. THE. BLOODY. HELL. This is some serious “beaten housewife” stockholm syndrome right there. Wednesday manipulated her several times into horrible ordeals, never came to her rescue, almost got her killed and she's
grateful? Without even an apology? I'll let you decide whether that's a great message for gen-Z teenagers.
Her school boyfriend has the same arc. Wednesday falsely stalks and accuses him of murders leaving the poor guy in jail and in the end not only he rushes to help her but also never gets any apology. He doesn't even ask for one, like any normal would. Instead he asks lustingly whether she’ll be back for next semester. Oh, you poor beta-male artist boy. She'd never date a person who wouldn't have the balls to walk away from all the shit she put you through.
The whole Wednesday arc is undermined by the trope of female-lead-cannot-do-bad. And even if they do it’s skirted away by them just ignoring things or never mentioning them. By all logic the arc of Wednesday should be - she made terrible mistakes, all her friends either abandoned her or are in jail - she should repent, apologise profusely and admit that without them she is lost. Then they all come back together and defeat Mr Bad.
But it’s not what happens here - Wednesday doesn’t apologise to her roomie or school artist boyfriend. Instead, they basically tell her how awesome she is, and they are so happy that she’s in their lives. Let me remind everyone that Wednesday is a narcissistic psychopath in this show. Her lowest point when she “dies” is not a moment of revelation or internal realisation - she just lets her ancestor spirit heal her and that’s all the resolution we get. Just another plot development. And even when we are shown in the end that Wednesday has become a nudge more accepting - it feels very unearned.
This is some fucked-up shit in my opinion. What’s worse - the seeds for a solid simple character growth are all there. The show just deliberately avoided them all in the last 2 episodes in favour of a stoic supergirl character who even whe does wrong - still gets everything.
Let women characters fail and grow from time to time goddamn it!
If you like that style of trash women-empowerment - make sure to check Sabrina and Enola Holmes with exactly same ideas of what an empowered modern woman should be - manipulative, often wrong and dangerous to people around her but never apologising cause that's weak.