Playing favorites already yeeny? Tsk Tsk.
I need a Night Vale themed avatar. Any suggestions for good places to find them?
You guys should check out the Welcome to Night Vale twitter or search for the twitter quotes, they are amazing.
You might want to ask the faceless woman who secretly lives in your home. I'm pretty sure she's within hearing distance of you right now. Even if you whispered. She might know.
Or tumblr.
They even have one for Yeeny!
"The average person is swallowed by eight spiders each year while sleeping."
im melting out of love. ugh. so much, so much glorious, haunting, beautiful and disturbing stuff in here. just my kind of thing.
royroy.... i've always played favourites >.... like, how birds are some spider's favourite meal........ >
When is Cecil going to report about this feud between the birds and the spiders? I'd love to know what the city council wants us to do during this trying time.
When is Cecil going to report about this feud between the birds and the spiders? I'd love to know what the city council wants us to do during this trying time.
Heeeeeeeey everyoooooone!
I am so like, stoked to begin my vacation in this town! The travel agent told me this place was like, THE go-to vay-cay spot right now~
I mean, the other two options he offered me were like, a dusty old castle and some kind of lame village! Yuck, just saying those out loud makes me feel like, totally groady.
Izzat what u r into these days, squidersgag me with a spoon.
Heeeeeeeey everyoooooone!
I am so like, stoked to begin my vacation in this town! The travel agent told me this place was like, THE go-to vay-cay spot right now~
I mean, the other two options he offered me were like, a dusty old castle and some kind of lame village! Yuck, just saying those out loud makes me feel like, totally groady.
Izzat what u r into these days, squiders
O me O my
Dear Diary,
So like, today I finally arrived at the town I'll be staying at during my vay-cay! Yay!
I think it's called like, Night Dale or something. I dunno! I just know it's 'sposed to be, like, a hotspot for hot people like me!
I like, didn't get the reception I expected though. Seems like this place has just as many lamewads and meanies as there are back home, and that's like, totally unfab. I think I even saw, like, a spider! Ew!
Hopefully things will be better once I get my beauty sleep. Until then, like, stay fresh!
Love and peace,
Lucy "Scrafty" Diablos
How does your bikini stay on?
String and like, tape. I put a few star stickers on it too to make it prettier!
Dear Diary,
So like, today I finally arrived at the town I'll be staying at during my vay-cay! Yay!
I think it's called like, Night Dale or something. I dunno! I just know it's 'sposed to be, like, a hotspot for hot people like me!
I like, didn't get the reception I expected though. Seems like this place has just as many lamewads and meanies as there are back home, and that's like, totally unfab. I think I even saw, like, a spider! Ew!
Hopefully things will be better once I get my beauty sleep. Until then, like, stay fresh!
Love and peace,
Lucy "Scrafty" Diablos
lady, can't you tell the difference between your diary and a public forum on the internet?
Ever have a wardrobe malfunction?
Barf! Like, bag your face, you wastoid!
I love your avatar ❤testing testing
A message from the Night Vale City Council:
Don't be afraid of spiders! Spiders are your friends! Sorry, that was confusing wording. All your friends are secretly spiders! Better.
I'll get back to you guys when YOU are asleep. Heh heh.
Looks like I'll have some catching up to do with that podcast.
Also a PSA for everyone here: I'm in Australia which is around 14-15 hours removed from this games starting time. The game starts at 5 AM the 17th for me. I'll be posting evening-late night from US players perspective. If I get crazy and post LATE at night for me it'll be early morning for you guys. As an example it's 6:30 PM right now for me but after midnight for the US.
Just a notice in case anyone wonders why I'm not posting... it is probably because I'm asleep.I'll get back to you guys when YOU are asleep. Heh heh.
Waking up past the end of day and night phases might suck, you're right. If I miss the frantic voting I'm wondering if my votes will do anything or even work against everyone if everyone changes their minds while I'm asleep.
this invariably happens
i actually set my alarm to wake up at the wee hours in the morning when i think the voting is going to be important
but other than that, i leave it up to my fellow towniesto fuck it up
mind you the last game i played in, i helped lynched our doctor on day 1 :>
im melting out of love. ugh. so much, so much glorious, haunting, beautiful and disturbing stuff in here. just my kind of thing.
royroy.... i've always played favourites >.... like, how birds are some spider's favourite meal........ >
I need some breakfast and I think a tasty spider would do wonderfully!
I love your avatar ❤
Can't wait to read Lucy's impressions on some of Night Vale hottest landmarks, like the library, or the dog park. Or the abandoned mineshaft outside of town (it has free wi-fi!) n_n
Where do you hail from Scrafty? are you also from the glorious nation of Luftnarp? I hope you aren't a Svitzian
The faceless woman who lives in my home keeps deleting my tumblr bookmarks and I'm not sure if the pictures are council approved.You might want to ask the faceless woman who secretly lives in your home. I'm pretty sure she's within hearing distance of you right now. Even if you whispered. She might know.
Or tumblr.
Can't wait to read Lucy's impressions on some of Night Vale hottest landmarks, like the library, or the dog park. Or the abandoned mineshaft outside of town (it has free wi-fi!) n_n
*slams table*Oh my gawd, a dog park! I like, totally love dogs!
The faceless woman who lives in my home keeps deleting my tumblr bookmarks and I'm not sure if the pictures are council approved.
*slams table*
There is no "dog park"! If it did exist I'm sure tourists would not be allowed in it.
The faceless woman who lives in my home keeps deleting my tumblr bookmarks and I'm not sure if the pictures are council approved.
*slams table*
There is no "dog park"! If it did exist I'm sure tourists would not be allowed in it.
i just realized that I really hope people don't soft-claim with in-fiction hints because they're going to go completely over my head. :l
i just realized that I really hope people don't soft-claim with in-fiction hints because they're going to go completely over my head. :l
That's part of why I'll be interjecting with reports from Night Vale, to try to help alleviate that.
RetroMG, syndicated columnist, whose work appears in more than a hundred newspapers. By nature a cynic, a disbeliever, caught for the moment by inspiration. He knows this is more than an idea; a calling. To educate, to inform, to shed light to the unenlightened. What he doesn't know is that this idea will bring him straight into the mouth of Night Vale.