Well Night Vale, it's been fun, but all good things must come to an end! Especially life, all life must end. That is the way of things, but fear not Night Vale, to dull the pain of our parting, I leave you a gift!
Oh I do love gifts, do you love gifts Night Vale? I hope it brightens up your day like the radiance of the Smiling God himself!
Everything dies eventually, humans, animals, trees, even planets! We should all just face death with a great big smile from ear to ear (or even further, I could help with that!).
Tonight, I hope that you die with a great big smile on your face, and while you are at it, why not donate your internal organs to the local decoration drive? It's nearing christmas time and Night Vale could sure do with being decorated with festive intestine tinsel or blood baubles! Let's make it a happy place for everyone this festive season.
And with that I say goodbye Night Vale! May the Smiling God devour you all.
Like, thank you, mystery killer guy. You've made my life totally easier.
I think I'm gonna
VOTE: Razmos
now, cuz he really can't act any sleazier.
Fluff is the content
Many words, little substance
An empty defense
Dear Night Vale friends: I have exciting news! I have decided to go on a trip. Or, at least, I am on a trip. To be completely clear, I'm not sure it was me who decided. And if it was, I don't remember.
One minute I was talking to Teddy Williams at the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Fun Complex, and the next I feel this odd, overwhelming presence. I look up and see this enormous dark planet... It was so close, I thought I could reach out and touch it. It was lit by no sun, but I still saw a mysterious shrouded figure stare at me from its surface. It turned and hummed. Shifting as in some sort of trance... and the next I'm in this really odd town.
I think it may be Svitz? Its name is similarly unpronounceable. Oh, how have I yearned to visit Europe! Surely I must have been inspired by the tourist that visited us a few days ago, and it just slipped my mind. Ahhh, Svitz. I have yet to see its low rolling hills, or hallucinate about anything in particular, but I've heard rumors about werewolves among some of the lovely people I've met here, so I'm sure they're coming.
I hope I can return someday to Night Vale. The scythe-wielding gentleman delivering this letter says I can't, but I won't give up hope. And if I do, dear friends, please make sure it will be to the town I remember, free of the interlopers who terrorized our town as I departed, yet full of the hooded figures who terrorized it the rest of the time. Good luck, Night Vale. Good Luck.
I decided I'd get proactive and provide a reads list before the game starts. A Gafia first!
[m] StanleyPalmtree - I reviewed your post history, tax statements and both your birth and death certificates. I've got my eyes on you, all <indeterminate number> of them.
[m] UltraJay - That secret you've always kept hidden is being whispered in between every conversation you have. Listen closely.
[m] Trigger - I awoke from an unsettling dream this morning. I glanced at the clock, and realized it wasn't mine. My 8-ball says you seem trustworthy!
[m] Unmasked Ferret - Congratulations! You're in my circle of confidence. Please find chalk, and an open area big enough to fit a drawn circle with a 5 meter diameter before the game begins.
[m] Darklighter - ...My palms were sweaty, and my heart was beating as if I'd been running. Was I truly awake? This wasn't my house.
[m] Boo Boo'n - Your roleclaim is supper iffy, IMO. I've never heard of any Night Vale character called ls͢j͟f͞͏̶y̛t̵̶n̨͢sb̛͢d҉̸͜v̵̸͜. An acceptable lynch candidate for today. Oh wait, sorry, I meant 4 weeks from now.
[m] Karu - You have been ignoring and avoiding my questions ever since this began, and that's not cool in mafia. Are you sure you gave me the right mail address?
[m] TL21xx - .krow drah si esrever ni txet gnittirW
[m] Ty4on - ...I tried to stand, but it suddenly hit me that this wasn't my body, either. In a different body, your balance is all wrong, your mind refuses to recognize its alien, wretched limbs.
[m] Pop-O-Matic - I consulted the Oracle about you. It said DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employees CASCADE;
[m] AbsolutBro - Town. or Mafia. This read was sponsored by the uncertainty of whether the life you've lived is a fulfilling one, or whether that's what you tell yourself to be able to sleep at night.
[m] Mike_Hawk689 - You say you're trustworthy, but your avatar says otherwise. The other day it was spreading some really awkward gossip about you. I'd give it a stern lecture if I were you.
[m] Mazre - The men in the black van intercepted me before I posted this and asked for my read about you. I tried to buy you some time, but I'm not sure I succeeded. Sorry.
[m] Razmos - ...Finally, I managed to incorporate myself onto a side of the bed. My memories were slipping from me. They didn't fit my brain, I could feel my thought patterns breaking up, scrambling in a futile attempt to connect with was no longer there. Then I saw him there. Staring.
[f] ScraftyDevil - The Night Vale tourism board would like to remind you that optional volunteering in the abandoned mineshaft is mandatory for all tourists. Please report with the closest hooded figure for induction. Mojitos will be provided.
[-] Seath - I'm untrustworthy of people whose names start with S by default. I asked scientists about it. Doesn't it look like a snake? They said. Snakes are dangerous, and their names start with S. Coincidence? We think not.
[m] Coppanuva - Your voting patterns betray you, you filthy, filthy commie. Such filth. Take a shower once in a while! Sheesh.
[m] squidyj - Your soft hints are leaving fur all over my clothes. Sure they're cute and cuddly, but I'm gonna make you pay for my lint roller and all this poison antidote.
[m] Sorian - Psh, Sorian. Is Sorian even a real name? Are you even real? I'll ask a hooded figure about it next time I catch one staring at me while I eat.
[m] Setre - I agree, occult numerology is a perfectly valid way to decide on your day 1 lynch. Just remember, 4 isn't an actual number. Such an amateur mistake!
[m] Fireblend - ...Finally he spoke, his eyes filled with the regret of those who have lived beyond their allotted time on this world: "and hey... thanks".
[m] gryvan - Very hard to read, particularly because I was being chased by librarians while doing so. Stay away from the librarians.
[m] Royal_Flush - Good job on taking the initiative and drawing first blood before the game started! That might have been a bit too much blood though... ok, it *was* too much. Stop it. Please. Oh God. Please stop.
It took me far more time than I anticipated to write this
Also I'm posting this before the game actually starts so that it can't be misconstrued as a hint or something - I just wanted to write more weird stuff ._.
I told you all that's not what was happening.
nobody understands me![]()
Pretty much. Mazre's death was a gross error on my part, which I apologize for.
Sorian played completely within the rules. I didn't LIKE it, but his refusal of the curse was entirely legal, and taught me a valuable lesson.
Night Vale Awards!
The "I can't believe that worked" award for stupidest successful gambit - Sorian the Intern
In his Gossip chat, Sorian explained to his fellow players that since he was Dana, Night Vale Radio Intern, and since I was Cecil, Night Vale Radio Host, if he was killed by anything other than a lynch, I would reveal the roles and alignments of everyone in the chat in a post at the beginning of the next day phase.
I looked at this and said aloud, "There is no way anyone is going to believe that."
And yet they did.
Which was?
Sorian gonna Sorian.
Note to self: never believe Sorian, ever.
You were not forced toDisappointed I didn't get best poem
I don't know why there would be a mad dash to find Steve. Yeah, I thought it meant that a voters own role PM would be revealed but it still meant giving information that cod harm me. How would this hunt start? I would have to tell people about Steve which would alert Steve AND have people ask why I know this information. Steve doesn't want to die so he wouldn't give it up.
I kept Steve's existence close to my heart because I didn't want people to know about that whole breathing fire thing.
Seriously... I read scum chat and after attempting to kill me everyone was like, "Why was the doctor protecting UltraJay? That's a totally random choice!" Uh, yeah guys. It is. Think of any other reasons? It was a big red flashing sign to my bulletproof nature but they didn't try to cast suspicion on me. I guess everything was pretty much on fire at that point however... Heh heh.
The person who recieved the "I lynched Steve Carlsberg" award got to pick any player and get a FULL readout on who they are. Yeah, that's major.
As you lay in bed last night, you dreamed of mist, flowing in, and around, and through you. As you opened your eyes, you discovered that you were not dreaming. Great plumes of shimmering mists were flowing into your nostrils, yours ears, and into your open mouth. You tried to scream, but it was over as soon as it began.
You feel different. The world seems so right now.
Oh, that tricky mist
Has changed how you talk today.
Only Haiku now.
If you fail in this,
Your powers will be taken.
No power? No vote.
Due to the effect of another player, you must post today in haiku. (Three lines, five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables.)
If you fail to do so, any night or day actions you attempt to perform tonight will be blocked. If you do not have an action, you will be unable to vote today.
Please PM me with any questions.
Title: You have, like, been totally targeted an' junk
As you lay in bed last night, you dreamt of mist, flowing in, and around, and through you. As you opened your eyes, you discovered that you were not dreaming. Great plumes of shimmering mists were flowing into your nostrils, yours ears, and into your open mouth. You tried to scream, but it was over as soon as it began.
You feel different. The world seems so right now.
You've like, been affected by groady old mist,
If I were you, girl, I'd be totally pissed.
Now all of your posts have to, like, totally rhyme.
If I had to guess, I'd say you're in for a bogus time.
Now if you don't rhyme, I'll, like, block your night role.
So making fetch rhymes should now be your main goal.
Due to the effect of another player, you must post today in rhymes. If you fail to do so, any night or day actions you attempt to perform tonight will be blocked. If you do not have an action, you will be unable to vote today.
As you lay in bed last night, you dreamt of mist, flowing in, and around, and through you. As you opened your eyes, you discovered that you were not dreaming. Great plumes of shimmering mists were flowing into your nostrils, yours ears, and into your open mouth. You tried to scream, but it was over as soon as it began.
You feel different. The world seems so right now.
You may be right.
I may be crazy
But I just may be the lunatic you're looking for.
(You may be right, Billy Joel)
Due to the effect of another player, you may only post using lyrics from (reasonably) well-known songs. You must also include the name of the song and the artist if possible.
If you fail to do this, you will lose any night or day action you have until the start of the next day phase. If you do not have a night or day action, you will be unable to vote during the current day phase.
The last one was my idea but Sorian is apparently musically challenged.
I just discovered this podcast a few weeks ago and I'm obsessed. It's incredible.
I just discovered this podcast a few weeks ago and I'm obsessed. It's incredible.