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went to the Gamestars event (halo 2 etc...)


The good...


sat and waited for 2 hours to play for 10mins......... we have are GOTY people!

graphically little better then the last one, really was not that impressed but everything else just blew me away. Dual guns add alot to the gameplay imo. :D

you cant switch your 2nd gun to a grenade without dropping the gun really pissed me off, hope bungie change that.


mixed bag to be honest, way to much combat and to dark, PS2 version has horrible frame rate problems also, but the improved combat makes the pain of those long fights little better, and for the haters like me platforming is indeed still their, just not as dominant sadly.

Very pretty btw.

Burnout 3

amazing, cant wait till release.


it rocked, also the booth babes at konami were just hot!

xbox version looks identical to the PS2 version accept that little option called XBL :D

Zelda The Minish Cap

best Nintendo game at the show.

MOH: Pacific Assualt

I was expecting something poor but found a very solid game, with great visuals and gameplay to match. Anyone who like COD/MOHAA will love this.

Battle for Middle Earth

great stuff, very pretty and felt new whats something Ive not felt in the genre in years.

Splinter Cell 3

same old same old..... few new tricks and improved graphics you get the point.


all the talk about Half-life / Doom 3 graphics people seem to have forgotten this, amazing visuals.

The bad....

Prime 2

Multiplayer is crap, pretty much sums it up. Sat and talked with a few guys playing and we all came to the same conclusion.


... :(

speed was crap, visuals were worse then PGR2!

Ghost Recon 2(PS2 version)

ugly, and 3rd person view sucks, lets hope the xbox version is better because the PS2 version is a train wreck.


why was this even on show ? piece of shit.


DSN2K said:

sat and waited for 2 hours to play for 10mins......... we have are GOTY people!

graphically little better then the last one, really was not that impressed but everything else just blew me away. Dual guns add alot to the gameplay imo. :D

you cant switch your 2nd gun to a grenade without dropping the gun really pissed me off, hope bungie change that.

Dual wielding = no grenade toss for you. One of the ways they're balancing the new addition.

We've known that for a very, very long time. Wouldn't expect the mechanics to change too much, but hey, you never know.


its boring as hell, you run around and whoever locks on first wins pretty much.

Prime2 SP will be great but I wont be touching the MP...


DSN2K said:
its boring as hell, you run around and whoever locks on first wins pretty much.

Ah, I see. As opposed to Halo 2, where you run around and whomever shoots the other guy to death wins?

I want details.

I don't care if you think it's bad. I want to know all about it. For example, what does rolling into a ball add to the action? Are there intense firefights? Power-ups we need to know about? Can you use the doors and crevaces to your advantage?


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Not that I've played it, so I can't say either way whether it's good or not, but I hear the whole point of MP2 multiplayer is using the morphball. That breaks the lock.

I think lots of people are going to play it like other FPSs and not going to like it either. Or I guess it could just be crap even if you play it right, we'll see.

Why the hell are they even showing Driv3r? Letting people play the game is a dodgy way of promoting it.


same gameplay elements as the SP.

I think the real problem is the controls, awkwardness of the controls hurts the MP. It works with SP as its scripted, you enter a room what you need to shoot appears. Scene plays out way it was designed.

This does not transfer well over to a MP mode, gameplay is just way to automated.

its like Counter Strike but both teams are using aimbots..... whats the god damn point ? where is the skill level ? I hope they didnt spend to long on this as it sucks.

infact it feels like your playing bots instead of human opponents.


I second all those impressions, except:

1. Ghost Recon 2: The Xbox version looks VERY impressive. The third-person over the shoulder perspective works great, and the graphics are a world apart from the first game. The Xbox and PC versions are apparently a completely different game from the PS2/GC one, so that might explain the different impressions. I did not try out the PS2 version.

2. The Splinter Cell 3 engine is a definite improvement over SC2. Much more detailed chartacter models, improved textures and more subtle lighting. Unfortunately, the demo was about 3 minutes long, so tough to say aything about improvement in gameplay. Sam does have a number of new moves though.

3.You neglected to mention the best looking game at the show: The glorious OutRun 2.

Oh, and Fable looks very fun, even though I can see where people are coming from in critcising the fighting mode interface.


didnt get around to playing it, I wanted to as well. :(

I got a really cool FF11 poster of the addon boxart. :D
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