When you add in how they reproduce they might be.
The Aliens in War of The Worlds (1953) scared the shit out of me when I was a kid:
The Aliens in War of The Worlds (1953) scared the shit out of me when I was a kid:
Proper brutal when that kid gets savaged by it.I thought the blob had some kick-ass special effects back in the day.
Ah, that's why in Alien it got jettisoned out the airlock, because it was a smooth brain!?The "ribbed" head seen in Aliens also looks better than the smooth look in Alien. Apparently this is what happens as the Alien gets older, the smooth dome becomes ribbed.
Also, Aliens is the best movie ever made.
I had (still have, she looked pretty good when I saw her a few years back) the most MASSIVE crush on Shawnee Smith, especially those earlier films like the Blob and Whose Harry Crumb.I thought the blob had some kick-ass special effects back in the day.
Joe Biden simulatorIt looks so sad
But to answer the OP, no, cause 3 years after Alien, a far more horrifying movie came out, and it was the best horror remake to date
Blob effects shits on 95% of modern horror movie effects, that shit was nasty and far more horrorific than the xenomorph, just imagine dying like that...I thought the blob had some kick-ass special effects back in the day.
Alien was the best alien horror movie ever made
Aliens was the best alien action movie ever made
Me and my friends all agree with this
Alien = Terminator = Horror movies
Aliens = T2 = Action movies
Personally I prefer both T1 and Alien because I think the action in T2 and Aliens doesn't quite hold up.
I love Aliens but the first movie ruined me as an 8 year old. We saw it opening night. I had nightmares for weeks afterward. You have to remember there weren't movies like this other than the Exorcist (edit well Texas Chain Saw was out but no one had seen a big budget science fiction horror) . No one was ready to see that shit when it came out.These fuckers scared the shit out of me as a young kid and they still freak me out. Has any other movie made a scarier looking alien? Yes, I know Alien was before but in that movie it looked like a guy in a suit
Yeah I hate the fuckers. Keep in mind - they have been bested in many engagements by people with minor to no military training . Phew!
Alien was the best alien horror movie ever made
Aliens was the best alien action movie ever made
It looks so sad
But to answer the OP, no, cause 3 years after Alien, a far more horrifying movie came out, and it was the best horror remake to date
This guy gets it.
The Thing is the best alien oriented horror movie ever made. Don't argue. Don't bring up another film. It's the best. And the monster is far more terrifying than the alien, because it can be anyone.
...cheatin' bitch.