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Were the Smashing Pumpkins the "perfect" band?

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I'm uploading a divx of the performance of "An Ode To No One" from the final show at the metro if anyone wants me to link it here I can for a little while (gotta watch the bandwidth whoring a little though). It is obviously lacking D’Arcy though...
moist said:
I'm uploading a divx of the performance of "An Ode To No One" from the final show at the metro if anyone wants me to link it here I can for a little while (gotta watch the bandwidth whoring a little though). It is obviously lacking D’Arcy though...

Woo! Watching that is a fuckin rush. I love that performance...even if he is in a silver dress like thingy.
Raxel said:
I'm pretty biased but I'd say Roth-era Van Halen are the closest you can get to a "perfect" band when you compare the overall package (influence, the songs, the live show, technical ability, etc).

Give this guy a medal


That's the same one that's on the SP dvd, right? Yeah it's pretty cool.

And to the guy who said Corgan is merely an average musician...you've got to be kidding. He's definitely more than a competent guitarist (I'd say excellent), his song writing skills (be it lyrics or actual msucial arrangement etc) are fucking excellent, and his voice, while not technically good, works very well with the music. All in all he's one fucking excellent, well rounded musician. And Jimmy Chamberlain IMO is a better drummer than the likes of Danny Carey (who while good, is a bit boring at times and relies on the double bass pedal way too much...thank fuck his use of it in anything post Opiate is original, and not stuck in the shitty metal double bass style), and just as good as Dave Grohl. I wasn't a fan of Chamberlain's drumming on the Zwan album though, it sounded too much like he was just showboating, as opposed to melding his beat to match the music as he did in the Pumpkins...eh...


Ok, I'm encoding the Ruby performance now... you will need Divx 5.11 to watch it. Wait, it's not working... I hate trying to rip VOB files, I can never get the audio to work. Pain in the ass.


Ok... HOPEFULLY it will encode right...

Man, dvd authoring needs to be made easier. A lot easier. I should be able to convert a 380MB VOB file to MPEG2 or AVI instantly, no resyncing of audio or anything like that.

edit: uploading, the movie is about 100mb. Not the best quality because it's VHS -> DVD -> AVI, and the resolution is a little low, but it's good enough. The sound quality however is excellent, (256kbps stereo mp3). Should be done in a little under an hour...


Thru the Eyes of Ruby, 1996-04-07

I did the best I could - it SOUNDS great, and looks decent. Not nearly as good as the DVD, but still decent.

If you hate SP, then please don't download this (less bandwidth), thanks. I'm sure some people would love to DL it just so they can say how much they think it sucks, but don't.

Don't post this anywhere else, please.

If you watched the video and you like what you see, you can get the rest of the DVD at:

It will take a while to download (took me like five days), but it's worth it :D

Enjoy... I think this performance is excellent, especially at the end. Get it while it's hot, as sefskillz reserves the right to stop people from accessing this file at any time. :p

You will need divx for this avi... use winamp or windows media player to watch it, the official divx player does not like avi's with mp3 audio for some reason; it always gets out of sync.


You should see Porcelina. Billy is like tuning his guitar and playing it at the same time, making this really weird but beautiful guitar tone. Friggin' awesome. He's holding it all weird. I dunno what the hell he's doing actually.

And then there's the end of XYU where he puts the guitar strings against a speaker and makes it sound all messed up. :D

Get the torrent Alpha!!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I don't have BTI, and what I've heard/seen of it, it's garbage. Somebody just needs to full-on upload this file somewhere.


Just get Azureus, and leave your comp on for about a week. Cap your upload speed so you can still use your connection.

This "file" consists of VOB files and is about 3.50GB. I don't think Sefskillz would appreciate numerous people downloading 3.50GB worth of data from his ftp :D I also have an Adore compilation that's around the same size.

Not to mention it would take a while for me to upload it!


It "OWNS YOUR SOUL" as you like to say. :D

etiolate said:
This forum's love affair with SP continues. I don't quite understand it. I love the pumpkins, but I don't think they were even the best band of their time period.

Uhm... it's not just this forum. I've seen tons of SP praise on numerous forums - sharingthegroove, ateaseweb (Radiohead), A Perfect Circle forums, Classic Rock forums, just to name a few.

Of course SP wasn't the best band of their time period, not to your average joe. Most people praise the Seattle bands, especially Nirvana. To ME SP was, but not everyone else. They still sold the best selling double album of the 90's so that's quite an accomplishment. I could be wrong (Wu Tang might have, go figure :rolleyes), but in this case it would be the best selling rock double album of the 90's.

How many people have the movie I uploaded? I am going to take it down sometime in the next couple days. I sure hope everyone enjoyed it, it took quite a while for me to get the audio to sync with the video like it did on the DVD, friggin' DVD2AVI always cuts off a random amount of milliseconds :mad: Ripping video from a DVD is a pain in the arse.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I love all of the Auf Der Maur fans. Melissa rocks. It needs to be known.


I rocked enough that I'm raping my connection for the full DVD as well as the Adore one.

I'll drop more in 2 days when they finish :p


moist said:
I rocked enough that I'm raping my connection for the full DVD as well as the Adore one.

I'll drop more in 2 days when they finish :p

Cool, cool. You make the topic, though, cuz I always get shit for making SP topics. :D
The Adore one is good... killer performances of Daphne Decends and Once Upon a Time.

Billy and James totally blow off the interview at the end. They ask them how they write songs. Billy's like "Well, James and I sit down, and I give him a massage. Then we drink tea and talk politics," or something like that. LMFAO... I was dying.

BigJonsson said:
if my HD had enough space i'd get it

So you LIED and said you watched it when you really didn't! :D
Diablos said:
Thru the Eyes of Ruby, 1996-04-07

I did the best I could - it SOUNDS great, and looks decent. Not nearly as good as the DVD, but still decent.

Wow, it didn't seem anything out of the ordinary for the first 5 minutes (the band seemed to lack the energy they usually have, or had with Siamese Dream live shows), but fuck, at the 5 minute mark...awesome!!! Fucking awesome. Thanks.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
DyersEve said:
Old Metallica was the perfect band followed closely by Alice in Chains

Wrong. James or Kirk can't solo out of A-minor if their lives depended on it.


AlphaSnake said:
I'm just sitting here piss drunk....

you must be. Because this has to be a joke post! C'mon Alpha, don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows the perfect band is:


or even:



Optimistic said:
Wow, it didn't seem anything out of the ordinary for the first 5 minutes (the band seemed to lack the energy they usually have, or had with Siamese Dream live shows), but fuck, at the 5 minute mark...awesome!!! Fucking awesome. Thanks.

Yeah, that's why it rocks so much. They should've recorded the end like that in the studio. Friggin' awesome. :D


All I know is that their best song ever, is Eye.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>You should see Porcelina. Billy is like tuning his guitar and playing it at the same time, making this really weird but beautiful guitar tone. Friggin' awesome. He's holding it all weird. I dunno what the hell he's doing actually.

And then there's the end of XYU where he puts the guitar strings against a speaker and makes it sound all messed up. <<<

Cute gimmicks, but both songs are painful for me to listen to from beginning to end, and I unchecked them in iTunes so I never have to.
Blech, I hate it when people give such titles to music or any other form of artwork. It's just rather silly. It's lamost like the definition of perfect was thrown out the window in this topic. A perfect band works great together, sounds great together, everyone enjoys their sound, and they aren't ridden with silly drug habits and the like. That's never happened. So I guess we're acting on a superficial perfection?

Meh, it's art, I've never really understood how people can go around saying such music sucks because it's less talented, or the other way around. I mean, the point of art is to express views, emotion, or whatever else to an audience. There's no such thing as perfect, no band really sucks if someone is enjoying what they're doing. No band rocks either as not everyone will like them.

And the term "band" is such a bland statement. Maybe to that genre many liked them and they worked well, but what about others?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
MrAngryFace said:
I totally dont get how Melissa Auf Der Maur's debut is owning you. Its like people liking PainKiller.

Perhaps you're listening to something else. I still don't understand your comment about there not being enough "rock" songs. "Overpower Thee" is the only non-rock song on the record. Everything else is all up-tempo. *shrug*


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Can't say I have a problem with that. I think it works very well with the record and she isn't trying too hard. What I love the most about the record is the guitar and drum work. It's nothing special...but 3 guitars were recorded for each song (all by some of my favorite guitarists), so I dig the sound. The chord progression is all pretty straight-forward, but very effective. Effectiveness = rock.


Two thrusting stormtroopers? this is uncomfortable.

Anyway, I think SP is a great band, but Corrigans vocals really grate on me.
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