D2 and I don't have particularly strong reads on anyone so far, so I'll order by my own measurement of likelihood of being town.
60% Town
01 [m] CrimsonFist - New
He was active, contributive and had what I viewed as a pro-town agenda on D1, the way Drop deputized him I had problems with, but in the end, I think this would be quite the strange scum play to be deputized so early in the game. The double vote was useful on D1, so it's power is available right now, I still don't agree with completely getting rid of it though.
17 [m] El Topo Burbeting
I'm not gonna lie, El Topo for his brief tenure here was more of what I expected, and was already feeling him as town. Burb has come in and acted as normal Burb. That is a very useful thing for town, and so far I'm happy he subbed in. Has been probing players on their shit and asking the right questions.
03 [m] Style - New
This could be against my better judgement, but I feel that the whole exchange between Style and I proved that he was town because it was so damn stupid and a scum chat would have probably stopped him before it got that bad. I have a serious problem with how he undermined his own vote at the end of the day phase though, and frankly any more of that bullshit and I'll resort to policy lynching for anti-town behaviour.
22 [m] *Splinter
I've thought Splinter has been pretty good all game, there was a weird moment where he voted Darryl towards the end of D1 for nothing more than to stir some madness, but other than that, I think he has been a positive force in the universe.
40% Town:
05 [m] FluxWaveZ - New
I was on him in D1 because I felt he took too much of a step back after being at the forefront of discussion in the first game, and I don't agree with the reasons why he took a step back, but over the course of the game, he has developed to be someone who I listen to when he posts, offering decent points and insight. There's a little part of me that thinks he was scum and adjusting, but it's nothing more but a worry.
04 [m] Lollipop Dave - New
Still believe being this audacious with fluff is more an anti-scumtell. It's still up in the air if I consider Dave town (I haven't discounted neutral yet) but I don't think he's scum. I need to go back and check but he seemed to believe Makai thought he was baker on his own, without Makai saying anything further. I know Dave is a new player, he said as much in the last scum chat, so that proves to me he either is a baker (obviously not the kind in the wiki) or he somehow read up on it....where people like Time, Burb and I never knew such a role existed.
28 [m] Boo Boo 'n - New
Thought he was weird in D1, making silly errors and just generally coming off aloof and scummy, but I have since went easier on him. I still believe he could be a neutral/scum, but he has also made some valid posts and points. Enough to hold off pressing him for now.
Post for reference:
I believe he thinks I'm a Baker role.
This was before Makai responded to the soft claims. Though not long before, I've not ruled out a Makai/Dave working together theory.
12 [m] Septimus Prime
I don't know if Septimus has taken roids or been reading the dictionary like White Goodman, but he's stepped up significantly from Archer this game. I take this both as a potential scumtell, and a non-scumtell. He could be sharper because he's collaberating with scumchat on how to proceed, or he could be sharper because people improving at things they do more of in life is a real thing, look at me I'm quite the wanker. Zing!
16 [m] CornBurrito
After re-examining CB's behaviour at the end of D1, I'm currently back on him as leaning town. He was indecisive, but not bandwagoney. He seemed to mostly use his vote as a tiebreaker. There's still odd things like so easily deferring to me on Darryl, but right now that's a slight scratch on a relatively sexy bareback.
08 [m] RobotNinjaHornets
He would have been in my lowest town denomination had it not been for a few pretty decent, reasonable posts he's made today. He had the sense to realize that if the Baker is in this game, it sure as hell isn't in the bastard wiki variant. I'd still like him to contribute more, but recent events have me optimistic on him.
20% Town:
I'll summarise less with these, because I've looked at the list and it's fucking huge. Here we go:
02 [m] Xamtheking - New
I can't get over the end of D1 behaviour, he did this in game one as well, we were all laughing in the scum chat when Xam was essentially chucking himself into the fire (the last laugh we ever had as a team....) but I'm sort of on the Style 'too dumb to be scum' reasoning. I'm just a whole lot less certain because he has been a hell of a lot more suspicious.
06 [m] CzarTim
I think Tim has made some helpful posts but there's a strange disconnect that's there. It feels like he's saying enough to be accepted by the majority, but nothing too damning to really become a town leader. I really hoped when he was confirmed as playing he'd be alongside me as the most active, because relying on me to lead is always a terrific fucking tragedy in the making. I'm really getting quite a neutral read from him (alignment not null)
09 [m] ultron87
Eh, a scum sleepwalker flipping doesn't particularly help his case, but I don't know if I am willing to believe that there are two scum sleepwalkers. I do find ultron odd, though I'm not as hard on him as D1. I did call him out on clearing all Darryl bandwagoners and he failed to answer me, but he eventually did when Burb brought it up.
10 [m] MattyG
Still hasn't really been present. Null read.
11 [f] StarSketch
StarSketch is currently a good lynch choice. This is the very start of D2 though, and we've got quite a bit of time to get further discussion, so people hopping on her ass so early is interesting. I think she needs it though, because it might kick her into action. She'll unleash dual wielded uzis and start shooting up the village like any good aggressive townie should. Metaphorically, of course.
13 [m] QuantumBro
QuestionBro initially brought up the idea of Baker being a real role. After Makai posting the role definition, I have a really hard time believing QB thought this was a genuine role in this game, seen very much as the least Bastard out of the three games (it is what it was sold as). It seems very much like trying to introduce confusion among town. I also didn't like how he quoted Makai's entire post, said 'I agree' and then just removed a vote without placing a new one. Get your vote on someone and offer more. Suspicious.
14 [m] Timeaisis
I get town vibes from Time, but he's not posted enough to get up in the higher denominations. I'll be keeping an eye and I'm hopeful he will keep contributing. He has picked up from D1 at the very least.
15 [m] GreatLord Tiger
Complains about bandwagons, subsequently bandwagons the shit out of every motherfucker under heat (except Darryl). I don't know if there's scum here, but it definitely doesn't feel townie. Could be neutral, perhaps?
19 [m] Makai
Nope. I don't like how Makai did the soft claim, then immediately went off on one when people rightly questioned it after he and Dave surviving the night. He then goes after me, for role fishing. I guess technically I was, but when you soft claim like that you better expect suspicion, it's bad play just to casually ignore that shit. Other than this, plays like Makai, Never quite under suspicion and quietly keeping up. I'm weary of this.
20 [m] batsnacks
His Darryl play was bold in some ways, but in the end I questioned the conclusions he made from it. I made it clear to bats why Darryl would have reacted to him so aggressively as town, and I was proven to be right in my suspicions that Darryl was actually town. He slipped up about the 2 kills, but slips aren't a scumtell, just annoying for town. I do get a weird vibe from bats so far this game, but nothing to actively go after yet. I still think his experience is valuable to us, and unless I have some solid evidence against him, I will be looking for him to discuss without me having to go after him.
23 [m] Rats Off To Ya
Understandably quiet the first day, but I think he's town mainly because he went after ultron when no one else was particularly interested. It's in town play to go after a target you think is scum, and through D1 and a bit of D2 (seems to have let up now) that Rats believed he'd found scum. He's in the bottom group for low post count reasons.
24 [m] Zippedpinhead
Disagree with what he said on the theoretical doctor behaviour, I read back through his posts in D1 and while I thought he was originally town, now I feel like there's a chance of scum. Some earlier posts here have indicated that zipped reads as scum quite a lot despite flipping town, so there's that to consider.
25 [f] Swamped
I feel swamped is playing like she would be as mafia queen. Actively calling out for deputy was weird, and she hasn't done any alliances, which proves she either listens to me (I'm a drunk, she's crazy [in love aww]) or she's not trying to attract so much pointless attention to herself. She's been contributive enough to avoid true heat, but she was also pretty contributive in those games she was mafia queen. When I see more alarming red flags be raised, I'll push on her....INTO THE VILLAGE WELL!
26 [m] kingkitty
I was with kitty in D1, because he was helping me do my job of prodding inactives. I do read slight town on him, but after reading his posts again, I also see a lot of safe posts and not a lot of sticking his neck out for the greater good.
29 [m] Fireblend
Fireblend has been weird in this game, it feels like he's here but not really. Drifting without a proactive voice. He just kind of appears, makes some comments which are agreeable enough but not memorable then disappears again.
Top Town: Splinter, Burb, Crimson
Top Scum: Swamped, Makai, GreatLord Tiger, QuantumBro
There, best of both worlds. Everyone happy?
With that,
VOTE: Fireblend
Top Town/Top Scum. Go, motherfucker!
I want you to pass your vote on once you submit, because I want people to offer their suspects and helpers.