She can't finish her "maze loop" at the time because the church is buried, so she really has nowhere to go to.
What I want to know is why she deviated from her normal "Park loop" and encounters William in the first place. You're meant to think it's because Ford's edit of Teddy's backstory--Teddy's off hunting Wyatt so he doesn't kill the bandits who attacked the homestead--but that's illusory as it's actually happening much later.
My first guess would be more Ford meddling, of course, but I wonder if we'll see any clarification of this next season.
I think the time she broke her loop was actually when Teddy was off with those guys in the out-of-town whorehouse, which is why he wasn't there. IIRC, I think we were presented with Arnold saying "Dolores, I think I've made a mistake" right before that, because one of my sticking points for William not being the MiB was that the chain of "Bernard" -> Dolores's escape - > Running into William crossed the timelines. Bernarnold fixed that, though.
It might've been Ford deliberately enacting some part of his plan ~5 years after Arnold died (not that there's any way he could've predicted the far-ranging effects of those actions, even in a show that strains credulity as much as this one), but I think it was more likely to have been a memory breach/glitch that I think we might've seen a few other times, most notably with Maeve a year before "current time" and the reveries getting patched in.