July, like this July? Holy hell!
Well it's not as if there's a whole lot of elaborate post production work to be done.
Gotta fix the link
That's awesome!!
...does it work now? Doing this on mobile is a nightmare! Haha.
no bradley tho
Wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't in it
IN YOUR FACE JOHN!they got Janeane, huh.
edit - this has 31% on RT? what the flying fuck
It seemed like Wain got it together a long while ago. I remember cryptic tweets from people who ended up writing the series like Jake Fogelnest from over a year ago, seems like First Day of Camp is what they were about.It's kinda crazy that this just got announced and it's coming out in a few months. Did they have a script in place? How did the match up the schedules of all these people? (I'd imagine Bradley Cooper is pretty business nowadays). Also, I haven't seen any behind the scenes pics.
cast pic.
Does that mean, then, that we won't be seeing very much of Cooper's fussy camp counselor Ben when Wet Hot's eight-episode season debuts? Surprisingly, it doesn't. Wet Hot director David Wain and co-writer Michael Showalter plotted out the entire series in advance pulling liberally from the script they'd previously drawn up for a big-screen sequel so that when stars like Poehler and Paul Rudd managed to find three or four days to come shoot, they could film all of their scenes in the series at once. That way, Wet Hot could duck some of the criticisms leveled at Arrested Development's Netflix revival, where that show's busy actors were mostly confined to stand-alone episodes instead of interacting with each other.
Well it's not as if there's a whole lot of elaborate post production work to be done.
cast pic.
I'm still flabbergasted Daredevil is still filming.
I didn't think it was. I am pretty sure production wrapped quite a while ago. Jessica Jones is the Marvel Netflix show that is filming now.
The movie is on US Netflix now.
In case you want to revisit before the new show arrives.
Haha I couldn't even tell those pics were new. They have all aged really well.
While the movie took place on the last day of camp at Camp Firewood, the series WHAS-3940.CR2takes place on the first day of camp, back in 1981. In real life were 15 years older but in the show were playing two months younger, Wain said. Added Showalter, We thought it was funny that in the original we played a bunch of 30-year-olds playing teenagers. Now were in our 40s and our characters are even younger. The eight-episode series
Ha ha ha brilliant. It's a prequel series lol! Loving it.
Now bring back Stella.
But David Hydr Pearce is in this.. How can that be if it's a prequel?
Dunno. It is the same year tho. It's set during the first day of camp
Right, but he had zero involvement with anyone from the camp until the last day.
Well, there are new characters too.Right, but he had zero involvement with anyone from the camp until the last day.
Well, there are new characters too.
I'm guessing all of Bradley Coopers scenes will be with Poehler instead of Michael Ian Black based on the prequel thing too
It's a movie where people in their 30's and 40's are playing teenage camp councilors. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.
No. The straightman is the can of mixed vegetables.The absurdity only works if there's a straightman. The straightman in this case is the setting, continuity and timeline.