Nice, this Sony 4K I got will come in handy for WHAS!For the two people with 4K HDTVs, the series was shot in 4K.
How does Janeane Garofalo look the same as she did in the '90s? It's good to see her in something again.
EW has a nice write up about visiting the set, as well as hints at what we shall see. Such as the origin of the can of mixed veggies. Let's see if my theory is true!
My theory:H Jon Benjamin's character dies in the series, and Gene is so wracked from guilt that he couldn't save him that he devolves in the mess we see in the film. And he hallucinates that the man he couldn't save is a can of veggies talking to him.
So I just watched the movie last night because I was interested in this. Outside of Christopher Meloni I thought it was really bad. Hoping the series is a tad better.
but what about when Gary talks to the can of veggies in the movie?
He had seen Gene talking to it and was being funny I guess. Remember, we never saw the veggies talk back to Gary.
nah, he wanted the can of veggies to have a talk with Gene which it does later on
the reason we didn't see the can talk back right there was to pace the absurdity of the gag. at that moment you're like "wtf, did he just talk to a can of vegeatables?!?!" and then later in the movie they expand on that.
Oh, I know it would ruin the sight gag. But we don't know if he was legit asking the can of veggies to talk to him, or jokingly asking it because he may have seen Gene talking to the can before and getting right after that.
The truth shall be revealed this weekend.
right you are
Maybe the dick cream has hallucinogenic properties and that is why Gene is so messed up.
Friday the 31st.wait is it not actually up yet?
Immorality mostly.
I...think you mean immortality?
How does Janeane Garofalo look the same as she did in the '90s? It's good to see her in something again.
Yes, yes. Victim of the quick suggest.
Yeah I feel like she never really hit a stride in movies or TV which is a shame I think she's pretty underrated. Really liked her on Larry Sanders. She was in that one turd of a romcom with Uma Thurman, something about dogs in the title?
That's too bad. Immorality is a lot easier to attain.
Hah, yeah I think that dog movie is the last thing I saw her in. I feel like out of all the '90s actors and comedians, she was the one who attained super saiyan slacker status. I don't think she really cared enough to make it big.
Still sigh that she wasn't the lead in Dogma. I mean... it's one of those 'duh' things in retrospect. Even in her single scene she handles Smith's dialogue far better than most the other actors.
what time does this go up? 12 EST or 12 PST?
Do the new episodes go up at midnight EST?
Midnight Pacific
making a note in my gournal to watch this tomorrow
Just finished watching the movie. Had a lot of great funny and weird stuff to my liking, though I feel there was a good chunk of jokes there that fell flat too no matter how out there they wereBut I guess that's part of novelty/cult factor of it.(the Skylab thing particularly).
Still, looking forward to this tomorrow, especially for that cast.
Also, I need more Andy,
It's a movie that gets better with each viewing, just so you can see all the random shit going on that you missed the first time, especially in the background.
And look up the deleted scenes online. Most of them are really great. "EAT THE FUCKING CORN!
what?! how have you only seen it once? it's one of the most rewatchable comedies i've ever seen.I need to watch the movie again. I have only seen it once (and loved it), but if it's an Arrested Development situation where it keeps getting better, I'm in again. Probably will do it after I watch the show.
what?! how have you only seen it once? it's one of the most rewatchable comedies i've ever seen.