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What are some essential Linux programs?

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After my many trials and tribulations trying to get a Linux distro running on my computer, looks like I finally got it to take with Mandrake 10. While at this point I'm not entirely clueless as to how the OS works, I'm not familiar with some of the must have programs or anything like that... heck it comes with a web browser and Kopete, that's all I need for now. ;)

Does anyone have any recommendations on programs that I should try out? I'd really like to get my hands dirty with this and finally learn how to work my way around linux once and for all.


superkaramba (with liquid weather and flatmonitor)
crossover office
i prefer xine/kaffine to mplayer, but they are both good

and kde >gnome


Scary Euro Man
mplayer is a must-have. Firebird for browsing goodness. OpenOffice for your WP/Spreadsheet/whatever needs. Gimp for picture manipulation.


Setec Astronomer
Development/Kernel Development packages. If you don't have these installed you won't be able to compile anything, including nvidia/ati drivers.

KDE 3.2 or later (distro) - GNOME is designed by fanatics and wannabe UI experts who think they know better than you. ;)

RealPlayer for Linux - Funny, but when Real ported this player, they didn't bother to port ANY of the malware. This version is completely lean and tame. Also essential for listening to certain webcasts. Oh yeah, it needed a simple fix in Red Hat 9, dunno if it's the same for Mandrake 10.

mplayer - Although you can probably find a binary package of this for mandrake 10, it's best to compile your own.

JuK (distro) - Doesn't do the itunes store, but pretty competent otherwise.

Mozilla (distro) - You know, for some reason I don't think much of the linux port of Firefox. On linux I prefer the main suite.

Konqueror (distro) - Safari's HTML engine(KHTML) is from this browser. Toolbar needs a little cleaning up and some defaults need changing, but otherwise pretty good.

OpenOffice (distro) - There are other office apps to be had, but you'll probably need the MS Office format support.

K3B - If you want to burn CDs, you'll probably need this. I don't think you'll share my appreciation for mkisofs/cdrecord. ;)

xmame - Obvious reasons.
gxmame - Frontend, dunno about a KDE equivalent.
zsnes - Obvious reasons.
gens - Obvious reasons.
FCE Ultra - Obvious reasons.
VisualBoyAdvance - Obvious reasons.
dosbox - Obvious reasons.

Anyway, that's all that comes to mind now. BTW, Gaim sucks.


Tre said:
gaim sucks, Kopete rocks.


Using Linux takes some getting used to but it's worth it. I paid for my home copy of XP and it's the last MS OS I want to pay for. It can be infuriating at times though :)

Anyone recommend some good web links about how to get started? I've been using it for a couple of years on and off at Uni so know how to manage files and whatnot but I'm talking about stuff like building things from source and stuff that's a bit more advanced. A site with a shit load of articles about how to do different bits and piece for me to pick and choose from would be nice... Like I say, I kinda get the basics but progressing from there is what's stopping me from booting into it more often.


Setec Astronomer
SFA_AOK said:

Using Linux takes some getting used to but it's worth it. I paid for my home copy of XP and it's the last MS OS I want to pay for. It can be infuriating at times though :)

Anyone recommend some good web links about how to get started? I've been using it for a couple of years on and off at Uni so know how to manage files and whatnot but I'm talking about stuff like building things from source and stuff that's a bit more advanced. A site with a shit load of articles about how to do different bits and piece for me to pick and choose from would be nice... Like I say, I kinda get the basics but progressing from there is what's stopping me from booting into it more often.

As for compiling things from source, 95% of all programs you will have to build follow the easy and painless autoconf pattern:

./configure [a flag or two here if really needed]
make install

[There's also `make uninstall`, so it's a good idea to keep the source archive around unless you're using something like checkinstall.]
Diablos said:
halt -p is the best Linux command ever made.
`shutdown -h now` and `init 0` are better.


I'm a Gnome guy (even though I think KDE is overall the better DE), so here's my list of Gnome specific apps, as well others that will work with any DE:

Novell Evolution
Mozilla Firefox
OOo (OpenOffice.org)

There are more Linux and open source apps that are must haves, but they're better suited for businesses etc. You could of course still use them. In any case, here's a list:

OGo (OpenGroupware.org)
Request Tracker

That's a partial...there's more, but you'll have your hands full with everything I've presented here. Have fun, and welcome to the other side! :)



Thanks for all the suggestions, but I need ONE thing right now....

I need the RPM that allows access to NTFS hard drives.... can anyone provide a link? ;D


How in the blue hell do I compile mplayer? I've tried the instructions in readme file, but ./configure does not work...


Hey guys I am trying to get Linux BT running but I don't know how to install it. I got the debian package I guess, and it's a .deb file extension. What the hell do I do with it?


Setec Astronomer
With BitTorrent, all you need to do is extract the tar.gz into a directory, whether in your home or in /opt as root, doesn't really matter... then associate .torrent files with /whereever-you-put-it/btdownloadgui.py

Of course, there's one catch... it depends on wxPython, which you'll also need to install if you want it to actually work.
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