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What are some healthy snacks?

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As some of you might know, I've been trying to lose weight and have been on a steady program for 3 months now. Changing my eating habits has probably been the hardest part, thus the reason for this thread.

What are some healthy things I can munch on if I get a sudden food craving? I'm a chips fiend so it's been really painful practically giving those up. Same with crackers. Are there any healthy brands in either case?...I've also been eating pita chips (soooo good) but have no idea if they're any better than regular chips. Spinach and cheese croissants also rock, but I don't know the nutritional value of those either. Otherwise, I just make salads or have some rice or something like that. Fruit gets thrown in there sometimes as well.

Suggestions and/or thoughts?

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
I do myself a Sandwich with some tasty souce its better then chips,i also cook chicken with some chinease source and its enough for 3-4 days,i only boil rice and put some of the chicken into oven,and its ready,soon gf is back and my pain is over,normal meals again,so best snack is to have one living with you :)

Also Tortiallas dont contain that poison that is produced while frying.


Grapes are in season this time of year. I've been able to pick up Green and Red varieties for about $.78-$.99 a pound here in the US. I'd assume they'd be for sale in your area too.

White Man

Raw broccoli is among the greatest foods ever. It tastes so good. I'd eat it exlusively if I could. Carrot sticks and celery sticks are also good. I guess if you use salad dressing with them, they lose some of their healthiness, but I never used dressing anyway.

Aside from a few exceptions, I don't think you could ever eat too many raw fruits and vegetables.
I suggest you snack on fruits and nuts. These foods are simple and healthy.

Although I don't have any extensive knowledge of the spinach and cheese croissants , I'm going to wager that they are very unhealthy: the croissants are probably made from processed, bleached flower and have lots of butter and preservatives mixed in.

To ensure that you are eating healthy, stick to simple foods--raisins, apples, bananas, reduced-salt nuts, etc.--that you know are healthy.
A cheese croissant must be something like 300 or 400 calories. Probably 14 grams of fat.

A snack like that might be ok if you're at the gym for the day. Otherwise, stay away!

I usually have a can of tuna for a snack after my work outs. It's cheap, fills me up quite well and it's a great source of protein. What more can you ask for?

White Man

Oh yeah, I forgot about tuna. It used to beone of my only good sources of protein. It's the perfect food no matter what your diet is: It's low fat and low carb. Just don't eat it too much because of the whole mercury thang.

For maybe the past year, the protein staples of my diet have been tuna and beans. They're good cornerstones to a non-horrible, loose vegetarian diet.
How about granola bars? I prefer the smores variety, I eat those like candy. I think the facts on one of those is 110 calories, 20 coming from fat, and 10 grams of sugar. Not too bad, but you can probably do a lot better as well.

White Man

A benefit of having a diet comprised mostly of raw fruits and vegetables: You'll feel better, emotionall and physically, after 2 weeks or so. Keep in mind that you have to manage to keep up a decent protein intake, or this is all for naught. And multi-vitamins are your friend, but I hope you've already realised that.

Once your system is flushed of all the unhealthy garbage in it, it's as safe as it gets to start playing around with your hormones. This is a topic for another time.
CavemanLawyer said:
How about granola bars? I prefer the smores variety, I eat those like candy. I think the facts on one of those is 110 calories, 20 coming from fat, and 10 grams of sugar. Not too bad, but you can probably do a lot better as well.

and about 40gs of carbs!


chimpychi said:
yogurt or cottage cheese snack packs...

Yogurt is great.

A trick to making those tiny little shot glass size yogurts more fulfilling and longer lasting is

to freeze them and make little frozen yogurt pops.
If you do try snacking on grapes, I recommend that you buy carefully. Since grapes have a thin skin, pesticides tend to seep through the skin easily. Thus, most grapes are nothing more that little balls of pesticide.


Banana'a fill me up like crazy, I can often skip lunch If I have a banana instead of a whole meal. It also gives me plenty of energy to do whatever. So yeah, go with the power of the banana.
Yogurt, Baby Carrots/Brocolli/Cucumber + Veggie Dip, Granola/Oatmeal/Fruit bars, Apples/Oranges/Bananas/Peaches, Raspberry/Blueberry + Yogurt combo @ 7-11

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Drink some water, water supresses (sp) your appetite. Drink tea if you need a flavour hit.

Sounds like you are going about this weight loss problem all wrong.
"I need to lose weight, what can i munch on between meals"

Just get used to the feeling of being hungry and count your calories per day.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I don't know if it's true, but I heard pretzel is considered a healthy snack with just a bit tad too much salt in it. Then again, that makes you drink more water, which is good.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Reading this thread pretty much killed any ambition I have for eating healthily. Seriously, everything mentioned in this thread pales in comparison to REAL snacks.

fruit <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< snack cakes
NetMapel said:
I don't know if it's true, but I heard pretzel is considered a healthy snack with just a bit tad too much salt in it. Then again, that makes you drink more water, which is good.
I really don't think pretzels are all that healthy. They are made with processed flour, which is terrible for you. Also, as you said, they have too much salt.

You can certainly eat worse things than pretzels. But if your goal is to eat healthy, I would avoid them.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"fruit <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< snack cakes"


Having a healthy body >>>>>>>> having to breath hard to stand up
Pretty much anything and marinara is awesome. Like right now, I'm eating a rosemary olive oil bagel with chunky garden style Ragu. Yum.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I love green grapes, celery, baby carrots... also, nothing beats fresh pineapple... except for fresh watermelon. Fresh fruit, organic, of any kind is delicious... I've developed a taste for Eggplant lately... something I've always feared eating (maybe playing Kid Icarus as a little kid had something to do with it)... Have you ever tried raw sweet potatoes? Those are pretty good, but you need to eat them fast, cuz they tend to get all slimy if you wait a week or so :p

For dinner... try some Thai food... they don't really use thick sauces, and it has a lot of fresh vegetables in the food. Ethnic foods (Thai, Indian, even Italian) are generally healthier than fatty American foods.

If you want something fatty, but still healthier than regular potato chips - Terra potato chips are awesome... cooked in olive oil... I especially like the Red Bliss ones seasoned with sundried tomato and rosemary.

Sun Chips are supposedly pretty decent for you, as they're made of wheat...

And finally, I'd stay away from dairy if I were you...


Apple treats are my only source of snacks. Sugar-free, of course, so they actually taste like fruits.

I like the Fruitsation brand. Any flavour!


I stopped buying baby carrots when I started reading the packages. They were adding high fructose corn syrup to the carrots.

Now I buy organic full carrots. They are just as good and no added sugar.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
teh_pwn said:
"fruit <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< snack cakes"


Having a healthy body >>>>>>>> having to breath hard to stand up

Bah, why do I need a healthy body? It's not like I enjoy doing anything athletic. In fact, I often think that people in wheelchairs really have it made. People wait on them hand and foot, they get the best parking spaces, and they have every excuse to be a lazy piece-of-shit. I'm so jealous.
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