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What are some inocous things you judge people harshly on?


How you shake my hand.

It's only happened a couple of times and just one time in particular I instantly didn't like the person. It's like they just placed their hand in mine. Caught me off guard. It was weird. Still think about it sonetimes. Does he shake everyone's hand like that? So many questions.

Why even hold your hand out to shake uf you aren't even into it at all.


Kinda… not really. You still get the information but can do something more productive than sitting on your ass. Ever since I have discovered the Audible sub I have not actually read a single book. Rather go for a 2 hour walk, some movement and fresh air than sitting at home for the same period of time.

arnold schwarzenegger predator GIF


Dude people do not go out into public to please others at all times. Sometimes you are sick, hungover, tired, or maybe you just don't give a fuck at the moment and wanna get yourself some groceries. Its nothing to judge by and certainly nothing to get your little titties in a twist over. I have lost count of how many times I have gone to the local Kroger in my gym shorts, sleep shirt, and flip flops just so I could get some bread or whatever. If anyone came up to me to ridicule my attire I would laugh in their face and move about my business. The idea that people need to impress or be presentable at all times is nonsense.

Sometimes you feel like shit and look like shit, but still wanna get your shit done for the day. Welcome to humanity. Enjoy your stay.
Damn. Why can't everyone put some effort into their appearance and wear a black trench coat and a fedora like me?


Some have already mentioned this but good GOD do I loathe people that have 0 awareness of their surroundings and no respect towards people around them. People that move at a snails pace seemingly in a deliberate fashion, leaving the shopping cart in the middle of nowhere, parking in a way that makes it hard for someone to get in or out. Be a little more considerate to others ffs.


Reverse groomer.
Honestly it comes down to if they like pets or not. It's never anything but that. I can tell where your morality is as a human being depending on if your reaction to a cute kitten or puppy is either immediate adoration (like a normal person), disgust, or arousal. If you that one person in the gang who doesn't devote at least 5 minutes of their internet usage a day to videos of cute dogs or cats, you got an issue


advanced basic bitch
Honestly it comes down to if they like pets or not. It's never anything but that. I can tell where your morality is as a human being depending on if your reaction to a cute kitten or puppy is either immediate adoration (like a normal person), disgust, or arousal. If you that one person in the gang who doesn't devote at least 5 minutes of their internet usage a day to videos of cute dogs or cats, you got an issue
Going off of that the people who treat their pets like their babies grind the hell out of my gears. Mostly younger people who don't want the responsibility of raising a human but put stupid amounts of love and adoration into their dog annoy the hell out of me. I can't tell you how much of a turn off it is to see an otherwise attractive women post selfies on social media with their dog with captions like "could not live without you" and other shite.


People browsing their phones in public with the sound on and no headphones etc. Like do you need to watch that IG Reel with sound on right now?


Man buns. :lollipop_poop::lollipop_poop::lollipop_poop:

Come at me bro! 😉

I compensate though by not having an iPhone and wearing sandals.

It's also pretty handy when bench pressing btw

But yeah I think it's more the case of having a manbun as if it's part of the "look" ie hipsters. You can spot "those" a mile away.

Samurai's used to wear manbuns for God's sake (no pun intended).

Fucking hipsters ruining everything. =P

I've went to the barber not that long ago relatively. And if I'm in need of the man bun it comes with a mullet....

Cringe Hangover GIF
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
People that allow their dogs to sleep with them in bed.

The same probably kiss their dogs on the mouth too.

And the fuckers who smoke outside of the hospital entrance ...

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Going off of that the people who treat their pets like their babies grind the hell out of my gears. Mostly younger people who don't want the responsibility of raising a human but put stupid amounts of love and adoration into their dog annoy the hell out of me. I can't tell you how much of a turn off it is to see an otherwise attractive women post selfies on social media with their dog with captions like "could not live without you" and other shite.

I think there are various reasons to not want to have children and it's ok to love your pets, IMO. I do agree that people's social media posts that focus on a particular creature can be boring or annoying, but I think I'd prefer to see fewer babies and children and more cats and dogs. Well, definitely, in fact.
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Chewing with their mouth open, and otherwise bad table manners.

Drivers with little tree airfreshners in their rearview (or really, anything hanging off their rear view...this automatically tells me they are a shit driver and will do something absolutely stupid in the 5 seconds they are around my vehicle).

Drivers of any Nissan with paper plates.

People that "waddle" instead of walk.

People despite being an adult...seem to do things at a glacial pace. For instance, like going to the grocery store and waiting to get your wallet out after the checker finishes checking...Didn't see that transaction coming? Couldn't prepare for that moment?

(Yes, the theme is people who are slow...or just don't think through things to make things faster or more efficient).

And any moron who does curls in the squat rack. Or doesn't rack weight.


Gold Member
If they're wearing an apple watch I declassify them as human.
Who knew so many people have them. At work, tons of people do and I have no idea what they even use it for. I have never seem them once look at it or use it in any way.

On conference call, we were all on screen and one person just bought an Apple watch. So of course people noticed and she was talking about it. Then she asked me if I'll get one.

I said no. I havent wore a watch since university.

That shut down the entire Apple watch discussion dead in it's tracks. lol


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I judge harshly judging harshly. I know people who will make up their minds about anything in less than two seconds, literally.

For instance, sometimes they are watching a movie and during the opening credits they already passed judgement on the entire movie. And they won't change their minds no matter what. It's extremely annoying.


Gold Member
I judge harshly judging harshly. I know people who will make up their minds about anything in less than two seconds, literally.

For instance, sometimes they are watching a movie and during the opening credits they already passed judgement on the entire movie. And they won't change their minds no matter what. It's extremely annoying.
If thats the case, Gladiator's chrome coloured Universal opening must had been a 10/10 movie!


I hate people judging people for judging people. Like for example, I say:"God, I hate Jennifer Lawrence." and some idiot says:" Oh really? Why? Do you know her?".

It's my god damn right to hate and to judge and to frown upon people as much as I want.

Happy Friday everyone 😚
It Is Friday GIF

That's a great gif first of all..I'm impressed and confused yet it makes sense. Bravo.

Secondly; I wholeheartedly agree with you. Then again it's kinda context depended but whatever

My example was inattentiveness. But can act like that as well ie I'm a hypocrite.

But yeah it's about innocuous stuff so yeah


I judge harshly judging harshly. I know people who will make up their minds about anything in less than two seconds, literally.

For instance, sometimes they are watching a movie and during the opening credits they already passed judgement on the entire movie. And they won't change their minds no matter what. It's extremely annoying.

This is pretty much my dad, and he has extreme contempt for anything he passes those quick judgements on, and has a remarkable ability to not pay attention or fall asleep during precisely the redeeming part of any scene or media. Thing is, he thinks anyone who likes it are idiots, even though he never got around to paying attention, always been that way. The best way to get him to pay attention (and therefore like it) is pre-selection through marketing hype.


I hate people judging people for judging people. Like for example, I say:"God, I hate Jennifer Lawrence." and some idiot says:" Oh really? Why? Do you know her?".

It's my god damn right to hate and to judge and to frown upon people as much as I want.

Happy Friday everyone 😚
It Is Friday GIF
Not sitting through credits of a movie or a game. It just seems disrespectful to the people involved in making the movie/game and signals to me that you don't care and are entitled.
Who knew so many people have them. At work, tons of people do and I have no idea what they even use it for. I have never seem them once look at it or use it in any way.

On conference call, we were all on screen and one person just bought an Apple watch. So of course people noticed and she was talking about it. Then she asked me if I'll get one.

I said no. I havent wore a watch since university.

That shut down the entire Apple watch discussion dead in it's tracks. lol
I always wear a mechanical watch because I use it as a tool during work and completing my tasks on time. But as the old saying goes, tou don't need a battleship to cross the river.


Gold Member
People who use their phones at the gym.

The people who scroll through social media in-between sets during their "rest" period, but get so engrossed on their phone that they spend over 5 minutes between sets!

Then there are people who set up their phones on tripods to film their workout for their "followers", but get pissed off when somebody walks into their shot. Fuck you and stop filming yourself. Your form is shit anyway!

Phone use should be banned on the gym floor unless it's an emergency call.
Phones should be allowed at the gym. People should be banned instead.
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