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What are some of the most toxic fandoms?


In the past few years I noticed that KPop is definitely one of the most toxic fandoms, I have no interactions with any of them but they push people to suicide on regular bases. Also Star Wars is pretty fucking toxic as well, we all remember what they did to Ahmed Best, what others do you have in mind?


Online (public) gamers as a whole seem pretty toxic.. Get a whiplash any time I'm stupid enough to peek my head out lol.

There are certain smaller communities that are better due to want of survival I guess..
Christians, muslims, you name it.

West Texas CEO West Texas CEO


The RC Helicopter flying community, not drones, not planes, not cars or boats, but helicopters. Very elitist group of people who like to gatekeep pretty much everything and make the hobby harder for new comers.
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I don't want to say Steven Universe fans because it's not just them but that kind of animated story telling in general. Shows like Owl house, Steven Universe, Netflix's She-Ra and games like Undertale and things like that.

The fans of media like this are absolutely insane. They threaten the creators when the medium they're enjoying doesn't match what their head-cannon is. They tell other fans who do harmless things to kill themselves because they didn't like the harmless thing. They've actually physically attack people at cons. Whats of all, they do all this shit under the guise they are the just and correct. That they are the ones who are defending themselves and protecting others.



Here's a new dance craze that's sweeping the nation
It's called the toxic waltz and it's causing devastation
You're jumping up and down like a psycho circus clown
Slamming with waltzers all the way around
You get caught up in the whip, you thrown into a flip
You aim for someone's head to stain the floor red
Give someone a kick to prove you're truly sick
Bounce back from some blows and blood runs out your nose
Flailing round and round and you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance on this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try, but they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise helps you brutalize
With us!
From Software fanatics.

I've met a few in my life. One guy in particular was what I'd expect from a fan: an autistic, feminist, and SJW, rolled into one man-child. He was pretty goddamn insufferable, and the type that you'd expect would frequent that other forum.


Parts of the contemporary Harry Potter fandom. "Fans" who are more concerned with showin their hatred towards creator of the work, than love for the work. Fortunately these are only parts.


Biggest Trails Stan
Snyder Bros are the absolute worst. They forced WB to make a Snyder Cut of Justice League that nobody outside the few of them wanted or fucking watched 😂

Worst parts of The Snoredom Cut: The woman sniffing Aquaman panties, the cringingly slow ass The Flash running shot, etc

Not Rewatching that dumpster fire but those 2 were what I remember the most lol. I was laughing at how bad it looked

Not to mention the aspect ratio

I was like this during the whole time

Ken Jeong Community GIF
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Biggest Trails Stan
From Software fanatics.

I've met a few in my life. One guy in particular was what I'd expect from a fan: an autistic, feminist, and SJW, rolled into one man-child. He was pretty goddamn insufferable, and the type that you'd expect would frequent that other forum.

Well that's why you need gatekeeping

That Way these feminazis don't infest the Fandom and destroy it from within like they did with the MCU, etc
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Kpop is definitely up there. The worst I've seen recently though are Genshin Impact players, probably because there's lots of grade schoolers on it


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Casual history fans.

The people who think they're experts on a particular historical subject by watching piss poor YT videos and/or historically inaccurate movies.
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