New York Times article Pentagon Sends Its Spies to Join Fight on Terror.
Pentagon spokesman, Lawrence Di Rita:
Pentagon spokesman, Lawrence Di Rita on Sydney Hersh claims last week:
New York Times article Pentagon Sends Its Spies to Join Fight on Terror.
The small clandestine teams, drawn from specialists with the Defense Intelligence Agency, provided the military's elite Special Operations units with battlefield technology, recruit spies in foreign countries, and scout potential targets...
The teams, which officials say have been operating in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries for about two years...
Pentagon spokesman, Lawrence Di Rita:
"It is accurate and should not be surprising that the Department of Defense is attempting to improve its longstanding human intelligence capability...."
Pentagon spokesman, Lawrence Di Rita on Sydney Hersh claims last week:
Pentagon spokesman Larry DiRita said in a statement that Iran's "apparent nuclear ambitions and its demonstrated support for terrorist organisations is a global challenge that deserves much more serious treatment" than Hersh gives it.
The article "is so riddled with errors of fundamental fact that the credibility of his entire piece is destroyed," DiRita wrote.
Hersh's sources "feed him with rumour, innuendo, and assertions about meetings that never happened, programs that do not exist, and statements by officials that were never made," the statement added.
The Pentagon however said nothing about Hersh's claim that President George W Bush has authorised US commandos to conduct covert operations against suspected terrorist targets in as many as 10 nations in the Middle East and South Asia, including Iran.