Now that I catch the Metro in to work most mornings I've been able to get back in to reading something I've always enjoyed over the years... however I actually decided to mix it up and reread some of my old books in preparation for new ones in the series and just reread some just because so...
Rama series... Geez book 1 and 2 were great... book 3 was crap and book 4... meh.
First 2 Atlantis books... Greg Donegan pen name for Robert Doherty, also wrote the Area 51 books which I've read... his site BTW reports that both of these series are now over...51 started great... and well... yeah. From what I've read Atlantis' final book isn't anything to write home about either, but I'd like to get closure on the series.
Started Reading:
Mechwarrior Dark Age. I was a HUGE fan of the original series of books and when the clan war just ended...well I was really disappointed I'd really grown to like the way Victor Davion was portrayed. When I first heard about M: DA I was like oh there's no way in hell I'm reading this they killed off everybody I knew and basically threw the entire group back in to the Dark Ages? Well I recently decided to read Ghost War and really enjoyed it... nice cameo by Victor in it as well... so I think I'll give the series a shot.
Want to ReRead:
Sword of Truth series... I can remember if I read Naked Empire or not, the only thing I remember is that Richard was trapped behind enemy lines and ended up building a statue or something... so I figure I'll blaze through the original books and refresh my memory on what is going on there.
Want to pick up:
Air Battle Force and Plan of Attack I'm a huge Dale Brown fan and have been so for years... now that Tom Clancy is all political and shit Dale is the only one who gives me the type of descriptions for air craft combat that I like. I've dabbled in some Steve Coonts but nothing has really stuck with me... hey Dale Brown even responded to one of my emails once years ago....
Rama series... Geez book 1 and 2 were great... book 3 was crap and book 4... meh.
First 2 Atlantis books... Greg Donegan pen name for Robert Doherty, also wrote the Area 51 books which I've read... his site BTW reports that both of these series are now over...51 started great... and well... yeah. From what I've read Atlantis' final book isn't anything to write home about either, but I'd like to get closure on the series.
Started Reading:
Mechwarrior Dark Age. I was a HUGE fan of the original series of books and when the clan war just ended...well I was really disappointed I'd really grown to like the way Victor Davion was portrayed. When I first heard about M: DA I was like oh there's no way in hell I'm reading this they killed off everybody I knew and basically threw the entire group back in to the Dark Ages? Well I recently decided to read Ghost War and really enjoyed it... nice cameo by Victor in it as well... so I think I'll give the series a shot.
Want to ReRead:
Sword of Truth series... I can remember if I read Naked Empire or not, the only thing I remember is that Richard was trapped behind enemy lines and ended up building a statue or something... so I figure I'll blaze through the original books and refresh my memory on what is going on there.
Want to pick up:
Air Battle Force and Plan of Attack I'm a huge Dale Brown fan and have been so for years... now that Tom Clancy is all political and shit Dale is the only one who gives me the type of descriptions for air craft combat that I like. I've dabbled in some Steve Coonts but nothing has really stuck with me... hey Dale Brown even responded to one of my emails once years ago....