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I always liked Gwen Stefani - Cool found out that there is a similar Demi Lovato song then accidently found some mashup that sounds half decent.

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Gold Member

poop GIF



Got me through the breakup of a five year relationship, bittersweet soundtrack to a year and a half of insane rebound relationships...

Step right up... Step right up... Gives you an erection wins the election ... It's a friend, it's a companion, it gets rid of your travelers cheques... step right up, step right up...

MY HEAAAAD is a'Spinning 'round, MY HEART is in my shoooooes, yeah. I went and SET THE THAMES ON FIRE, now i must COME BACK DOWN oh... She LEFT here in her SLEEP boys, i can FEEL it in my bones, well now anywhere, anywhere ANY WHERE i lay my HEAD, BOYS, I'm gonna call MY OWWWNNN, well it seems like the world is UPSIDE DOWN, yeah, feels like my POCKETS, were filled up with STONES yeah... And now the CLOUDS well they've covered everything over... And the WIND is BLOWING cold. Well I DON'T NEED ANYBODY, because I've LEARNT, I've learned to be ALONE, and i say anywhere, anywhere, ANY WHERE i lay my HEAD, BOYS, I'm gonna call MY OWWWNNN.

*Sorry, when you get locked in to a serious tom waits lyrics post, the tendency is to take it as far as it will go.

johnny depp dr gonzo GIF
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Having Infinite on my mind the last weeks I've been reminiscing about my Halo career (lol) playing and watching montages (made some myself) and I knew about some songs in those I liked and with some searching I found these. Still good hehe
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