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What, are you listening to?


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Pretty Maids - Mother of all Lies [Motherland] (2013)

I haven't listened to this album in years but have a bunch of the songs on it on repeat again recently :)

Ronnie Atkins still has an amazing voice to this day tho.
and this man has stage 4 lung cancer btw... which is fucking sad, but makes this even more impressive

Ronnie Atkins - Rising Tide (2022)

gets diagnosis, starts producing a solo album... absolute chad
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Been listening to the new Megadeth album for the last week or so. I don’t think all songs are great but some of them are among my favorite metal songs ever! Dave Mustaine is a metal God!


Is that the Little Mermaid chick?
Edit: It is!
That was really good track. More polished than my favourite, Potion, which I had already posted in another thread.
It's part of familiarizing myself with her stuff to get an fuller sense of what she'll bring to the role. The Little Mermaid being one of my favourite cartoon musicals.

Part of Your World is such a wonderful song of independent thought, questioning, and nascent empirical investigation aligned with the unquenchable desire to explore the unknown and realize more of the world and oneself.
Pretty Maids - Mother of all Lies [Motherland] (2013)

I haven't listened to this album in years but have a bunch of the songs on it on repeat again recently :)

Really dig the lyrics on this one.

started watching Edgerunners. was so happy to hear Franz Ferdinand in the opening credits.

and i like this song too

I remember playing Cyberpunk and walking by a shop playing the "What's your point of view, whatchoo wanta do..." part of "I Really Want to Stay at Your House". Immediately had to figure out what song it was. The slightly off-key singing and incredibly thick accents are endearing. It's really unique-sounding, but maybe that's because I don't listen enough to whatever genre this is.

Hell yeah didn't know what genre this was until that thick-accented British rapper popped in. Good stuff.
Today I found this absolute banger:

What song is this? It's unavailable in my country.

Nice! Reminds me of I Set My Friends On Fire with the auto-tuned singing, screaming, and catchy riffs.

Neat! I've always heard Vangelis referenced when a soundtrack is "Vangelis-like" but haven't ever listened to his stuff.

Neat--never heard of this band. I wish I could experience hearing this for the first time back in 1976. I wonder how mind-blowing it'd be. The closest I can relate it to would be hearing dubstep (yeah, yeah, I know) back in 2010. Specifically "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" by Skrillex. Sounded absolutely from-the-future.

Absolute shame this only has 5K views. So many talented people out there without the audience I think they deserve.

Lovely! Really like the guitar that comes in around the 4-minute mark.


One woman band from Finland. Wow. Crank the volume.

Oh hell yeah you were right on cranking this up! I'm an absolute sucker for pretty female vocals over dirty nasty instrumentals. Love the contrast of it. Beauty cutting through chaos.

Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks vibes from her. Not exactly my cup of tea, and tea isn't even my drink of choice

Kylie Minogue vibes from this song--reminiscent of "Can't Get You Outta My Head" with that repeating minor key chord progression


What song is this? It's unavailable in my country.
Michel Sardou - Les lacs de Connemara.

I feel obligated to give a bit of context:

Written 40 years ago, he originally wanted to write a song about Scotland but didn’t know anything about the country and a friend had a travel guide of Ireland so they set on that.

40 years later this song is played at almost every funeral, wedding and student party in France as traditional “DJ is leaving” song. Almost nobody knows the words but everyone is stoned / drunk just enough so it doesn’t matter.

Half of French tourists coming to Ireland go to Connemara as a result of this song.

Beautiful. This cover reminds me of "Zora's Domain" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which is up there in terms of the world's most relaxing songs ever made

Alexisonfire--the singing vocalist was always really talented. Dallas Green is his name, right? Something like that. Anyway, I got laid back in high school while listening to his solo stuff (City and Colour) back in the day so I have a nostalgia for it lol

Today I found this absolute banger:

Cyberpunkd Cyberpunkd thanks for telling me this was Michel Sardou - Les lacs de Connemara and for the context. Really interesting. Reminds me so much of Neil Diamond--even more so because it's a song that people sing when they're drunk off their asses, just like "Sweet Caroline" lol

I do like this track - one of my favourite ones of theirs ..

Kind of samey and repetitive--definitely seems to achieve the goal of what I assume is navel-gazing. I had this one on in the background for what felt like 10 minutes, but that can't be the case because it's only four minutes long! Not my cup of tea, but it's ok, you're still a good person! lol

Good ol' Rammstein. I remember being scared of them when I was younger but now I see they're a little tongue-in-cheeky and don't actually want to murder me lol

New Gogol Bordello is lit.

Very interesting. Not quite sure what to make of it. My closest touchpoint is Dropkick Murphys. Makes me wish I was with friends and drunk right now lol


Alexisonfire--the singing vocalist was always really talented. Dallas Green is his name, right? Something like that. Anyway, I got laid back in high school while listening to his solo stuff (City and Colour) back in the day so I have a nostalgia for it lol
haha yea that's Dallas Green. His City and Colour project is good stuff, for sure.


Neat! I've always heard Vangelis referenced when a soundtrack is "Vangelis-like" but haven't ever listened to his stuff.
Sagan's Cosmos brought it to billions and billions, including me.
Neat--never heard of this band. I wish I could experience hearing this for the first time back in 1976. I wonder how mind-blowing it'd be. The closest I can relate it to would be hearing dubstep (yeah, yeah, I know) back in 2010. Specifically "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" by Skrillex. Sounded absolutely from-the-future.
Extra mind blowing while reading new Stanislaw Lem books(He wrote about the neutrinos).

Posted First of the Year(Equinox) for the March equinox this year. Timely to post the following as the September equinox approaches.

For you I give and give away
My unhappiness in colour
For the abandoned hearts to see them
To bloom into your world.

Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks vibes from her. Not exactly my cup of tea, and tea isn't even my drink of choice
Her other stuff is more country bringing to mind Emmylou Harris.
Kylie Minogue vibes from this song--reminiscent of "Can't Get You Outta My Head" with that repeating minor key chord progression
Lots of Western influence in their music and videos. The music seems close to making a big breakthrough in the West, needing just a bit more crossover for understanding of the dance and musical language. The Korean influence seems more thoughtfully constructed with a better represented spiritual understanding and appreciation than many Western pop songs.
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