Best ever song about cultural appropriation
I had to dig for a deep cut for something to helpTesseract going through music withdrawals.
Aloha - That's Your Fire (2000)
The only alternative rock group I heard of with a jazz drummer and a xylophone player. Have lots of great stuff on the first 3 albums.
P.S. My brother paid them to play a house party at our house since they weren't touring in our city ... and they actually fucking did it and played in our living room.
i've posted this in the ambient thread, remains a favorite
no worries, do as thy wiltFull album video, I'll have to play this soon. I'm into the beginning already, just hit play.
And it doesn't hurt that it was one of the best possible titles ever.
Funeral - The Strength to End It
I actually remember just laughing when I was first showed this song. The vocals are initially kind of offputting, but it's just so god damned crushing. The ultimate "throw down" song.
I'm gonna get shit for this probably, but man early Coldplay was so fucking good. I get they can't have the same style but they've had the same over produced pop style for over a decade now since Viva la Vida.
Parachutes and Rush of Blood to the Head were amazing albums.