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What are you playing? 07-15-04


Chrono Trigger, replaying this for the twentieth time at least...the game still amazes me.

Transformers, I'm really surprised by this title, much better than I expected.
Sea Manky's post reminds me that I never did finish Ring of Red, I got about halfway through, but I didnt care for the charactersor story. I hate seeing kids as leaders in war, so kid pilot was really annoying. Its ok to see kids who have been forced to fight, as that happens, but to see a large group of adult soldiers around a kid leader is such an obnoxius anime convention that I got fed up with it.

Only the sheer gameplay let me get through Advance Wars' Andy, but that game did not try to have a serious story. To top it off, the cuts in the story made it very difficult to follow.

That said, it had some great ideas for a mech game and was quite fun at times.

Enough time on the forum. Now back to trying to hunt down the Wonder Chef in Asgard in Tales of Symphonia.

But SHINOBI's final boss is pissing me off something fierce, I got sick of retrying NIGHTSHADE's Stage 11, and SAMURAI WARRIORS is... well, starting to bore me a little. I think it's time for something new; maybe I'll buy SPIDER-MAN 2 as soon as there's a sale or something. Tried it at TRU, liked swinging around the city a lot.

What kind of extras are in Spidey 2? Any other costumes or sh*t like that?
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