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What are you reading? (May 2014)

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
From classy to trashy in the space of one book, nice.


Re-reading one of my all time sci-fi favs.



Since Friday I have read:



and am halfway through


Already read them but re-reading now for exams. No idea how in 4-5 days I've gotten so far. Then I need to read Atonement by Ian McEwan again for Monday but with an exam on Friday for the first 3 texts I'm not sure how to fit it in, especially with it being almost 400 pages. But I'll try. I loved the book anyway, just wish I had more time. Can't wait until I finally have freedom this summer to read what I want, I have such a pile of books I've been waiting to read for about 8 months.


Damn dude. Between this and your Gene Wolfe hate, man, I dunno. :p

I guess I am in a hateful mood today ;)

oh the cover of books 2-4 are AWFUL, yet the first book had a pretty representative cover


Yea, this one is definitely a lot better.

Wow, thanks for sharing that insightful comment. It makes me wanna punch you.

I'm sorry. don't worry though, I think you draw really nice, but the content is much to be desired



Well, gave up about 1/4 of the way through this. I actually thought the history of the founding of the nations was fascinating, but when he tries to apply that concept to why people reacted differently it just kinda falls flat. He has the problem of making it seem like the ONLY reason why there were differences. I just can't trust something like that because he makes it seem so neat that I get the feeling that he is leaving things out.

So yea, I like the concept and think its an important factor then and now, but I think its a factor among many.

I moved on to this:

Not too far in, but it is fantastic so far. I have a feeling that it will keep up its quality, unlike that nations book.


Mary has a note about the change on her blog. Apparently marketing decided that the original style of cover just wasn't bringing in readers. Having read the first book, I think that was probably a good decision--the newer covers are much more indicative of the type of book you're going to get. Honestly, your negative reaction is probably a sign that they succeeded there. You don't like the cover, and you probably wouldn't like the book. ;)

Also, Mary recently wrote up a post about how the cover for the newest book was decided on: http://maryrobinettekowal.com/journal/debut-author-lesson-covers/ Pretty interesting if you're into that kind of thing.

Interesting. I have to agree with her that the point of a cover is to help sell the novel, so I am not going to fault her for it. I might question the taste of anyone who likes those covers though (apparently I am a judgmental ass). Ill admit another dislike of mine, Victorian high society romance novels, which that picture just screams.


Mixes detective work and Major League Baseball. Quick read, good for the beach.

Johnny Adcock is a pro baseball player for the San Jose Bay Dogs. In an age of specialization he is a left-handed pitcher: his job is to cover the middle innings, especially against left-handed batters, between the starting pitcher and the closer. At the moment he's doing well, earning a million five per year for no more than two hours work per week, but at age 35 the divorced father of an adolescent daughter sees Father Time bearing down on him. He realizes that soon he'll need another career to fall back on, and he's chosen – wisely or not – to moonlight as a PI. Not surprisingly, business is booming; what with road trips and flashy salaries there are lots of opportunities for players – and their wives – to fool around. Word gets around that Johnny is the go-to guy for such problems, and his retirement plans are coming along nicely.

I read it while watching the Braves give it up to the Giants.



So is Annihilation a thriller or a horror novel? I enjoy expedition-type stories but reviews seem all over the place for it.



Felt like a Star Wars novel and this one caught my eye. I didn't know anything about the Dawn of the Jedi era, but I'm enjoying it. No lightsabers, apparently no lightspeed, (?) and Jedi...I mean, Jedaii...that have Force powers that make them better writers.

It's been fun so far, which is all I ever ask of a sharecropper novel.
I'm ~250 pages into Way of Kings by Sanderson. I really love it so far. I can tell the wait for the series to finish is gonna be annoying though.

I too I'm progressing in the Way of Kings and loving it. I'm about 25% in and its getting better and better all the time. There's an element to it that's reminding me a bit of First Law.


Currently reading Gone Girl as it was half price at the bookstore. Writing is fantastic and the character thoughts are very realistic. Very good read so far


I too I'm progressing in the Way of Kings and loving it. I'm about 25% in and its getting better and better all the time. There's an element to it that's reminding me a bit of First Law.

Eh? I can't think of anything common between Abercombie and Sanderson. Like the latter a lot, don't like the former at all (my "reread" of The First Law stopped pretty soon, i'm wondering what the hell made me read the trilogy in the first place. I don't like anything in it anymore).



Just started 11/22/63. It's the first book I've read in a while, so I'm moving pretty slowly. I'm only on the second chapter, but I like it so far.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I did not watch it yet. And Goro committed a cardinal sin. He can never remove that black stain, no matter how hard he tries.


Mary has a note about the change on her blog. Apparently marketing decided that the original style of cover just wasn't bringing in readers. Having read the first book, I think that was probably a good decision--the newer covers are much more indicative of the type of book you're going to get. Honestly, your negative reaction is probably a sign that they succeeded there. You don't like the cover, and you probably wouldn't like the book. ;)

Also, Mary recently wrote up a post about how the cover for the newest book was decided on: http://maryrobinettekowal.com/journal/debut-author-lesson-covers/ Pretty interesting if you're into that kind of thing.
I am trying to decide if this says anything about my personal taste in books.


Just started 11/22/63. It's the first book I've read in a while, so I'm moving pretty slowly. I'm only on the second chapter, but I like it so far.

Stick with it. It's a fun book.


Finished The Twelve the day before yesterday.


Great book, can't wait to see how the series ends. Now I don't know what to read next though. Maybe I'll start the Dread Empire series by Glen Cook.



Through every essay except for the final, titular one which I plan to read today.
Blown away so far - Infinite Jest proved too dense for me, though I plan on going back to it. But DFW's style really shines in the shorter essay format. I've heard this isn't even his best collection, so I'm looking forward to checking out his other essay and short story compendiums later.

Additionally, does anyone know whether linking a Goodreads account with Facebook will retroactively add all of your books to your Facebook "Read" list, or only those added going forward?


Finished this book by an acquaintance:

California by Edan Lepucki

Post apocalyptic LA and a couple trying to make it out in the frontier. I think this will be well liked by gaffers.

Yeah, sounds like something I'd like, so I'll be checking it out sometime.

Liking Shotgun Lovesongs so far, nothing to wow me yet, but it's good. Just that small town, blue collar type of setting that I really like.
Getting back into Hyperion and I'm really starting to enjoy it. The story of the poet and the father are much better stories so far than the first two stories(Priest and military guy). Glad it's picking up, I'm really enjoying it.


Finished The Wasp Factory, good and quite disturbing book. Not entirely sure hiw I feel about the ending,
Really wanted the main character to die right up till the end then boom im feeling sympathetic to him/her, didn't see that twist coming. I suppose that twist as the ending was more satisfying than the character getting a deserved death would have been.


I finished up The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie a few days ago. I like the world Abercrombie created. It was interesting to see the impact of previous event on the characters and the world. The plot was just "okay" if a bit lackluster. The premise sounds great: a three day battle between the Union and the North? Sign me up! Overall though, the book felt it had very little battling going on and a lot more internal bickering. I think the main issue for me was that Abercrombie seemed to focus a bit too much on the characters being portrayed and not the battle as a whole. On top of that, there was a lot of build that seemed to either fizzle out or just stop abruptly.

I love the setting and the characters, I just feel the story had potential to be much better than it was. I'm happy I decided to take a break from the series for awhile before diving into this one or I wouldn't have enjoyed it near as much.

I give it a firm 3 out of 5.

Next up is The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. Excited to see what else is going on in Luthadel!
I finished up The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie a few days ago. I like the world Abercrombie created. It was interesting to see the impact of previous event on the characters and the world. The plot was just "okay" if a bit lackluster. The premise sounds great: a three day battle between the Union and the North? Sign me up! Overall though, the book felt it had very little battling going on and a lot more internal bickering. I think the main issue for me was that Abercrombie seemed to focus a bit too much on the characters being portrayed and not the battle as a whole. On top of that, there was a lot of build that seemed to either fizzle out or just stop abruptly.

The Heroes has loads of great quotes ..

‘Armour …’ mused Whirrun, licking a finger and scrubbing some speck of dirt from the pommel of his sword, ‘is part of a state of mind … in which you admit the possibility … of being hit.’

'loyalty’s a dangerous foundation. Tends to wash away in a storm. Self-interest stands in any weather.'

‘The truth is like salt. Men want to taste a little, but too much makes everyone sick.’

Some men are made for doing violence. Some are meant for planning it. Then there are a special few whose talent is for taking the credit.

etc etc

Also he writes great female characters


Gonna give Steven Baxter's stuff a go, seems his Xeelee Sequence is his main work, question is, is it best to read them in publication order or chronological order?




While I enjoy the series immensely I have to admit that the pacing in this one felt a bit rushed to me. There just happens a lot and it happens really fast. Ending came as a surprise though. Now I have to wait for book 4 :(


Really strong contender for my favorite book of the year. I just love the way Rushdie writes. So wonderfully poetic. As someone who isn't religious I have trouble understanding the controversy this book created.

Now reading:



Started both books ages ago. Claw of the conciliator I put aside because at the time I couldn't really focus and this is not a book one just reads on the fly. Red country on the other hand just feels like a chore most of the time. There have been passages that I enjoyed but most of the time it just rambles on. The fact that this time there isn't even one character that is slightly likeable doesn't help.
What annoys me the most is how Abercrombie handles Lamb/Logan in this one. He was my favorite character in The first Law.


Finished this recently:


Really easy read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've got a weird fascination with Everest and K2 and I think this has helped me understand what it takes to climb them and how easy it is for everything to go bad. It also gave me new perspective on the sport and really changed my opinion about the people that make the climb.

Currently reading:


Currently about three quarters of the way through it. Not the easiest read but I love a good spy drama. I've already got the other two books in the Karla trilogy waiting for me once I finish this one.

I'm also looking for recommendations for a very specific topic. I'm going to pick up a book during my lunch break and was looking for historical fiction about gladiatorial combat. The setting doesn't really matter but I suppose Rome is an obvious start.


Finished this recently:

Really easy read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've got a weird fascination with Everest and K2 and I think this has helped me understand what it takes to climb them and how easy it is for everything to go bad. It also gave me new perspective on the sport and really changed my opinion about the people that make the climb.

Had I read this while partaking in these reading threads, that's just about what I would've posted verbatim. One of my favourite books, and I love anything to do with Everest and mounting climbing as well, despite never having done anything of the sort myself. Perhaps it's just where I love anything that deals with a survival story. Love Krakauer, so I really should read his stuff that I haven't read yet!


Another awful cover, but read this last night


A giant con and heist story set in Venice this time? Sure why not?

Nuke Soda

2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke- I enjoyed this book quite a bit. It is a nice companion piece to the movie as it fills in some of the mystery of the movie while adding its own set of question. It is well written and you don't have to be super science literate to enjoy the read (Not that it will treat the reader like and idiot or anything). If you've seen the movie, but never read the book you should check it out and if you like space exploration you should read it.

Started reading The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie.
finished these recently

Into the Storm by Taylor Anderson

Crazy and fun ride. Like a Michael Bay movie. Will have to track down the sequels sometime. The writing is a bit rough and soulless, so I'm hoping it improves as the series progresses.

Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley

girlfriend really liked this one, so I gave it a go. it isn't high literature or anything, but it gripped me and I had to know what happened and ended up finishing it in a couple of sittings.

reading this now

Close Reach by Jonathan Moore

love the setting and it reminds me a little of the film Dead Calm


Game Over - A history of Nintendo up to the SNES era. Nintendo's unscrupulous and often illegal business tactics during this era show why third parties deserted en masse for the PS1. They controlled every aspect of the industry: hardware, software, pricing, distribution, and press. Any business that opposed them could be sabotaged at any phase of this pipeline (denied an allotment of cartridges, no coverage in Nintendo Power, having retailers decline to stock the product). The book also offers short pieces about other figures of this period (Bushnell, Hawkins, Miyamoto). Definitely check it out if you have any interest in games (which you do, I assume).
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