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What are you reading? (October 2014)


Anyone read anything from Michael Chabon? I dream of living in Pittsburgh, so I heard about him and his books. Any specific recommendations?

I can support both Wonderboys and Kavalier & Kaly. My wife would recommend The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Neither of us would recommend his short story collection, Mysteries of Pittsburgh.
Falling Free and Shards as the first two in the Vorkosigan series? :/ Whoever put that together had no clue what they were doing. Shards and Barrayar makes way more sense. Or Warrior's Apprentice and Vor Game.

Falling Free and Shards, psssshhhhh.

You should read Shards of Honor btw, Bujold is amazing and the Vorkosigan series is one of the best scifi series ever.

Those are the two I started with based on the internal chronology. I highly recommend skipping over Falling Free, though. It may be in the same universe, but there really aren't any substantial ties to what follows. It's basically a stand alone story that is decent, but not a good introduction to the world.
This isn't good news for me. I'm about 80 pages in and kinda fed up with how he's relaying the information i.e. nearly all telling, sometimes saying nearly the same line multiple times on one page. It's incredibly repetitious and telling. Which is the worst kind of telling.

I want to like it because every so often a really great passage leaps out . . . but then there are all these others to contend with. Did anyone else feel like it got better as it went on?

I just felt it went nowhere. The end was a total letdown, but honestly I didn't know what I expected.

hope you like it!

I got some other stuff up first, but I'll try to remember to let you know.



I enjoy fantasy titles that throw in odd magic systems.
So far this is okay, not amazing not bad. Enjoyable. I'll probably finish the series if it keeps up.
Oh hell, literally just read some crazy twist I did not expect. Well shit that's interesting.

The series is pretty good. The Broken Eye just came out in August. I actually think the series gets better, so stick with it.


Falling Free and Shards as the first two in the Vorkosigan series? :/ Whoever put that together had no clue what they were doing. Shards and Barrayar makes way more sense. Or Warrior's Apprentice and Vor Game.

Falling Free and Shards, psssshhhhh.

You should read Shards of Honor btw, Bujold is amazing and the Vorkosigan series is one of the best scifi series ever.

Grr. I wish I knew that ahead of time. I would have skipped Falling Free for now.
Finished "Nagash the Sorceror" by Mike Lee and now am off to the 2nd book of the trilogy "Nagash the Unbroken" also by Mike Lee. Has been a great read so far.


I've really enjoyed reading your responses to the Ambergris triology. And I totally agree that while Finch is the fastest-moving and easiest to understand of the three, in the end he almost gives too much away. Things become almost too clear.

I thought he handled the ending of the Southern Reach triology better, telling us enough that it felt like a reveal, but leaving so much in the gloomy darkness of Area X.

Yeah I think the difference between the "reveal" moment in Finch and in Acceptance really shows how different the tone in the stories are too. In Finch it's very much a direct exposition dump in a "this is how it all went down" way, which is consistent with the pulpy noir nature of the story, but clashes with the previous tone of the Ambergris stories. In Acceptance, the reveal is done though descriptive imagery which the reader is left to think about and decipher on their own, and it doesn't really matter what you make of it because in the end the true nature of the origin is left simply unknowable, which is far more consistent with the strong Lovecraftian roots of the Southern Reach books.


Everyone is going to chime in with Kavalier and Klay (Clay?). I will too. Won the Pulitzer, even.
Will start with that then.

I can support both Wonderboys and Kavalier & Kaly. My wife would recommend The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Neither of us would recommend his short story collection, Mysteries of Pittsburgh.

Thanks for the heads up on the collection, almost purchased it.


Finished up The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss a few days back. I completely adored it and was sad to see it end. It was exactly the type of book I was in the mood for and I regret it only being 1,000 pages long.

The novella comes out sorta soon so wanna just read something quick in the mean time. Gonna read Life of Pi by Yann Martel next. It's been sitting on my shelf for awhile.
Will start with that then.

I might like Yiddish Policeman's Union a touch more, but you can't go too wrong either way.

I really enjoy Chabon's attitudes about genres as well. As someone who reads and enjoys both genre and non-genre (What do we even call this? Realistic fiction? Literary Fiction?) fiction it's nice to see a serious author standing up for and participating in some of the odder nooks of fiction.

Chabon said:
Pride and Resentment are the twin banners flown from the walls of all ghettos. We love being in; we want to get out. We are at home; home is not the world. Endogamy weakens us over time.

I think, in the end, it is largely a marketing issue. Personally I would prefer to see bookstores shelve all fiction together regardless of genre. Or maybe just have two sections, "Good Stuff" and "Crap." Into Crap we will consign all novels regardless of genre or reputation that trade in cliche and dead language. If I ever own a bookstore I will do it that way. Only I will just leave out the Crap section.



Really enjoyed it as a true crime fan. Super detailed, consistently engaging, even if at some point you sort of "get it".

Just started

So far I am really enjoying it. But I am such a Mountain Goats fan it would be hard for me not too


Small break from Wizard's First Rule:


This is turning out to be a quick and enjoyable read. I'm liking it better than Sanderson's other YA book The Rhithmatist. The story is kinda straight forward, but he's a master at world building and magic systems and this world is very intriguing.

Nuke Soda

I'm giving up on Horns, began interesting, but then got bland and now I just don't care. Haven't touched the book in three days, time to move on.


Neo Member
Just read through DC Pierson's The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To and Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting again.

TBWCSANHT- Best YA novel I've ever read, the end especially is very moving.

Trainspotting- Most tonal and atmospheric novela I've read in quite awhile.


Trainspotting- Most tonal and atmospheric novela I've read in quite awhile.

Can I recommend Skagboys, by Irvine Welsh? It's a prequel to Trainspotting and shows us how the wee lads got hooked on thae skag. It's also much better than Porno, the sequel to Trainspotting.


Just finished Clariel - another story set in the Old Kingdom world by Garth Nix. Adored the first 3 after rereading them a year back and was pumped when I saw this would be coming out.

Was let down horribly. 2nd time this month. The main character is completely unlikeable,
the story only starts like 60% of the way into the book, the Abhorsen and King both play 0 of a role, and no one cares
. Finally, at the end of the book its revealed that the main character is in fact
a minor villain from the Abhorsen trilogy that doesn't really do much of anything.

My only hope for the rest of the month is the new Rothfuss book. Would've much rather had a story that went back to the golden age of the Old Kingdom, or even further back. Mogget was the only redeeming part of this book.
Finished Stories of your life and others by Ted Chiang;


A good read with some intriguing stories, but I was a little disappointed to find that the opening story (Tower of Babylon) was my favourite of the collection and the author's first published work. That's not to say that the other stories weren't good, or lacked for invention and character, but none quite gripped me as much as the first.

Also finished Hooker by Lou Thesz;


This was an excellent read for a fan of pro-wrestling and its history, Lou gives a great account of not only his life and times, but also charts how the 'sport' left the carnival and made it to the big time. It also gives a unique look into the backstabbing politics of the promotional side of things, from a man who was well-known for playing by his rules alone. It's somewhat on the light side when it comes to usual pro-wrestling autobiography fare of road stories and pranks and Thesz is a bit curmudgeonly when it comes to dishing out praise for his peers, but this was enjoyable nonetheless.

I'll be working my way through these next;




Neo Member
Can I recommend Skagboys, by Irvine Welsh? It's a prequel to Trainspotting and shows us how the wee lads got hooked on thae skag. It's also much better than Porno, the sequel to Trainspotting.

Probably should have said that it was actually the second time I read Trainspotting. I've read skagboys, porno, trainspotting, and filth. Porno probably being the least driving and filth being the most cringeworthy.


Small break from Wizard's First Rule:


This is turning out to be a quick and enjoyable read. I'm liking it better than Sanderson's other YA book The Rhithmatist. The story is kinda straight forward, but he's a master at world building and magic systems and this world is very intriguing.

dat cover. I got the inferior edition with some teenage kid on the cover.


Just read through DC Pierson's The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep
TBWCSANHT- Best YA novel I've ever read, the end especially is very moving.

The description sounds pretty interesting, thanks for pointing this out!

lol @ cover. Classic Gruden Chucky face.

He's got so many!

I'm sure Gruden is easier to read than to listen to. Jiminy Christmas...

Boo, not a fan? :p I love the man! Been a fun read so far.
I fucking loved this book! (Just finished it myself).

Are there any good hard sci-fi recommendations out there that might be similar to Andy Weir's The Martian?
Yeah. I don't like self-pimping much, but I wrote this:


It's had some good reviews and stuff. Yeah.

Edit: you said hard sf. This isn't that. Tonally similar, but not hard. (The main character isn't a scientist and doesn't understand the science, so it's not... Quite right. Anyway.)
International covers are always better.


It can be interesting, but I'll warn you....it is difficult to like anyone in this book.

I got to the part with the Library Girl. Maybe it's because everyone else is clearly not likeable that it felt like Joe Hill was trying to hard to make her likeable and, thus, made her not likeable.

Is that a fair assessment, or should I reserve judgement as I go forward?
International covers are always better.


It can be interesting, but I'll warn you....it is difficult to like anyone in this book.
I don't know, I really liked Vic as a character. She had her demons but I think she redeems herself by the end.
NOS4A2 was a great book. There are some really creepy set pieces in there. I was genuinely creeped out by certain scenes, mostly anything involving Bing.
I got to the part with the Library Girl. Maybe it's because everyone else is clearly not likeable that it felt like Joe Hill was trying to hard to make her likeable and, thus, made her not likeable.

Is that a fair assessment, or should I reserve judgement as I go forward?
I liked her too.


About 15 percent through Chabons "Wonder Boys" and I'm really enjoying it so far! If you haven't done the free trial for Kindle Unlimited yet, go for it, its 30 days of free books. Michael Chabon has 3 or 4 books on the service.
Boo, not a fan? :p I love the man! Been a fun read so far.

I love his enthusiasm and clearly he loves the game, but so did Madden, and they've both got that, 'That guy right there? He plays some good football.' kinda DUH quality to their commentary. I don't really mind it, but there are one or two things *every* game that I can envision half of America smacking their foreheads due to the duh-ness. :p
About 15 percent through Chabons "Wonder Boys" and I'm really enjoying it so far! If you haven't done the free trial for Kindle Unlimited yet, go for it, its 30 days of free books. Michael Chabon has 3 or 4 books on the service.

Haven't read it, but it was a very good movie. The kind of movie that reminds you that Michael Douglas is, after all, a pretty darn good actor.


I don't know, I really liked Vic as a character. She had her demons but I think she redeems herself by the end.
NOS4A2 was a great book. There are some really creepy set pieces in there. I was genuinely creeped out by certain scenes, mostly anything involving Bing.

she does kind of redeem herself, but you still go most of the book not liking her. I mean, I get that her abilities fucked her up and all...but still.

It did have some truly creepy things in it....it's also the first book I read by Joe Hill that showed me he's an author I want to keep an eye on.


I love his enthusiasm and clearly he loves the game, but so did Madden, and they've both got that, 'That guy right there? He plays some good football.' kinda DUH quality to their commentary. I don't really mind it, but there are one or two things *every* game that I can envision half of America smacking their foreheads due to the duh-ness. :p

Haha, fair enough on that assessment. His amount of positivity towards every single player (which can amount to a simple comment that "he's just a great football player!") is a running joke in the NFL threads.
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