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What are you thought about Soul Calibur 6?


I would like to hear what are your thought about Soul Calibur 6? If you played, and if you didn't what you think about it?

To me i think it was great in some areas, but there is still some stuffs that missing to make it as epic as the first 3 games. Soul Calibur 2 is still the peak of the franchise imo, the tone, the gameplay feel, the character designs (not much of this anime influence that Sc had since 4). Sometimes i even feel there may be some Fromsoft devs that worked on SC2 back then. It has that epic feel. For SC6 there is also that garbage can of character creation that really ruined the game in some way imo.

So yeah, would like to hear thoughts. Discuss.

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Gold Member
I enjoy playing it. It's one of the 3 games I regularly play online. It's good at its core mechanics and it is a good game, but it isn't a great game. I'm glad it brought back the old cast of characters. But man, the retcon here is kind of weird and kind of meaningless. Especially since there's only so many ways to tell the Soul Calibur story.


Gold Member
It was ok.

I played just a bit and didn't got motivated to play more, which is quite weird for me since I really enjoy the series.

Also, I liked the guest characters.


I like the core gameplay a lot and I think it's one of the most entertaining games to watch at tournament play. Really underrated in that sense.
It was however done on a small budget and it shows. I think that Soul Blade had the best story mode and atmosphere of any fighter I've played but that was never recaptured in the later games. I can't imagine them coming up with something as controversial and shocking as Siegfried's story again.


Soul Calibur 2 was so insanely good.

I wish the team would just make an improved version of that game. The weapon system which allowed you to equip multiple different weapons on a character to support different playstyles...the "Star Fox/Roguelite-esque" campaign where it was different every time and you could choose your progression path along the story...

Just so much incredible stuff that hasn't been replicated to this day.


It's good, my favourite is 2 because of the weapon master mode. I'd probably rate it around the higher end of the series though, I like it better than 4, 5 & 1


Gold Member
Gameplay and visuals were good but story mode was a flat out abomination and disrespectful to fans. They would have been better off not including at all.


I liked it but quickly found myself not playing it like 2-3 months after purchase.
I need to jump back in and find out why I stopped playing.


I was recently watching a Tekken video and it made me think about SC. I've never played any of them, even though I somehow have an old copy of Soul Blade hanging around (don't know where it came from).

I was considering buying one of the game's and giving it a go, but this thread doesn't give me much hope for modern games. Maybe I'll emulate Calibur 2 if I can find a copy.


I would like to hear what are your thought about Soul Calibur 6? If you played, and if you didn't what you think about it?

To me i think it was great in some areas, but there is still some stuffs that missing to make it as epic as the first 3 games. Soul Calibur 2 is still the peak of the franchise imo, the tone, the gameplay feel, the character designs (not much of this anime influence that Sc had since 4). Sometimes i even feel there may be some Fromsoft devs that worked on SC2 back then. It has that epic feel. For SC6 there is also that garbage can of character creation that really ruined the game in some way imo.

So yeah you like to hear thoughts. Discuss.

Honestly i think the combat is the best since sc2, single player content though is by far the worst, like the main campaign has to much text, wish it was more like sc2s story where you do challenges without the boring shitty texts, arcade was incredibly half arsed as well
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As a longtime fan of the series, I liked it but didn't love it. Haven't touched it since like 6 months after it came out.

SC2 was just so insanely good and I don't think we'll ever get another game like that again.
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I would like to hear what are your thought about Soul Calibur 6? If you played, and if you didn't what you think about it?

To me i think it was great in some areas, but there is still some stuffs that missing to make it as epic as the first 3 games. Soul Calibur 2 is still the peak of the franchise imo, the tone, the gameplay feel, the character designs (not much of this anime influence that Sc had since 4). Sometimes i even feel there may be some Fromsoft devs that worked on SC2 back then. It has that epic feel. For SC6 there is also that garbage can of character creation that really ruined the game in some way imo.

So yeah, would like to hear thoughts. Discuss.

I want my money back.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I've played it for probably 2000+ hours. I'll check when I get home.

It's the 2nd best in the series (but it's probably the best in the series if I ignore nostalgia). I barely give the edge to SC2 still just because ... but honestly many characters in SC6 are so much more improved over part 2. Maxi in part 2 is a joke compared to part 6, same with Mitsu, Asta, and on. Lethal hits were a great addition. Having guard breaks punish guard impacts is a genius level boost for guard breaks. SC2 soul charge is really not that great compared to the super system in SC6.

The only main flaw with the game is just that it still is not as balanced as it could be. Some characters seem kinda busted and just have so many strengths that they force you to only play one extremely specific way, and that isn't fun - like Amy, 2B, almost every DLC character is pretty busted in terms of balance.

It's probably the best fighting I've played in the last 10 years, but I hate Tekken. I hope they make a part 7. I still play it online to this day.

My only other complaint is not really with the game, but the community itself. Everyone just plays in a very predictable and cheap way most of the time. I just miss playing local with friends who try to be a little more creative, but that's not the game's fault.
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I only played the beta, but it made a bad impression. Hated the interruptions by Reversal Edge. Hated the excessively long Super animations and armored properties. Disliked the movement and how characters would get stuck at mid or close range and be unable to reset for a long segment of time. Disliked the guests and newcomers. Liked that it changed direction away from V's mechanical identity crisis.

I do not think any new entries will top Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition. Way too much focus on breaking the flow of combat or making it one sided for a prolonged period of time since then instead of running around and trading blows.
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My favorite SC game, people complain about the new mechanics but they feel natural and are mostly well balanced although I think RE should drain the soul gauge not restore it, but any skilled player can murder someone trying to spam it. Wish the online mode was better though, it eventually got toxic and it could get buggy with the spectate cam. I hope this isn't the end, they finally got it right after several failed entries.


I enjoyed the Soul Calibur franchise right until Soul Calibur 6 where they fucked it up by adding the Reversal Edge mechanic, that stupid fucking rock paper scissors mechanic halts the game. I fucking hate that cut scene crap. It interrupts. I stopped playing SC after that.
And there is no option to turn it off.


Gold Member
Shit, I wish we could go back to the OG Soul Blade game. That Edge Master Mode was simply amazing. Great replay value/

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I enjoyed the Soul Calibur franchise right until Soul Calibur 6 where they fucked it up by adding the Reversal Edge mechanic, that stupid fucking rock paper scissors mechanic halts the game. I fucking hate that cut scene crap. It interrupts. I stopped playing SC after that.
And there is no option to turn it off.
Anyone who actually uses it just gets murdered by a competent player who uses guard break or sidestep. Its a tiny little crutcu for casual fans who can't keep up with defense all the time.

For the record, if you haven't played it for a while they patched it long ago to make the initial hit blockable unlike how it was at launch.
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SC6 is good. I dropped it long ago, but its probably second best after SC2. If it wasn't so low budget it could've been the best one. I did appreciate the RPG mode though. One of the most underrated things about SC6 is the enemy AI. Its really good. There is this unlockable ultra hard mode, and the AI actually drops combos, whiffs and is punishable at times.

I still play SC2 on PS3 and its the best one in the franchise. SC2 is still a looker also.
garbage game. none of my friends wanted to play it.

had the most fun playing soul caliber 1 on dreamcast emulated on PC.
you know in tekken 7, when there's slow-mo when both players are attacking each other at the same time or whatever... soul caliber 1 would do this a bunch unintentionally due to wonky emulation on my slow ass PC.
loved it. made fights so tense and fun.... 60fps then bam, uh oh, random slowdown for a few seconds... then back to 60 fps.


Anyone who actually uses it just gets murdered by a competent player who uses guard break or sidestep. Its a tiny little crutcu for casual fans who can't keep up with defense all the time.

For the record, if you haven't played it for a while they patched it long ago to make the initial hit blockable unlike how it was at launch.
Still, the mechanic is a nuisance and I wish it went back to the days of SC2 and SC4. I remember playing SC 6 at launch played it, was disappointed, and never went to the Soul franchise again, it's amazing how introducing a mechanic can make me completely hate the franchise. Also, the game lacks dedication and effort as compared to previous Souls titles.


I just could never get into soul caliber despite the big boobs. I want to like it but it never jibes with me.


Suffers with mild autism
SCII on Gamecube is the unbeatable peak of the franchise.

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