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What are your plans for the summer?

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I am done with my Freshman year at the UW, after todays finals, then I am off into summer, some things I have planned are:

Getting a Job.
Getting laid, a lot.
Hanging out with friends most of the time.
Going on a road trip to Canada for clubbing, drinking, etc.
Playing too many video games.
Realize I still dont have a job in August.
Buy a Famas for playing airsoft with my friends (I only have a springer handgun).
Going camping with my friends.
Hiking up Mount Rainer.
Go to Hawaii with this girl in September (hopefully).
Not wanting to start Fall quarter.
Rinse, Wash, Repeat.

Edit: Move this puhleease.

evil ways

Seal the roof with that white paint like rubber substance
Finish painting outside the house
Go to the movies
The annual 4th of july lunch with the girlfriend and relatives
Play backlog of games
Grow a beard


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Attempt to enjoy my job, watch films, play some games, chill/party with friends, work out, etc. Nothing too eventful.


lol, getting a girl would be a nice objective.

other than that.. get wasted a lot, lots of parties, working and sleeping.


Pay off debts. 20 months of unemployment wreaks havoc on ones finances.

Finish up some of those old games I have.

Figure out what to do around here. The new job was in a new city.

*shrug* that's about it. girlfriends are bad for debt, I'm outside on my bicycle every day, and I've given up on weight loss.


so, where does one find GirlFriends?

at school? mine sucks, it's a gifted school where most of the girls are smart and have no interests in getting into a relationship.

Bar? (nah)
Most stats show that people meet their others in school, after that it requires actual effort since workplace relation restrictions get shitty and going out with a co-worker can get messy.

Depending on chance is ok when youre young, but as you get older you need to get out there and actually LET women know youre looking.

evil ways

neptunes said:
so, where does one find GirlFriends?

at school? mine sucks, it's a gifted school where most of the girls are smart and have no interests in getting into a relationship.

Bar? (nah)

Any social place where you can start a conversation with someone, get their attention and then establish a connection. Bars, Clubs, the mall, college or school(other people's/friend's) etc.
the main thing is getting out there, yeah. Also try to get out there to places that actually interest you so you dont find some girl you have nothing in common with ;P
I have Uni all summer long, and it's a hellish schedule. Besides that, I have my personal trainer to keep up with and friends to hang out with.


well there's an arcade near where I live, but only the sluttly girls (some of them too young to be there) hang out.

I hate my school sometimes (stupid gifted/enhanced program)

I plan to play Diablo 2 for the 1st time this summer. some hot girl wanted me to play with her.
I hear how it's like crack and all.
I dunno, I tend to hang around bookstores and the mall a lot. Cause I like girls that are smartasses cause then we can troll each other. When i get back to WA ill probably seriously date again, but I know im moving in like 3 months so wtf bother at this point.


If I could find a job this summer it would be cool...I would use the money to go on travel to Asia...It's one of my dreams. Not only Japan but also Corea, China, Thailand and perhaps Vietnam.
I know I can't get enough to visit all of them at once but perhaps enough for one...

Getting a girlfriend would be cool but I resigned myself long time ago...


Looking for Pants
Summer School: Computer Graphics + Spanish
Girlfriend: Comes back from Morrocco in 2.5 weeks
Work: Proctoring a lab while also working on a Prototype Video Game for them
Research: Generative Programming

Should be a packed semester.
clean my room, convert old home videos to dvd, clean garage/set up gym, work out, continue studying 3d tutorials, brush up on language skills, go to Portugal for a few weeks, and



Hang out with Steve.
Next week my wife & I are driving to Roswell, New Mexico for the 5th annual Roswell 2K New Beetle car show, along with a few hundred other New Beetles. Should be interesting :)

Other than that, let's see... there's a wedding in Massachusetts in July, and I need to get to work finalizing plans for the 3rd annual NBeast, which is an east-coast New Beetle car show in October I've been involved with for the past couple years.

Besides that, I'll be working -- lots.


Count of Concision
Taking two psychology courses during the first summer session, which runs from June 7 til July 12: Cognitive Psychology and The Psychology of Perception/Psycholinguistics.

The cognitive psych course is ridiculous-- 14 chapters PLUS an extra reader are being covered in a little over 4 weeks; the typical scope of the readings in a full-length semester psych course are usually on the order of 10-13 chapters, generally around 12. This professor is doing 14 chapters PLUS supplemental readings (journal articles/studies etc.), with a heavy emphasis on neuroscience/neuropsychology, which tends to be much denser and more challenging reading than the usual psychological fare. So this should be "fun"; the other course seems to be alright, though.

In addition, I'm doing independent research/lab work over the entire summer with my molecular biology professor, and from July 13-August 25 or so I'll be doing volunteer work at the local hospital several hours per day. I don't have classes then, however, so it shouldn't be too bad.

I'll also be reading through several of my texts again in preparation for the upcoming semester, which is certain to prove hellish-- organic chem, psychological statistics (a full stats course with a psych focus), genetics, and physics. Kill me. :p

Luckily for me (unluckily when my bills come, but whatever :p), I'm not working anymore, though I may work a few days over the summer for some spending money-- they're always glad to have me back. So it's not like I have to any obligations to a job or anything, which helps.

EDIT: Oh yeah, somewhere in there I plan on getting on a set exercise schedule and dropping a few* pounds

* Note: "few" = 15-20 :p


Beep Beep! MAF in Washington? Time to raise hell, Dragon Slave-style.

Anyhoo, I'll be heading to Japan for several weeks (probably 4-6) and then I'll be looking for a job until I get into the University of Washington.


I've already been wasting my days away for 2 months waiting for my stupid grad ceremonies (one more week to go). My summer plans include eventually updating my resume and looking for a job. Key word being eventually.


Play games...
Watch anime...
Read books...
Listen to music...
And excercise...

All of which I have been deprived of.


So far, it's been working at a campground on weekends, and training and working out and getting in pretty much the best shape of my life.

Come June 23 though, I'm off to the Dominican Republic for a month on a volunteer/"adventure tour" trip. First two weeks is volunteer work, second two weeks is just vacation-y stuff like scuba diving, white water rafting, hiking, horseback riding, windsurfing, etc.


An update to my first thread on new GAF, for this contemporary summer.

Find a girl, settle down.
Go camping in the Alpine Lakes of the Cascade mountains with my dad.
Find my religion.
Read a lot of good books, haven't read any good ones in a while.
Go to Bumbershoot this year.
Make up with some friends who I have wronged.
Get a car and tune it for under $5000 (total price including car).
Cry myself to sleep tonight knowing most won't happen.
Moved from intern to permanent at my current company, so I expect to be working a lot of hours to establish myself. Also will be joining the gym (employee discount!). Hmm, I also have to read through a book on the stock market. Nothing much, really.
Big Family Fishing Trip
Intonation Music Festival
Get wisdom teeth removed
Work on big art project involving cut pieces of wood
Play music, buy more music on vinyl

Whoa, worked right, I could pass that off as a poem. A bad poem. :(
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