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What are your weird habits?


I'm 31 and I still bite my nails down to the skin every day. Dunno if I'll ever get away from it.

Did bite my nails for like 3+decades. Stopped and only do it when they become to long or am stressed. I'd rather clip 'm


I rub my ballsack and smell it. And I LIKE it

Who Cares So What GIF by PragerU
A whole lot of my daily routine is timed almost to the minute (lunch at 11:45, gym at 14:00, dinner are 19:10 just to name a few) and I kinda get irritated when someone or something throws me off of this.

Really do my best to loosen up a bit about this but it’s really hard sometimes. I keep thinking that I’ll meet folks who will make me see the light and that it’s better if I don’t do this but sadly I never do. Then I hope one day I’ll meet someone who I can share this with to some degree but sadly I don’t as well…. So here I am.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I eat cheese off the block


I love a good bite of the toenails

I like to hollow out a baguette and pour ramen noodles inside and have a sloppy noodle filled bread treat infrequently

I like to see how far I can dangle a turd before sucking it back into my ass
You can suck them back in!? What in the fuck…


I shave my nose hair every 3 days and make sure there's no hair at all inside. It's gotta be really clean. I shine a torch inside my nostrils to make sure there's not a single strand of hair.

When I meet new people, the first thing I notice about them is whether they have nostril hair sticking out of their noses. And if I talk to someone who is lying down or much taller than me, I'll try to peer inside their nostrils to check for hair.
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Gold Member
I wash dishes by hand since it’s just me. Order:

Cheese grater
Big dishes
Small dishes
Pots and pans
Rinse out any plastic containers for recycling bin
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Ι like to lock up things. Even when i was a child i liked to lock my toys into closets and other containers instead of playing with them. Nowadays i love learning about the best locks, the most secure doors, etc, and i even modified a cheap electronic safe into a secure box that will give any burglar who will try to take it's contents a hard time.

There's nothing of great value inside.
I shave my nose hair every 3 days and make sure there's no hair at all inside. It's gotta be really clean. I shine a torch inside my nostrils to make sure there's not a single strand of hair.

When I meet new people, the first thing I notice about them is whether they have nostril hair sticking out of their noses. And if I talk to someone who is lying down or much taller than me, I'll try to peer inside their nostrils to check for hair.
I pluck mine too regularly and notice when someone has long hair sticking out of their nose but that shit is next level man.


Gold Member
I douse my foot and hands with rubbing alcohol whenever I feel the slightest bit of dirt in them.

I’ve done this before covid. Now nobody questions my excessive alcohol shopping.


Lately, I like my SUVs as quiet as possible from external noise. Gone through many vehicles to find that dreamy isolated silence. Then I sound deaden it even further using Resonix, and install either CDT or Focal speakers.
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After I've dropped the kids off at the pool, I like to return to the bathroom a couple of minutes later to check how the aroma has developed.

(Because you can't fully appreciate it when you're on the job, like the proverbial frog in hot water.)


If I have a plate filled with different foods, I eat each one until it's gone before moving on to the next. I'm also a terrible multitasker and prefer to focus on one thing until it's done rather than bounce between tasks. Related?

That's kinda weird. Any thoughts behind that habit? Like you don't like the mixing of different flavors and textures etc?

I just reminded myself of something I regularly do, I wouldn't really call it a habit perse but I tend to take shortcuts when walking in my home. Like always banging my shins against my table and bumping my sides when walking through doorways. It's so fucking stupid. It's like doing a racing game time trial and look how much I can skip before getting a penalty.


This so much.

Yes I get a very mild panic attack when I forget my water bottle.

Also toothpaste gives me cottonmouth so I try to keep mints on hand to gain some saliva.

Really annoying.

Again srry for the double post. Can't put quotes when editing. Maybe through the menu but I wouldn't know.
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I do think its mainly i want to "finish" one thing before moving on. Leaving things unfinished is anxiety inducing

I'm not familiar with leaving things unfinished in regards to food.

So my assumption is that it was an example that we can extrapolate since you mentioned multi tasking.

Crazy how that also applies to your eating habits. Well not crazy but you know.



Not so much of a "habit" but one of my quirks is that I don't like to eat food that's stored in a container type that (in my mind) it shouldn't be in.

Things like bagged milk, peanut butter in tubes/packets, soup in a thermos, etc.


The day posting after a ... let's say a friday night, I get flashes of posts I made.

Which make me cringe.
A lot.

Also IRL.

Anyways, when I get hit with a flashback I give a immediate vocal response.

Shouting curse words, random grunt or singing.

Such a positive experience

Can't wait for tomorrow
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Bro. I've listened to the Smile's second album on repeat before listening to their first for another month. Love weird food combos and have been taken cold showers daily for 2 years now. We are the same.

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