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What BG2 Character Should I make Next?

Since my current game hit a bug, what character should I restart with? Monks are cool but cheesy. Wild Mages rock and im not completely against using one again. Im more concerned with race n stuff, I want it to be interesting.


I had a lot of fun with a half-elf swashbuckler. I'm too lazy to fuck around with magic and stuff, so I liked eventually getting her boots of speed and having about a million attacks a round.

Monks are cool, but hell *yes* they are cheesy. I'm playing one now, and it's way too powerful already. Still fun destroying stuff. Quivering Palm can't come fast enough.
Yeah I played halfway through with a monk once and sorta stopped cause it wasnt nearly as fun as being a wild mage. Maybe ill be a gnome male wild mage.

I SO wanna go evil but I have so much trouble staying evil. I wanna do right.


MrAngryFace said:
I SO wanna go evil but I have so much trouble staying evil. I wanna do right.

Yeah, I sucked at being evil. It hurt so bad to know the hamster was disappointed in me.

BTW, Edwin rocks. He's like HK-47, but rude and condescending. He's just like HK-47. And the amount of spells he holds is sickening. I got rid of Minsc :p.
yeah im ditching minsc if I go melee, but when I go spell I dont really want another majiks idiot mucking around on my turf.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Someday, for the heck of it, i'll make a Blade in BG2. I heard they were a lot of fun and made things quite hard :D
tre is right.

Im playing bg2 with an assassin right now and its fucking awesome. I feel all scary.

My icewind dale + heart of winter party has two druids just to be ultra cheese.

Still havent started my Icewind DAle 2 party, Icewind Dale II likes to kick my ass if I dont do things right with party creation.
Monk's are really hard to start out with, but by time you're level 12-13 (you start at level 7), it's ridiculous how powerful they are.
stunning blow or whatever is really nice even right when the game starts. I find by chapter 2/3 they are already a little too crazy.
Stunning blow is cool, Quivering Palm is the insta-kill attack :p. And the fun thing about stunning blow is that although it only last 10 seconds or so, you have 3 attacks per round at level 9, and your fists are already considered +1 weapons.


I'm doing pretty well as a ranger, although I'm currently doing the reload tango against that stupid blind beholder dungeon.

(reload tango = attack => die => reload => repeat ad infinitum or until my party manages to not die)



I thought the dungeon was great as a tutorial...took me over an hour to get out my first time, though i can blaze through there in around 20minutes now :b

I wouldn't exactly skip that as there are items and experience points that can come in handy...plus it's short if you know what to do :)
The mod still gives you the XP you'd get from doing the quests and the acorns blah blah. Basically, all the shit I would do irregardless, but without doing it for the umpteenth time. But yeah, it's a clever tutorial dungeon, but I *don't* want to do it more than twice. Often times thinking about that dungeon totally makes me not want to make a new character.
Tre said:
I hate irenicus's dungeon so hard, I just decided to use a mod that skips it.

Wow, I didn't know such a thing existed (found it here). And yeah, that dungeon is part of why I haven't felt like giving the game another try. :p I felt like it bogged down my momentum and excitement for the game every time I wanted to get started again. This should give me a nice kickstart next time I get going. :)














It's all about the elven fighter/mage, but everyone knows that :p

If you wanna try something interesting, why don't you do something along the lines of a thief/mage? I bet you cash money that he could become an assassin to be reckoned with.
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