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What Classic Martial Arts Arcade Game Is This?


A while back there used to be this really cool Kung Fu like Arcade game I used to play all the time. It had the same basic gameplay mechanic as Kung Fu, constant rows of enemies rushing at you and the same one hit kills if I recall. The weird thing though that makes me think this wasn't Kung Fu is for one thing, the first level starts out on a grassy field and another thing I remember is when you got trapped on both sides in this game, you had to do a weird jump kick type of move, as opposed to Kung Fu's just turning around and kicking.

Oh and did I forget to mention it was a 16-bit like Arcade game and not on a console? :lol

Anyone know what this could be, I'm dying to play this again.


Maybe you just think it had outdoor parts because the home versions of Kung-Fu Master had green floors and orange poles:

You definitely had to do that jump move if you were surrounded though. I remember it well :)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Jonnyram said:
Maybe you just think it had outdoor parts because the home versions of Kung-Fu Master had green floors and orange poles:

You definitely had to do that jump move if you were surrounded though. I remember it well :)

My favorite boss is the black dude... no Kung Fu needed to whoop ass from him!


Jonnyram said:
Maybe you just think it had outdoor parts because the home versions of Kung-Fu Master had green floors and orange poles:

You definitely had to do that jump move if you were surrounded though. I remember it well :)

Well I did say it was an arcade game, I used to play it all the time after school at this center I used to visit. It was a newer 16-bit quality game, believe me, it was a grassy field, got killed in it a bunch of times.

Can you give more details from what you remember?

God I wish I could, this was way back in like 1992 though when I was in like, 8 or 9. :lol Getting whooped up on a grassy field is all I can remember. I know some of you guys can recall a few clones of the game right? I'm dying here!


Jonnyram said:
Maybe you just think it had outdoor parts because the home versions of Kung-Fu Master had green floors and orange poles:

You definitely had to do that jump move if you were surrounded though. I remember it well :)

Man, Kung-Fu Master. I'd almost forgotten how much money I put into that machine. It was awesome (for me (back then :)P))).

aoi tsuki

My vote would go to China Warrior, but it was on the 8-bit TG-16, and i think the first stage was outdoors, but with a gate in the background.


Wow, that game is really similar to what I was talking about, the game I'm talking about was in arcades though. Did this ever come to arcades, it might be it.


And even i am moderately surprised
Trivia : in the C64 conversion of Kung Fu master, if you press the C= key on the first level only , your character will shoot the enemies.

Anyways, could it be any of these ?

Last Battle/Fist of the north star


Last Apostle Puppet show


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

Was that last game an arcade game? Is it emulated?

His description sounds like Kung-Fu Kid on the SMS... I loved that game.

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