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what did y'all feel when luke threw his lightsaber away?



wow what a scene, isnt that crazy.

anyway, is there any other good scifi flms like bladerunner or that 1st person one where someone takes DMT in a city apartment with crazy visuals and windows visualizers?


I thought this was about throwing away the lightsaber in the fake Star Wars movie. Lol. I was about to say disgust.

This scene was awesome, and shows what Luke/a Jedi truly is. He answered decades of hate and manipulation with the only thing that could have stopped it -- earnesty, true goodness, and the trust and love to put his life in Anakin's hands.

That's such good writing, storytelling, and understanding of the characters.


Let me explain the difference and I'll make this brief.

In the good film Luke throws the lightsaber away as a refusal to kill Vader in a duel because of his heroic virtue. He knows that if he gives in to the temptation to execute his enemy, his own father, in his wrath, it could be a corrupting catalyst on a journey toward revenge, power, and the "dark side."

In the garbage film Luke throws it away because Disney picked the wrong director who thought it would be cool to have Luke defy our expectations and suddenly becoming a selfish, grumpy hermit who has abandoned his family and noble cause.

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I felt like dying my hair purple and suicide ramming my car into a bunch of Ewoks on the car ride home.

Fuck wrong movie.


Let me explain the difference and I'll make this brief.

In the good film Luke throws the lightsaber away as a refusal to kill Vader in a duel because of his heroic virtue. He knows that if he gives in to the temptation to execute his enemy, his own father, in his wrath, it could be a corrupting catalyst on a journey toward revenge, power, and the "dark side."

In the garbage film Luke throws it away because Disney picked the wrong director who thought it would be cool to have Luke defy our expectations, suddenly becoming a selfish, grumpy hermit who has abandoned his family and noble cause.


got suckered in bich

the best SW content is the behind the scenes of the OT & prequels, for different reasons.

well MY LUKE FROM THE DaRk FO0rCES risiNG BoOK tRilogy WAS constantly following pregnant leia about feeding her anime dialogue and putting his head against her belly so he could force-hear™ the force-sensitive™ babies kicking up a New Generation™ of Jedi™ .

Ulysses 31

A big mistake on his part, he should know better than to disarm himself in front of a force dark side master.

He gambled on his father helping out if things went south but he went out like a little bitch till Vader intervened.


I felt like “oh god this director is full of himself we are going to be stuck with Luke on the rest of this lame island for the entire film doing a self aware rip off of Empire aren’t we?”

mr subvert expectations actually did exactly what I saw him doing. ended up being the most boring entry
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got suckered in bich

the best SW content is the behind the scenes of the OT & prequels, for different reasons.

well MY LUKE FROM THE DaRk FO0rCES risiNG BoOK tRilogy WAS constantly following pregnant leia about feeding her anime dialogue and putting his head against her belly so he could force-hear™ the force-sensitive™ babies kicking up a New Generation™ of Jedi™ .
I replied to your OP and it was a trap! O man! You got me and even called me a "bich"! Clever! And I've never read a Star Wars book and care almost nothing about the franchise, OT or otherwise. So yeah, you aren't hurting me.


It was the point in the movie a laughed hard and said to myself "Strap in, this is going places!" While my non star wars fan girlfriend and everyone else in the theater didn't get why I found that so amusing, like I was the only one laughing.

Kev Kev


Brave. Strong. Womyn. Purple.
i dont hate this character as much as others, and in general i love all the new SW movies, with TLJ being one of my fav's (sue me 🤷‍♂️ ). however, i find it so annoying that they (whether it was the actress, writer or director or whatever) went so far out of their way to make her so unlikeable. like, why? why did she have to be sassy and snippy?

i thought she would have been a much better character had they left that out. her being like that made her come off as emotional and not powerful, and I love powerful women! it made her seam weak imho, like she had to throw sass in there to make her point bc she hads no fucking idea what she was doing (a lot like what managers at the grocery store i used to work at would do, men and women). like, youre supposed to be a powerful boss ass bitch, you dont need sass just tell youre people to sit down, listen and shut the fuck up. just be a stone cold leader that doesn't have time for bullshit like throwing sass at her staff to try and make her point. she would have come off as so much more of a powerful leader and like-able too.

i dont get it


I replied to your OP and it was a trap! O man! You got me and even called me a "bich"! Clever! And I've never read a Star Wars book and care almost nothing about the franchise, OT or otherwise. So yeah, you aren't hurting me.

lol not trying to hurt you jeez were all tryna have a good time here



wow what a scene, isnt that crazy.

anyway, is there any other good scifi flms like bladerunner or that 1st person one where someone takes DMT in a city apartment with crazy visuals and windows visualizers?
One of the best scenes. Purposely making himself vulnerable to the power of the dark side as the only means of confronting it head on. I didn't watch the fake star wars films so I don't know what Luke does in 8. I saw the garbage that was 7 and realized whatever else Disney put out wasn't going to be worth my hard earned shekels.
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I was like "wow he is disarming himself in this scenario? Maybe he is confidential in his force healing powers'


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
For the original trilogy, George Lucas studied the archetypical hero's journey under his mentor Joseph Campbell, read classic literature and mythology extensively, and drew inspiration from legendary figures of cinema like Akira Kurosawa, all in order to create something that would resonate with audiences on a fundamental human level.

For The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson thought it would be funny to subvert audience expectations.

Ulysses 31

One of the best scenes. Purposely making himself vulnerable to the power of the dark side as the only means of confronting it head on.
What good is making yourself vulnerable if you're gonna get crushed moments after? o_O

Lucky for him his gamble on Vader payed off otherwise he would've just been another casualty of the empire.


Hold onto your panties
For the original trilogy, George Lucas studied the archetypical hero's journey under his mentor Joseph Campbell, read classic literature and mythology extensively, and drew inspiration from legendary figures of cinema like Akira Kurosawa, all in order to create something that would resonate with audiences on a fundamental human level.

For The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson thought it would be funny to subvert audience expectations.
Which makes me wonder what exactly they've been teaching film students (especially those going to elite schools) the past 20-years. 🤔


ChatGPT 0.001
Throwing the saber was a HUGE risk, I think Luke was trying to send a message. I wouldn't have thrown it the light saber is just too badass of a weapon.



Luke threw his saber before in ROTJ when he was fighting Darth Vader and Sidious was egging him on.

Luke threw his saber in TLJ cause he wanted to suck the milk out of alien tits instead.


i dont hate this character as much as others, and in general i love all the new SW movies, with TLJ being one of my fav's (sue me 🤷‍♂️ ). however, i find it so annoying that they (whether it was the actress, writer or director or whatever) went so far out of their way to make her so unlikeable. like, why? why did she have to be sassy and snippy?

i thought she would have been a much better character had they left that out. her being like that made her come off as emotional and not powerful, and I love powerful women! it made her seam weak imho, like she had to throw sass in there to make her point bc she hads no fucking idea what she was doing (a lot like what managers at the grocery store i used to work at would do, men and women). like, youre supposed to be a powerful boss ass bitch, you dont need sass just tell youre people to sit down, listen and shut the fuck up. just be a stone cold leader that doesn't have time for bullshit like throwing sass at her staff to try and make her point. she would have come off as so much more of a powerful leader and like-able too.

i dont get it

Laura Dern is one of my favorite actresses and I was so excited to see her in a SW film but everything about her character and performance was a complete travesty. I have never seen her put out such a terrible performance and her killing it right after with Marriage Story and Little Women makes it stand out even more.

Of course, outside of Driver and Isaac everyone seemed to be phoning it in or overacting so maybe it was just poor direction.
I thought this was about throwing away the lightsaber in the fake Star Wars movie. Lol. I was about to say disgust.

This scene was awesome, and shows what Luke/a Jedi truly is. He answered decades of hate and manipulation with the only thing that could have stopped it -- earnesty, true goodness, and the trust and love to put his life in Anakin's hands.

That's such good writing, storytelling, and understanding of the characters.
Let me explain the difference and I'll make this brief.

In the good film Luke throws the lightsaber away as a refusal to kill Vader in a duel because of his heroic virtue. He knows that if he gives in to the temptation to execute his enemy, his own father, in his wrath, it could be a corrupting catalyst on a journey toward revenge, power, and the "dark side."

In the garbage film Luke throws it away because Disney picked the wrong director who thought it would be cool to have Luke defy our expectations and suddenly becoming a selfish, grumpy hermit who has abandoned his family and noble cause.


Same for me


i was like "wait a minute are they showing us a scene from the last film?"

then i realized that no, it wasn't the same scene, it was different. even though Luke was still wearing his Jedi robes. for that one scene. before Rian had him change into that trash bag he wore for the remaining 80% of the film.

so "they are going to show us a re-do of the final scene from the last film?" i admit it was weird. usually these things jump forward in time. this was the first time we actually backtracked. then showed something else! as if the last thing we saw was a lie.

like what a way to start your movie off, by showing that no matter what happens, you can just rewrite history. what a way to demonstrate how pointless and arbitrary this whole sequel trilogy is.

it was a quick way for me to figure out "Whatever happens in the next 2 and a half hours is literally pointless because it can and will be overwritten just like it is right here" and wouldn't you know, i was entirely right?
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wow what a scene, isnt that crazy.

anyway, is there any other good scifi flms like bladerunner or that 1st person one where someone takes DMT in a city apartment with crazy visuals and windows visualizers?

To be fair he only threw it away because he thought the Emperor had no weapons to attack him with and got a little cocky. Had he known about UNLIMITED... POWER! He probably would have hung on to it. I swear Obi-Wan and Yoda were Shit a Briefings, Surely that shit qualified as NEED TO KNOW. What if Luke had found out Vader was his Papa after he'd killed him? You don't think that shit would have drove Luke Straight to the Darkside?
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it's not really about the toolkit

surrender and abdication at that level (with so much on the line) is not easy, especially when your father is the most powerful force in the universe


its a cool scene but forever ruined. ROTJ is irreparably damaged by the ST:

TFA - Han/Leia broke up eventually and were shit parents who raised Darth Vader 2. more Death Stars. Leia never trained and stayed in the military instead.
TLJ - Yoda's dying wish was for nothing. Luke trained nobody except for Darth Vader 2. well there are mentions of other students but none of the movies are concerned with any of them for some reason. Rian rehashed the ROTJ throne room scene.
TROS - Vader's sacrifice was for nothing. he didn't kill the Emperor, Rey did. he wasn't the chosen one, Rey was. the Emperor kills the last Skywalker.

the original lightsaber toss is indeed a great moment but that is one ROTJ moment ripped off among many in TLJ that is hard to enjoy now without thinking about that shitstain of a film. i recommend watching the original pre-Special Edition release.
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wow what a scene, isnt that crazy.

anyway, is there any other good scifi flms like bladerunner or that 1st person one where someone takes DMT in a city apartment with crazy visuals and windows visualizers?
Enter The Void (great movie)

… I will recommend
-Altered States
-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
-Pink Floyd The Wall
-The City Of Lost Children
-The Cell
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