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What do guys get out of a same-sex relationship that's better than a straight one?

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I mean most homosexuals are effeminate, like a woman, sensative like a woman, has good fashion sense like a woman....

I guess what I don't get is what people get out of a homosexual relationship that is better than being with a woman. I don't get how someone would like the smell of a dude's ass more than the smell of a chick.

I'm not trying to flame or troll, I just want to understand.




Drunky McMurder
Can I be embarrassed for the straight guys and annoyed for the gay guys at the same time without being bisexual?


Well, as Henry Rollins put it:

"Picture a room full of guys who are into guys who are into guys! You wouldn't hear any bullshit conversation. You'd just hear belt buckles hitting the ground. Oh yeah, you'd meet your partner during the act:
'Hiya doin, I'm Barney. I'm a rough rider. Come on, fucker, COME ON! Oh yeah!'
Moanin', groanin', pokin', and chokin'."

I have no idea how accurate that is, though. I was only hit on by a man once, and he was about 30 years my senior, so I turned him down. Perhaps if he wanted to flash some cash, I could've found out.
I mean most homosexuals are effeminate, like a woman, sensative like a woman, has good fashion sense like a woman....

Yay for stereotypes. You probably know alot of gay people but since the effeminate ones are the most visible you only notice them.


There so much wrong with that initial post. I don't even know where to begin. Archaix pretty much nailed it.
Invader Zim said:
I mean most homosexuals are effeminate, like a woman, sensative like a woman, has good fashion sense like a woman....

I guess what I don't get is what people get out of a homosexual relationship that is better than being with a woman. I don't get how someone would like the smell of a dude's ass more than the smell of a chick.

I'm not trying to flame or troll, I just want to understand.

How the fuck do you want to understand when you've clearly already made up your mind about what it means and what it is to be gay.

Here's your answer, what I get out of being gay is having someones true colors being shown and not having to deal with jerks like yourself. That's a big plus!
Teh Hamburglar said:
Yay for stereotypes. You probably know alot of gay people but since the effeminate ones are the most visible you only notice them.

Yay for reading what you wanted to read. Note I said "most", not all.
Speaking from my gay point of view - it's the way we're born.

To be straightforward - I don't find breasts or vaginas even slightly arousing; I'm not scared of either but I just don't find them exciting. Penises and male bodies however are a different story. It's just the way our brains (homosexual's brains) think and work.

I don't think the original poster should be banned, the question isn't offensive or made as a joke (as far as I can tell anyway)..
kitchenmotors said:
Here's your answer, what I get out of being gay is having someones true colors being shown and not having to deal with jerks like yourself. That's a big plus!

So women don't show their true colors? I didn't realise. I don't see why I'm a jerk when I'm just trying to become more understanding...but oh well.
Invader Zim said:
So women don't show their true colors? I didn't realise.

It's not that they don't show their true colours. It's that gay people have the balls to actually show theirs, and not just stay in the closet because people like you think they should (that's if you do).

way more

Bad form.

One thing they have going is they don't have to deal with girls. I mean, damn, can you imagine how much easier life would be.
Freestyler said:
Speaking from my gay point of view - it's the way we're born.

To be straightforward - I don't find breasts or vaginas even slightly arousing; I'm not scared of either but I just don't find them exciting. Penises and male bodies however are a different story. It's just the way our brains (homosexual's brains) think and work.

I don't think the original poster should be banned, the question isn't offensive or made as a joke (as far as I can tell anyway)..

Thank you for answering honestly. At least you didn't try to attack me like the other guy did. This is what I wanted to know.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Gay people are eeeevil! It's not blood that runs through their veins, but black goo.

anyway, before I cross the line from buzzed to drunk, I'll make this one coherent post: I think the benefit is that as a guy who's got the hots for other guys, you konw what you're going after. You can think like what you're going after. And, as guys, gay guys of course all think like guys, so they don't have to put up with the bullshit straight guys hav eto put up with women. "Hey partner nice pecs, wanna fuck?" Sure!" And the buttfuckin commencess......you get my drift.
demon said:
And, as guys, gay guys of course all think like guys, so they don't have to put up with the bullshit straight guys hav eto put up with women. "Hey partner nice pecs, wanna fuck?" Sure!" And the buttfuckin commencess......you get my drift.

That's if you're a dirty slut. We're not all like that :)


Well you really shouldn't start out the thread with such stupid stereotypes, unless you really are that ignorant. The majority of gay guys are not feminine or sensitive or blessed with great fashion sense. It's that very small percentage of 'flamers' that set the stereotype for everyone.
demon said:
anyway, before I cross the line from buzzed to drunk, I'll make this one coherent post: I think the benefit is that as a guy who's got the hots for other guys, you konw what you're going after. You can think like what you're going after. And, as guys, gay guys of course all think like guys, so they don't have to put up with the bullshit straight guys hav eto put up with women. "Hey partner nice pecs, wanna fuck?" Sure!" And the buttfuckin commencess......you get my drift.

That's a good point. No wasted time with the dating bullshit.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
haha, this is funny.

You've got a guy here listing stereotypes of how gays are, and a bunch of gays saying no, and he continues. lol

I think gays are just attracted to the same sex, for whatever reason. It's not the social aspects and benefits.
Mason said:
Well you really shouldn't start out the thread with such stupid stereotypes, unless you really are that ignorant. The majority of gay guys are not feminine or sensitive or blessed with great fashion sense. It's that very small percentage of 'flamers' that set the stereotype for everyone.

That's my bad.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cubsfan23 said:
I think what we really wanna know, is if there's 2 lesbians in the room, which one approaches the other?
No no no....when they're dancing, who leads?


People here are way too eager to be politically correct. You don't have to knock over a magazine rack whenever someone has a legitimate question about gay people; the guy genuinely doesn't understand and wanting to find out is never a bad thing.

And out of the gay people that I know, which is only about ten, half of them do have the stereotypical feminine nasal type voice, and 'campy' body language. I don't know why (interested if anyone does BTW), but I'm not gonna deny it.
How's this for cruel - I can't suck dick because I can't freakin open my mouth wide enough (jaw is pieced together with titanium screws) :(

Surely there must be some workaround for this :D


Freestyler said:
How's this for cruel - I can't suck dick because I can't freakin open my mouth wide enough (jaw is pieced together with titanium screws) :(

Surely there must be some workaround for this :D

Dude, too much info.


snaildog said:
People here are way too eager to be politically correct. You don't have to knock over a magazine rack whenever someone has a legitimate question about gay people; the guy genuinely doesn't understand and wanting to find out is never a bad thing.

And out of the gay people that I know, which is only about ten, half of them do have the stereotypical feminine nasal type voice, and 'campy' body language. I don't know why (interested if anyone does BTW), but I'm not gonna deny it.

You have to admit the question is very strange, whether he intended to be rude or not. The upside for gay guys being with guys vs. being with girls is quite simply because they are with people they're attracted to. It doesn't take a brilliant leap of logic to realize that.

I think the reason people are having such a reaction to his question is because the way he asked it implied that to him, the defining characteristic of a gay guy is that they are effeminate and have good fashion sense, and that what he wants to know is how that goes along with liking guys, and not the other way around.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Freestyler said:
That's if you're a dirty slut. We're not all like that :)

In your opinion is the dating scene easier? I only have one gay friend (found out 4 months ago) and he hasn't really had an easy time at all. This guy he liked made out with him at a party, but then acted like a real jerk the next day and claimed it never happen so nobody would find out he was gay. I felt really bad for him. :(

I think we are seeing a new generations of homosexuals that aren't really that effeminate. I mean I saw a lot of guys you just knew were gay, but I didn't know my friend was that way until my girlfriend told me what she had been hearing he was doing at some parties. I kinda felt bad that he didn't feel he could come to me with it and that I had to find out that way. I bet I said some insensitive things not even knowing what he was going through...

That effeminate thing is true a lot, but people just can't be labeled like that. You never know, you know?


Freestyler said:
Says the man who came into a thread about same-sex relationships.

Well I was obviously kidding in my post, but your reply makes no sense. :( I'm keeping an eye out on the topic so that I can close it if it degenerates into petty name calling and insults, like any other mod would, if you must know.


maharg said:
You have to admit the question is very strange, whether he intended to be rude or not. The upside for gay guys being with guys vs. being with girls is quite simply because they are with people they're attracted to. It doesn't take a brilliant leap of logic to realize that.

I think the reason people are having such a reaction to his question is because the way he asked it implied that to him, the defining characteristic of a gay guy is that they are effeminate and have good fashion sense, and that what he wants to know is how that goes along with liking guys, and not the other way around.

Yeah to me it sounds strange as well, but it's not uncommon. I've known a LOT of people (mainly Christian) who think that being gay is a conscious decision, and at least this guy is asking questions and not hating.

And acting effeminate IS often a characteristic.
Freestyler said:
That's if you're a dirty slut. We're not all like that :)

I don't think being a "slut" is a necessarily a bad thing... I used to be against it in the past but I'm all for it now if: 1) You're single* 2) Both parties are attracted to each other 3) Casual sex wont have any bad side effects on either's life... My boyfriend thinks differently than me though, he's against "one-night stands" and I respect his opinion, but I think he'll likely change his mind in a few years (he's only 18)... I think (or hope) that most people eventually realize that drama-less sex can be a good thing.

* Rule 1 can be skipped if you're in an "open minded" relationship and your partner doesn't mind you having the ocassional quickie with someone else. Not saying that I'm in that kind of relationship or if I ever could be in one, but I know it exists and I'm not against it if both partners are cool with it.


snaildog said:
People here are way too eager to be politically correct. You don't have to knock over a magazine rack whenever someone has a legitimate question about gay people; the guy genuinely doesn't understand and wanting to find out is never a bad thing.

And out of the gay people that I know, which is only about ten, half of them do have the stereotypical feminine nasal type voice, and 'campy' body language. I don't know why (interested if anyone does BTW), but I'm not gonna deny it.

It's not about being PC....why can't people realize that there too many people to just say "most". That's like saying most str8 guys are knuckle dragging, wife slugging, beer bellied slobs.


I hate it that every time I’m around a homosexual I can’t speak in a relaxed manner because they’re almost always easily offended and they always have to make sure the entire world knows they’ve been offended. Also gay people are overly friendly towards me (especially), whenever I’m around them they end up touching me inappropriately and if I complain then I’m accused of gay bashing… I really hate this double standard shit.

Finally I can’t get accustomed to the whole stuck up attitudes of most gay people and their personas as a whole. Now mind you I have nothing against homosexuals that act like normal people. I don’t mind if I see two gay people kissing in the street, or gay people screwing each other in the ass at home, but when they start talking to me with a fagerish attitude… Well that’s when I get pissed. I don’t appreciate men talking to me as though they’ve been neutered, with their high pitched voices and flailing arms, always talking about other gay people and gay things. I mean get off it already; if you’re gay it doesn’t have to be pushed down everyone’s throat.

Please note that I’m also grossed out by lesbians with crew cuts, hairy arms, deep voices, and testicle implants the size of grapefruits.


OmniGamer said:
It's not about being PC....why can't people realize that there too many people to just say "most". That's like saying most str8 guys are knuckle dragging, wife slugging, beer bellied slobs.
It's not unreasonable for someone to think that most gays are like that. You see the way they're portrayed in TV comedies and everything, and then you meet one or two in real life who also act that way (because they're the ones that stick out).


fbcamp said:
I hate it that every time I’m around a homosexual I can’t speak in a relaxed manner because they’re almost always easily offended and they always have to make sure the entire world knows they’ve been offended. Also gay people are overly friendly towards me (especially), whenever I’m around them they end up touching me inappropriately and if I complain then I’m accused of gay bashing… I really hate this double standard shit.

Finally I can’t get accustomed to the whole stuck up attitudes of most gay people and their personas as a whole. Now mind you I have nothing against homosexuals that act like normal people. I don’t mind if I see two gay people kissing in the street, or gay people screwing each other in the ass at home, but when they start talking to me with a fagerish attitude… Well that’s when I get pissed. I don’t appreciate men talking to me as though they’ve been neutered, with their high pitched voices and flailing arms, always talking about other gay people and gay things. I mean get off it already; if you’re gay it doesn’t have to be pushed down everyone’s throat.

Please note that I’m also grossed out by lesbians with crew cuts, hairy arms, deep voices, and testicle implants the size of grapefruits.

It's called being OBNOXIOUS...and that can be the case whether you're an airhead, a jock, a feminist, a flaming queen, etc.
The thing is, most of the gay guys that I know that are "straight acting" (hate to use that, but it's the best-understood term out there) are very conservative about who they hit on. I have a general rule that I won't approach a guy unless he's given me looks at least five times, and even then, I won't flirt unless he starts first. I've probably lost out on meeting some really nice heteroflexible guys that way, but I really have to be careful. If I hit on the wrong (read: insecure about sexuality) guy when he's had just a bit too much to drink, I might end up somewhere painful. This, of course, assumes that I'm not in a situation where the sexual orientation is implied (gay club).

On the easily offended bit, I often make a point of stopping people when they use "gay" to mean, "cheap," "lame," or, "craptastic." I think if people replaced a racial, religious, or ethnic name in that space, people of that race, religion, or ethnicity would (rightfully) get pretty pissed. The only other thing that really pisses me off is "fag." Gay men, not even worthy of being "burned at the stake," were punished as the kindling of witchburnings. They were worth no more than sticks (a synonym for "faggot"). It's the equivalent of calling an African American person a "slave n-word," or telling a Jew to, "Go jump in a gas chamber." You would never say those things because it's well understood that they would be deeply offensive. Is it so incomprehensable that I might react to something like that? Beyond those two big things, I'm really easygoing. It's a delicate issue, because you really have to ask yourself, "How much of it is them being obnoxious, and how much of it is me being uncomfortable with ligitimate, non-offensive behavior?" If you consider a guy wearing "flamy" clothing to be offensive, that's really not his fault. That's your issue.
Wellington said:
Well I was obviously kidding in my post, but your reply makes no sense. I'm keeping an eye out on the topic so that I can close it if it degenerates into petty name calling and insults, like any other mod would, if you must know.

Oh ok, my bad. Sorry bout the confusion :)

adelgary said:
I don't think being a "slut" is a necessarily a bad thing... I used to be against it in the past but I'm all for it now if: 1) You're single* 2) Both parties are attracted to each other 3) Casual sex wont have any bad side effects on either's life... My boyfriend thinks differently than me though, he's against "one-night stands" and I respect his opinion, but I think he'll likely change his mind in a few years (he's only 18)... I think (or hope) that most people eventually realize that drama-less sex can be a good thing.

I'm 18 too, and I guess I might think differently in a couple of years. I'm not against casual hookups or sex if it's with a friend (as I've been doing for some time now, totally secretive however as he's not out), but people that go and fuck random others in parks etc. are the ones who kind of give us more low-key gays a bad rep.

fbcamp said:
I hate it that every time I’m around a homosexual I can’t speak in a relaxed manner because they’re almost always easily offended and they always have to make sure the entire world knows they’ve been offended. Also gay people are overly friendly towards me (especially), whenever I’m around them they end up touching me inappropriately and if I complain then I’m accused of gay bashing… I really hate this double standard shit.

Finally I can’t get accustomed to the whole stuck up attitudes of most gay people and their personas as a whole. Now mind you I have nothing against homosexuals that act like normal people. I don’t mind if I see two gay people kissing in the street, or gay people screwing each other in the ass at home, but when they start talking to me with a fagerish attitude… Well that’s when I get pissed. I don’t appreciate men talking to me as though they’ve been neutered, with their high pitched voices and flailing arms, always talking about other gay people and gay things. I mean get off it already; if you’re gay it doesn’t have to be pushed down everyone’s throat.

I'm not one of the ones who'll complain if someone says something anti-gay. I mean some of my good friends occasionally say 'that's so gay' or something and then look at me with an 'oops, sorry' look on their face and I'm just like 'don't worry about it'. It doesn't offend me in the slightest since the word isn't being used with homosexual connotations.

I also try to fit in as much as I can in any given situation - a couple of my friends' ex boyfriends really liked me and hated their girlfriends' other straight friends. So we're not all camp little girls who run around talking about how gay we are (only on message boards :D), arms flailing and all.

You can get really girly/feminine straight guys, really masculine/butch gay guys and even dainty little lesbian women.
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