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What do Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, & Bob Barr have in common?...Libertarian aspirations!

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Ron Paul was the Libertarian Presidential candidate in 1988.
Mike Gravel recently dropped out of the Democratic party to be a Libertarian and started running as a nominee for its 2008 Presidential candidate.

And now Bob Barr has become the presumptive front-runner as 2008 Libertarian Presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON - Former Republican Rep. Bob Barr launched a Libertarian Party presidential bid Monday, saying voters are hungry for an alternative to the status quo who would dramatically cut the federal government.

His candidacy throws a wild card into the White House race that many believe could peel away votes from Republican Sen. John McCain given the candidates' similar positions on fiscal policy.

Barr, who has hired Ross Perot's former campaign manager, acknowledged that some Republicans have tried to discourage him from running. But he said he's getting in the race to win, not to play spoiler or to make a point.

"I've heard from Americans from all walks of life ... they want a choice," he said at a news conference in Washington. "They believe that America has more and better to offer than what the current political situation is serving up to us."

Barr first must win the Libertarian nomination at the party's national convention that begins May 22. Party officials consider him a front-runner thanks to the national profile he developed as a Georgia congressman from 1995 to 2003.

If he wins the White House, he said he would immediately freeze discretionary spending in Washington. He also would begin withdrawing troops from Iraq and consider slashing spending at federal agencies such as the departments of education and commerce — as well as at overseas military bases.

The former U.S. attorney also said he would strictly enforce immigration laws.

"This notion that government owes something to people just because they're here does not resonate with me," he said. "This is not a charity."

Barr, 59, quit the Republican Party two years ago, saying he had grown disillusioned with its failure to shrink government and its willingness to scale back civil liberties in fighting terrorism. He has been particularly critical of President Bush over the war in Iraq and says the administration is ignoring constitutional protections on due process and privacy.

While in Congress, he was a persistent critic of President Clinton and was among the first to press for impeaching the former president. He helped manage House Republicans' impeachment case before the Senate.

He lost his seat to fellow Republican Rep. John Linder in 2002 after a redistricting. He then opened a lobbying and public affairs firm with offices in Atlanta and outside Washington.

The 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate, Michael Badnarik, took less than 1 percent of the vote, placing fourth behind President Bush, Democrat John Kerry and Independent Ralph Nader.

Hypocrisy Alert: A big attacker of Clinton for the Monica affair, apparently Bob Barr has had his own marital affair.


Sounds like a good guy, except for some of the racist stuff I've heard inklings about. Although him being in the race, combined with Georgia's demographics, might put the state in play:p
Tamanon said:
Sounds like a good guy, except for some of the racist stuff I've heard inklings about. Although him being in the race, combined with Georgia's demographics, might put the state in play:p
Yeah, he's got some views that don't sit well with me . . . but I've appreciated his strong stand for civil liberties in recent years. It is nice to see some Republicans like Kevin Philips, Bob Barr, and others rejecting the fiscal insanity and war-mongering that has characterized the GOP in recent years.


FFS, it's called perjury. Adultery isn't a crime, but perjury is. Possible sexual harassment / abusing the office of President to get some pussy is questionable enough to warrant questioning, and then he perjured himself.

In any event, Barr is alright, but he's hardly the rock of consistency and principle that is Paul.


Master of the Google Search
Xeke said:
They'll never win?

Pretty much. If you're a single ideology party like the Libertarian Party, you are naturally doomed to lose every election. Only big tent parties like the Democrats, Republicans or even the Reform Party can succeed and win elections.


Oh and a slight correction, Ron Paul does not have Libertarian aspirations, he is not leaving the party at all. The convention should be interesting:p
Bob Barr should be the Libertarian candidate. He actually is a Libertarian unlike Gravel who's not even close. I watched Barr's conference today and he seems like a decent guy. I disagree with him on many things, but he seems like a decent guy overall. I could see him doing some SLIGHT damage to McCain.


Master of the Google Search
ToyMachine228 said:
Bob Barr should be the Libertarian candidate. He actually is a Libertarian unlike Gravel who's not even close. I watched Barr's conference today and he seems like a decent guy. I disagree with him on many things, but he seems like a decent guy overall. I could see him doing some SLIGHT damage to McCain.



Mike Gravel was the the first politician who applied the term "hataz" to Bush&Cheney, therefore he must become the next president


ToyMachine228 said:
Bob Barr should be the Libertarian candidate. He actually is a Libertarian unlike Gravel who's not even close. I watched Barr's conference today and he seems like a decent guy. I disagree with him on many things, but he seems like a decent guy overall. I could see him doing some SLIGHT damage to McCain.
Gravel has got some big gov't programs, but the National Initiative proposal really is something Libertarian. That being said, I think he should've stayed Democrat, or gone to a different 3rd party.


Master of the Google Search
speculawyer said:
Well, I think he'd draw more votes from McCain than from Obama. But Ralph Nader will draw more votes from Obama than from McCain, so perhaps it just evens out?

Neither third party will be able to get enough votes to effect any state result. Especially not in the current political climate where everyone wants change one way or the other. The Liberarian party candidate will not be able to collect enough votes to hurt McCain and few voters will choose Nader over Obama this year. The only candidate who has a chance of effecting either Obama or McCain is probably Ron Paul
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