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What do you consider moderate politics?

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??? Everything is either extremely liberal or extremely conservative, it seems like on these forums.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Nothing is necessarily the right thing. That's what no one seems to understand. The majority of people seem to think the "right thing" has to either be liberal, conservative or moderate. It's bullshit. This world is lacking so hard in intelligence it's not even funny. No one wants to think anymore, it's all about making easy categorizations and passing the thinking off to a select few politicians who are only looking out for their jobs by giving their constituents short-term benefits that are bad for the country in the long-term.

Damnit. I find modern American politics so frustrating, especially watching the state I've called home for 17 years, New Jersey, go down the shitter as the governor is literally borrowing money FROM THE FUTURE in order to make his current budget work. Combine that with plans for adding all kinds of taxes to the rich which will drive them out of the state and vastly restricting school budgets in every form, and it's sickening.

Wow, what a crazy rant that turned out to be.
I'd guess a compromise (a real one) of opposing views. IMHO, not necessarily the right thing.

You don't have to compromise to be considered moderate. You can be against abortion and for gay rights, two unrelated issues that are on opposite ends of the political spectrum in the U.S. The fact that a person doesn't blindly follow every single view of either side makes them moderate, IMO.
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
You don't have to compromise to be considered moderate. You can be against abortion and for gay rights, two unrelated issues that are on opposite ends of the political spectrum in the U.S. The fact that a person doesn't blindly follow every single view of either side makes them moderate, IMO.

The term moderate usually implies that the person has views that are in the center. Wouldn't that mean mixing and compromising two different goals?
I consider myself very moderate, something I take pride in. But like someone said, more often than not it means agreeing with some parts of the left, right, and in-between rather than brokering compromises. Most of our problems are too complex for one just one partisan solution to be all we need. Democracy lends itself to compromise, but it's usually easier to bicker and go back and forth. I guess moderation is easier said than done. Anyone too far on either side of an issue tends to be "wrong," IMO, whether or not you're talking politics.

The sad thing is that most Americans are actually quite moderate, but the distinguishing feature of most of these American moderates is a disinterest in government. It's easier for you as a politician to develop a support base and stay in office by appealing to the people who genuinely care and are passionate enough to vote, protest, or volunteer, the people who actually affect government. These people are the ones with stronger political opinions, like Dems and Republicans, so they're the ones who get represented most.


*drowns in jizz*
One of the fucking stupidest things on this planet is gourping someones opinion into these 2 things. Fuck democrats and republicans. My opinions are based on my reasoning, humanity, experience, and intelligence. I don't need to be supporting either party.

What others consider 'liberal' 'left wing' etc, I perceive as the truth.
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