cases was and never should have been the metric or the fear driver. It was known since February that this is a very contagious virus.
The therapies, testing and just awareness has mad all the lockdowns and over reaching mandates unnecessary.
I would immediately say it intends to mislead by starting at a random point and not showing the full picture of covid, at least since we tabulate deaths by covid.
You don't need shiny shit to present comparable data. Moving averages is more than enough
Exaclty. It didn't matter what people did. All it did is shut the economy down.Seeing how the numbers keep going up and we are reaching deaths similar to the height of the start again and climbing seems to indicate none of that worked as people just stopped giving any fucks.
Bitch I work 12 hours a day.
I'm very tired sr.
May I ask what you work?Bitch I work 12 hours a day.
I'm very tired sr.